The beauty and comfort of the infield. Reproduction of climbing roses

In vertical landscaping, to adorn decorative columns and arches, balconies or arbors, a climbing rose is preferred because of its stunning compatibility with small forms of architecture.

Reproduction of climbing roses occurs better in areas with a mild and warm climate. The middle strip of Russia is not suitable for its large-scale breeding, but in garden plots or household plots it survives on forest-steppe non-chernozem soils.

climbing roses

Reproduction of roses with climbing layering

One of the ways of propagating the flower is layering. In the spring, a strong shoot is selected, from which a hole in the soil is dug up to 20 cm wide. At the bottom put humus and lay the shoot itself. Previously, cuts are made in several places on the shoot for the rapid emergence of roots. Throughout the summer period, it is abundantly watered. Next spring, he has roots. Now the new plant is separated from the mother. A young rose is transplanted to a place well lit by the sun. It is very important the first year to prevent its flowering.

Propagation of a climbing rose by cuttings

In September, you need to choose unripe shoots of plants up to 0.5 cm thick and up to 20 cm long. Cut a stalk with 4 buds from the middle of the shoot. The two lower leaves are removed, and the kidneys are left. A groove is excavated with one edge vertically, at the bottom of which sand taken in the river is strewed. Now the cuttings are vertically located at a distance of 15 cm from each other and are pressed to the edge. The earth is compacted and watered. Propagation of roses with climbing cuttings requires careful selection of a place. The light should be soft and in sufficient quantity, the temperature necessary for the sprouting of the roots is at least + 20 C. Further care involves only weeding, watering and loosening the soil.

climbing rose reproduction

A climbing rose, the propagation of which can be productive both in spring and autumn, prefers places where roses have not yet grown. She loves top dressing, which can be carried out up to five times during the growing season, requires trimming and garter, mulching. Cutting off faded branches of the bush, you can stimulate new flowering. In winter, the plant takes cover.


propagation of climbing roses cuttings

In the second year of life, pruning is carried out in the spring. All damaged and dry shoots are removed. Trim carefully so as not to damage the young shoots from the root or old shoots. Otherwise, the bush will not bloom. To form a flower, pruning is done no more than a third of the length. Thin, long and underdeveloped shoots are removed. To rejuvenate the roses, shoots are cut at the age of 4-5 years at the base, leaving only strong three-year-olds.


Scourge of climbing roses - fungal diseases, in particular powdery mildew. Also, at the end of the winter period, the flower may have cortical cancer (coniotirium).

Properly propagated climbing roses, good care, light and warmth will settle in your garden a very beautiful and fragrant flower. As befits the Queen of Flowers, the climbing rose will become a real pride and decoration of any site.


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