Cherry Bessey and everything about her

Gardeners know that different varieties of cherries differ not only in taste, but also in appearance, size, method of courtship. We will talk in detail about one of the species. This is cherry Bessey, reviews of which are very different. So do you need her on the site?

Cherry Bessey
Bessey cherry is also called a sand cherry. Its homeland is distant North America. In Russia, it gained distribution, mainly in the Far East. Externally, cherry Bessey is a shrub about one and a half meters high, the branches of which often seem drooping. Sometimes they generally lie on the ground. The old Bessey cherry is usually dark gray or brown in color, but the young shoots have a reddish hue. Leaves - pleasant soft green color, elongated. By the end of August, they acquire a bright crimson hue, which looks very impressive. Such a shrub is a continuous decoration, a real element of decor.

Cherry Bessey. Reviews
Cherry blossoms bloom, unfortunately, late - in early July. But as if compensating for its late flowering, it pleases us with its beautiful flowers for a long time. These flowers are a scattering of many white small dots. By the way, you will be pleasantly surprised by the aroma that emanates from them, it resembles bird cherry. Yes, and you won’t have to wait for fruits for a long time - already in the third year after sowing you can enjoy it. Sometimes, if the seedlings are strong, cherry Bessey lays buds in the first year, and in the second begins to bear fruit. However, remember that this bush is cross-pollinated, that is, you should plant at least two bushes at once (and of different shapes). With ordinary cherries or with steppe, and even more so with cherries, Bessey will never become dusty.

Now we proceed directly to the description of the fruit. They have an oval or rounded shape almost black (or dark purple, less often - red). Sometimes the fruits remain green or yellowish. They are very juicy, and they have an unusual taste - slightly astringent, tart. It is absolutely not typical for ordinary cherries. Each berry weighs about 3-5 g. You can enjoy the fruits at the end of August (or in September). But do not rush to collect the first berries, let them hang a little on the branches, there they will subside and become even tastier. And do not worry, they will not crumble. You can make wonderful jam or compote from them, make excellent juice or wine. It’s not necessary to use only Bessey, add other berries and fruits, and you get a real mix of freshness and taste.

If there are a lot of cherries on the bush, the branches can bow very low and obscure themselves. Do not allow this, timely prune branches that produce little fruit and are only “weeds”. New shoots will certainly begin to grow from the base to replace the old ones.

Cherry Bessey is extremely unpretentious to the state of the soil, but loves sunny places, hills. It is not exposed to fungal diseases and is famous for its high productivity. This is one of the most cold-resistant varieties, which is also not afraid of severe drought. For all its virtues, Cherry Bessey gained popularity not only among amateur gardeners, but also among experienced gardeners.


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