Animals of New Zealand: description and photo

The uniqueness of the natural and animal world of New Zealand, rich in endemic plants and birds, is due to remoteness from other lands and long historical isolation for 60-80 million years. About one thousand years ago in New Zealand from mammals there were:

  • sea ​​lions and seals;
  • whales;
  • several species of bats.

Land development

With the advent of man, rats and dogs appeared on the islands. A little later, pigs, goats, cows, cats and mice were introduced. The active formation of European settlements in the 19th century provoked the emergence of new species of animals.

In New Zealand, there are two types of endemic mammals that come from rare species of bats. Among the most unique and popular are:

  • kiwi bird;
  • the world's largest cacapo parrot;
  • one of the oldest reptiles is tuatar;
  • Kea's only mountain parrot .

The most devastating effects on plants and animals in New Zealand were triggered by the advent of rats, rabbits and possums.


The fauna of the islands is exceptional and unique. For example, the symbol of New Zealand - kiwi - is positioned as a bird, although it cannot even fly, it lacks full wings.

animals of new zealand
Representatives of the wingless genus have no feathers, hair grows in their place, and they also have very powerful paws, with the help of which these creatures walk and run. Kiwi is a nocturnal animal. The main enemies are birds (falcons and eagles). Kiwis developed the ability to hide in forests or thickets of bushes and lead a nocturnal lifestyle, which reduced the likelihood of being eaten by other animals. They are very aggressive. It is noteworthy that kiwis do not defend with their beak like birds, but use their sharp claws. There are five types of kiwi in total.

What animals in New Zealand are there

Kakapo is an isolated representative of the subfamily of owl parrots. He has very strongly developed facial plumage, so he has similarities with owls. Green parrot feathers with black stripes on the back.

what animals in new zealand
Kakapo has excellent wings, but due to the fact that the keel of the sternum is practically undeveloped, and the muscles are very weak, he cannot fly. Previously, these endemics were widespread in New Zealand, but now they remain only in the southwestern part of the South Island. The parrot lives in forests and in areas with high humidity. Kakapo is the only parrot that leads mainly a nocturnal or twilight lifestyle. In the daytime, it hides in minks or clefts of rocks.


Tuatara is a unique animal of New Zealand, a descendant of dinosaurs. It is protected at the legislative level, and the government is trying to prevent the disappearance of the population, since there are only a hundred thousand reptiles left.

wildlife in new zealand
They have a lot of enemies, including themselves (male Tuatars are considered cannibals, they can eat eggs and growing offspring). They are also attacked by birds and other predators. In tuatars, mortality exceeds birth rates. For the reproduction of offspring requires a long period. Reptiles live up to about a hundred years. The favorite food of tuatar is insects.

What other animals live in New Zealand

Ermine was brought to New Zealand to control the rabbit population. But the animal successfully acclimatized and began to multiply very intensively, which led to an increase in population. Thus, an ermine from an assistant turned into a pest, which began to exterminate the chicks and eggs of local birds. This animal is a predator, has 34 sharp teeth and paws with tenacious claws. The animals are very agile and crawl perfectly through the trees. Ermine eats small rodents and birds.


These are marsupial mammals that move in leaps. A distinctive feature of this species is that the cubs are formed in the mother's bag, which is located on the stomach. The kangaroo has powerful hind legs to help them jump, and a long tail with which they hold their balance. Kangaroo has long ears and short soft coat. These New Zealand animals prefer nightlife and live in groups of several individuals. Many species of kangaroos are on the verge of extinction.

New Zealand skinks

There are three types of skinks: otago, sutra and large skink. Otago is a giant among endemic lizards and reaches 30 cm in length. Skinks breed every year. The offspring is usually 3–6 cubs.

animals of new zealand photo
Skinks have a greenish-yellow skin with a striped color that provides excellent camouflage for a rocky environment covered with lichens. Lizards feed on insects and plant fruits. They can often be seen on the rocks, where they bask in the sun. The number of large skinks only, according to the Ministry of Nature Protection, is 2-3 thousand individuals.

New Zealand Fur Seal

Fur seal belongs to the species of eared seals. Their coat is grayish-brown. Males have a gorgeous black mane. The growth of males is approximately 2 m 50 cm, and their weight can reach up to 180 kg. Females are much smaller than males: their height does not exceed 150 cm, and they weigh half as much as representatives of the male half. Fur seals are animals of New Zealand living throughout the ocean, especially on the island of Macquarie. It is inhabited year-round by young males, who still cannot conquer their own territories. At the end of the 19th century, large populations of fur seals were almost completely exterminated. Currently, animals are listed in the Red Book, there are approximately 35 thousand individuals.

New Zealand Sea Lion

The animal has a brown-black color. Males are the owners of the mane covering the shoulders, because of which they seem larger and more powerful. Females are much smaller than males, their coat is light gray in color. Ninety-five percent of the fur seal population is found on Auckland Island. Each male defends his own territory from other males. In battles, the most hardy and strongest representative wins. There are approximately 10-15 thousand individuals of this species.

which animals live in new zealand
Almost all types of animals are under state protection. Animals of New Zealand (photo you can see in the article), which cannot survive on their own, live in 14 national parks and hundreds of small reserves under the constant supervision of specialists. The unimaginable beauty and uniqueness of the local flora and fauna attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.


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