How to get to Indie Cat Level 198: Simple Tactics

The popularity of “three in a row” games encourages developers not to stop there and add more and more levels, increasing their complexity. "Indie Cat", one of the most famous in the genre, already has more than one and a half thousand levels. Some need to be seriously brainwashed. For example, not every player from Odnoklassniki or VKontakte was able to immediately figure out how to get to level 198 in the Indie Cat. It contains a small trick that you need to think of yourself, since it is not spelled out in the rules of the game. Fortunately, you won’t have to puzzle for a long time, a simple tactic will help you quickly pass this tricky level.

How to get into Indie Cat Level 198

Level description

The playing field of this level is built atypically. It consists of two blocks: the upper one is filled with stone cat faces, the lower one is with standard crystals. The task says that the player needs to collect 6 purple stones and earn 50,000 points. At first glance it’s simpler than simple, but then there would not be so many people who do not know how to pass level 198. In the “Indie Cat” the moves are strictly limited, and here only 20 are given - disastrously small in order to knock out 50,000 points.

What is the difficulty

In addition to a small number of moves, the same trick is hidden in the level, because of which many still do not understand how to get to the “Indie Cat” level 198. Most players engage in the lower block, trying in this way to break the upper stone cells - and this is the main mistake, because such tactics will not bring you closer to the goal. You need to connect your wits in order to cope with the task set by the game "Indie Cat". How to pass level 198? A hint is given at the very beginning: “Level with a secret. Look for stones where they should not be! ” If you pay attention to this, the task is greatly simplified, because you already know that you need to experiment with cells in the field. However, not everyone does this, but try to solve the problem in the usual way. But it doesn’t work, because the secret is: stone cat faces can be moved, and under them crystals and violet stones are hiding. This is the trick, knowing which, you will understand how to get in the "Indie Cat" level 198.


First you need to break the top block. To do this, randomly swap the stone faces of cats. Practice suggests that you can start from any angle or from the center - whatever one may say, all the cells will break.

indie cat game how to pass level 198

If you have broken all the stone faces, but the purple stones still remained on the field, take on the lower level. They will go down and it will be easier to assemble. Do not forget to collect a chain of five crystals, a coin will always come in handy.

When all the purple stones are collected, there remains one more task - to knock out 50,000 points. There are very few moves left, you need to act deliberately. Collect combinations of four and five stones, and then use lightning or a coin. Thus, all the crystals nearby will be broken, and you will receive the required number of points.

How to pass level 198 in an indie cat

Thanks to this simple tactic, you will calmly keep within 20 moves and will know how to get to the “Indie Cat” level 198 - one of the most difficult at this stage of the game. And the ability to break stone cells with cat faces will come in handy more than once on the following levels.


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