A. T. Tvardovsky "I know, no fault of mine ...". Poem Analysis: Idea and Artistic Form of a Work

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky is a beloved Soviet writer and journalist, but most of all he is known as a poet, in whose lines one of the most living reflections of the Great Patriotic War. Twardowski's works are taught in schools and taught by heart, they are quoted, sometimes without even noticing this fact, so easily fit into the memory of the line. Twardowski’s poetry, at first glance, uncomplicated, but lively, turns out to be much deeper if you look behind the facade of the first impression. She looks like a real, lively and sincere person, which makes her beloved by many.

I know no fault of mine analysis

The story of the creation of the poem

As you know now, Twardowski for many years was haunted by the horrors of war through which he had to go through as a war correspondent, even though he tried not to show this to his relatives. These paintings greatly affected the work of the poet, in which the idea sometimes slipped that his own death in the war would be more merciful than the constant experience of the death of others. All these thoughts in 1966 resulted in the poem “I Know No My Fault ...”, the analysis of which can be carried out for a long time, considering it from different angles, from different points of view. And, it should be said that many friends and relatives of Alexander Trifonovich were not enthusiastic about such thoughts and such his mood.

Twardowski I know no fault of my analysis

The main idea of ​​the poem

For the author, this poem is in many ways similar to confession, it is in it that he shares his innermost feelings, thoughts. The work is permeated by the indescribable depressing feeling that a person who has returned from the war experiences when he looks in the eyes of the relatives and friends of the deceased comrades. He understands that it didn’t happen through his fault, and that, in general, there’s nothing to blame himself for, but such thoughts themselves again and again come to mind, making you feel guilty, “for what he could, but not managed to save. " Making you think that it would be better if everything would have happened the other way around, forgetting that in this case his comrades would have been tormented by the same feeling. And the analysis of “I Know, No My Fault” by Twardowski will largely rely on this very idea.

Art form analysis

First of all, it should be said that even the structure of the rhyme in this work of Twardowski is tightly connected with the main content of the poem. The first two lines contain a pair rhyme:

“I know no fault of mine
That others did not come from the war. ”

With this smooth flow of speech, the author “begins” the thread of his thoughts. At first they go quite smoothly, without causing pain, but then comes the understanding that this feeling, a kind of guilt, is closed in a ring and inextricably. As well as a constant return to these thoughts.

In the third line of the poem there is such a stylistic device as the antithesis - “who is older, who is younger”, helping the author to emphasize the fact that in the war he saw the death of both adult mature men and very young boys, and this fact he also can’t to forget. The contrast is observed in the fifth line: "he could, but failed." This technique reflects the distasteful difference between the author between what really happened and what he would like.

analysis of the poem I know no fault of mine

The analysis “I know no fault of mine ...” helps to understand some more important things. The end of the poem, more than any other line, is permeated with a kind of hopelessness, a feeling that there is no way out of this circle. Saying "this is not about that," the author seems to deny all the previous lines, as if he wants to show that all previous thoughts were not serious, but then returns to them again, repeating three times the sad pensive "all the same." This repetition of many times reinforces the emotional message of the whole poem.


The analysis “I know, no fault of mine ...” is a task requiring greater mental sensitivity and the ability to present oneself in the place of the author. And this task is quite difficult for a modern person who does not have the same experience in life as Twardowski had.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1643/

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