The provision of public services. Consular legalization

Consular legalization of documents that are compiled on the territory of the Russian Federation by official bodies is carried out in accordance with Order No. 9470 of June 18, 2012 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The provision of this service is carried out, unless otherwise provided by the Consular Charter or an agreement (of international importance), which cancels this procedure. The parties to the agreement are Russia and the state in whose territory the document is formed or will be used.

Full consular legalization. General information.
full consular legalization

Applicants can be legal entities or individuals. For application in the member states of the Hague Convention (5.10.1961), which abolishes the requirements for the legalization of official foreign documentation, the Apostille stamp is placed on Russian documents. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not have the authority to affix an apostille on contracts. Certification of provisions related to the production of foreign economic activity is carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Consular legalization. Required documents. Deadlines

The provision of public services is carried out in the presence of appropriate securities. In particular, they require: a statement, a document that will prove identity (for individuals), a power of attorney on representation of interests (for legal entities), a document for legalization, a receipt on payment of state duty, a copy of a paper confirming representation or kinship (if requested) document by persons replacing parents or parents in relation to children under the age of majority, as well as relatives of the deceased (deceased)).

consular legalization of documents
The term of the service is no more than five business days from the time of registration of the application with the relevant institution.

Reasons for Failure

Consular legalization is not granted if the papers are intended for use in the member states of the Hague Convention (5.10.1961), which repeals the requirement to legalize official papers; are not intended for export outside Russia (in accordance with the Law of 06.24.1991, No. 2261-1, which establishes the procedure for sending, exporting, collecting personal documents of foreign and Soviet citizens, stateless persons abroad. The service is not provided if the acts contain information contrary to Russian law, information that could harm the interests of the country, discrediting the dignity and honor of citizens.

consular legalization
Consular legalization is not carried out if the seal of the seal and the signature of the official representative on the submitted papers do not correspond to the samples available in the Ministry (or are absent among those available); obligatory details are not present (stamp, signature, date, number) or are not clearly visible, contain postscripts or erasures, blots, corrections, words crossed out or written in pencil. The service may be refused in the absence of numbering and stamps on the documentation of more than one sheet. Not stitched paper is not accepted.

Service Result

The applicant is issued a document containing a legalization inscription or a refusal to provide it.


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