Mom’s question: how to teach a child to sit on his own?

At the age of about eight months, the spine and muscles of the back and chest of the baby are usually ready to learn such an important skill as sitting. Do I need to help my child acquire this skill? How to teach a child to sit on his own? Our important article will answer these important questions.

how to teach a child to sit on his own

It is worth starting the preparation of the baby for sitting no earlier than five months if you have a boy, and no earlier than six months if you have a girl (if you start earlier, there may be problems with the uterus).

There are special exercises that help children learn how to sit. You need to start classes with a relaxing massage: massage your stomach, back, arms and legs. Then put the baby on a hard, even surface - it will be more convenient for him. So, we proceed to the exercise - we teach the child to sit down.

Take the baby by the hands and slowly pull it towards you until it sits down. Let him sit for a few seconds. Then, holding his head, put in its original position. Two or three weeks of such activities - and your son or daughter will sit confidently!

When young parents ask their grandparents the question: "How to teach a child to sit on their own?", They often get the answer: "Cover the child with pillows." Indeed, having such a support, the baby will sit, but not independently! This method can only be used at first. And here I want to remind you again - do not start too early! Also remember that all children develop individually - someone quickly learns various skills, someone later.

how to teach a child to sit down

Do not force the child to do something for which he is not ready yet, but do not let his development go by its own accord. And if you have suspicions that the baby is seriously behind in development, consult a pediatrician. By the way, he can also tell you how to teach your child to sit down.

A seven-month-old baby usually already knows how to sit for a long time. When he gets tired of sitting, he himself lies on his back. Now you can begin to show the child how to sit down independently.

teach a child to sit down

Performing exercises, do not pull him by both hands, but only by one - let one be a support. At the age of eight months, the baby must learn to sit down.

It happens that the baby sits, leaning on the handles. How to wean him from this? How to teach a child to sit on his own? This will help you exercise to maintain balance. Show the baby his favorite toy by moving it in different directions. The child will be carried away by the toy and will pull his hands to it - that is, he will cease to rely on them: our goal has been achieved. With regular exercise, the child will learn to control his muscles to maintain balance.

It is most convenient and safe to do the above exercise on the floor, putting the baby between the extended legs: when falling, he will be able to lean on them.

First, the child will try to get the toy with one hand, holding on to the other. However, soon he will begin to reach for the subject with both hands and will even be able to take what is on his back. Now you can proudly advise your friends how to teach your child to sit on their own with pride in your son or daughter. Good luck and optimism in the difficult matter of motherhood!


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