How to crochet tight patterns? Motive collection

For warm knitwear you will need to master dense patterns. Crochet they most often knit by repeating the same columns. Since such a canvas should be continuous, the figure assumes the complete absence of air loops. Or their number is minimized, and the voids are filled with lush columns.

tight crochet patterns

Fine zigzag pattern

It is well visible if you perform work from threads of two colors. In this case, you need to change the shade every two rows. To knit such dense patterns, you need to crochet an odd number of loops. The latter will be needed for the symmetry of the picture.

The rise in all rows will consist of one loop, only the first requires two of them. All odd rows: single crochet and air loop alternate to end of row. In the first row you need to skip the loop under the air. In all the rest, it will be located above the column.

All even rows: the air loop and single crochet knit to the end of the row. Columns need to be knitted in the arches of the previous row.

crochet tight patterns

Flat single crochet

If you want the product to keep its shape (in the case when crocheting is performed), dense patterns are recommended to be made just like that. And do not use any other elements.

The number of loops in the chain can be any. Since all rows will be the same. It is always necessary to do one lifting loop. Then knit a single crochet in each loop. And so on until the end of the row.

It is worth recalling that the columns need to be knitted for two walls of the loop of the previous row. If this is not done, then the canvas will turn out not uniform, but with a relief pattern. About this a little lower.

Bosnian pattern

These dense crochet patterns are knitted in the same way as described above. Only capture always goes only for the same loop wall.

In the classic version, it is supposed to use only the back wall for knitting. And this applies to all series, except the first. It needs to be knitted for both walls.

Outwardly, the figure will resemble the facial surface connected on the knitting needles. Only the pattern does not lie vertically, but horizontally.

Such a canvas practically does not stretch in width. But it stretches well in length. It can be used in tight-fitting products.

Other Bosnian knitting options allow you to grab walls alternately. That is, in one row only for the back, and in the other only for the front. It turns out a completely different pattern. In this case, rather dense crochet patterns are also obtained. You can use them when knitting a scarf, such as snud.

beautiful tight crochet patterns

Relief pattern

You can perform this dense crochet pattern for the cap. The pattern requires an even number of loops. But it will shift a little, so you need to dial a chain of an odd number of loops to achieve symmetry. Each row of this pattern begins with two lifting loops.

The first and other odd rows consist of a single crochet and another double crochet of one loop, which is odd in the main chain. Every even loop should be skipped. And knit the same elements in the next odd loop. The last in a row should be a double crochet.

The second and other even rows are knitted similarly to the first. Only a pair of columns is made from the top of the double crochet, and the top of the short is skipped. The row ends with a single crochet.

Two-tone tight crochet pattern

Pattern with lush columns

Such beautiful dense crochet patterns can be knitted for a hat or a warm blouse. They will be self-sufficient. There is no need to supplement them.

In the initial chain, it is supposed to collect such a number of air loops so that it turns out to be a multiple of 6, 5 should also be added to it.

First row: lifting loop, single crochet in each loop of the set chain.

Second row: 3 loops for lifting, a lush column (consisting of three double crochet) in the third loop of the previous row, in the next third loop, fan (two double crochet, air, two double crochet). Continue the alternation of lush columns and fans until the end of the row. Finish it with a double crochet in the last loop.

Third row: 3 loops, a fan at the top of a lush column, lush from the arch of the fan of the previous row. Continue this pattern to the end of the row. Finish it with a double crochet.

Fourth row: climb from 3 loops, perform a magnificent column in the arch of the fan, and at the top of the magnificent previous row tie a fan. Continue the pattern to the end of the row. At the end of the row, double crochet.

Continue knitting a dense pattern by repeating the third and fourth row.

tight crochet pattern for hats

Dense wavy pattern

This effect can be achieved if yarn of different colors is used. In this case, the canvas should consist of a simple alternation of columns without a crochet or with a crochet. Only stretch the thread you need one or more rows below.

Beautiful two-tone dense crochet patterns (patterns, one of which is presented below, are quite simple) can be knitted by any needlewoman. Just need to alternate the threads. The change of two colors is indicated on the diagram by the letters A and B.

crochet dense wavy pattern

Pattern with waves and berries.

Knitting a pattern according to this description involves capturing only the back wall of the loop. The pattern is formed of four rows. Moreover, in the odd gum from the connecting posts alternates with the "berry". Even are formed only by connecting columns.

To connect dense patterns (crochet) according to this scheme, you need to dial the number of loops, which is a multiple of 22. Plus one more for lifting. These loops will be distributed in this way: 3 for the elastic, 4 for the “berry”, the next 4 for the gap, 3 for the elastic.

The technology of knitting a “berry”: a single crochet, an airy, unfinished crochet for the leg of a just crocheted column, a crochet, pull the thread from the leg of the same column, knit three loops on the hook, stretch the thread, skipping one loop in the chain of the previous row, knit all the loops on the hook.

First row: 3 connecting posts, “berry”, 4 connecting posts, “berry”, 7 connecting posts (4 for the gap and 3 for the elastic). This pattern must be continued to the end of the row.

Second row: connecting posts along the entire length of the row. It’s better to count them. Their number must be a multiple of 22.

Third row: 7 connecting posts (3 for elastic and 4 for the gap), “berry”, 4 connecting posts, “berry”, 3 connecting posts. It turns out that the “berry” fragment moves and a checkerboard pattern forms.

The fourth row completely repeats the second. Then the work is repeated from the first row.


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