Boutique - what is it? What is the difference from a clothing store?

The word "boutique" is of French origin and translates as "shop." Its appearance dates back to 1242, when the boutique was both a place where merchants stored their goods, and the very premises in which these goods were sold. In English, the word appeared later, and it meant "a small store, a shop."

Around this period, a modern understanding formed. Boutique - what is it? So began to call shops with decorated showcases, located on the ground floor. Often, products for boutiques were made in a semi-handicraft way - a small team manually made hats or cut clothes in a small amount, or even in one copy. Since the 19th century, the word began to be associated with shops that sold ready-made dresses from eminent tailors of their era and only in 1953 acquired the meaning of a “fashion store”.

boutique what is

Boutique - what is it? Modern interpretation

A boutique is usually a small store of fashionable and expensive goods available to people with a certain (significantly higher than average) income level. Such a boutique store is distinguished by a trendy and conceptual design of the premises and high quality service. Also often the official representation of the fashion house, in which the number of consultants often exceeds the number of visitors, because not everyone can afford an exclusive design thing. If goods of various brands are presented in such a store, then it will be called a multi-brand boutique.

boutique shop

Boutique or clothing store? How to find the differences?

The word came into our everyday life after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and many citizens have the question: “What is a boutique?” - will cause the answer: "It is very expensive!" It is synonymous with exclusivity and inaccessibility, high quality.

However, more and more often you can find the so-called boutiques in shopping centers and at stops. The reason is that private entrepreneurs, having made their fortunes by selling things in a tent on the market, are expanding their business and calling their stores “clothing boutique”. It reminds the situation of "bought a stall, called a supermarket." How to find the differences?

A boutique is an elegant room with a designer interior, large space and good lighting in a prestigious area of ​​the city. In stores that are only presented as boutiques, everything is clogged with clothes. There is little space here and the quality of the product leaves much to be desired, not to mention some kind of exclusivity.

In boutiques, clothes are presented in a small amount and in a certain size, if necessary, they will be customized on site to fit the parameters of the buyer. In pseudo-boutiques such a service is not provided.

clothing boutique

Concept Stores and Show Rooms

The modern fashion world has expanded the concept of "boutique". What is a concept store, a show room, not everyone knows. In fact, this is the same boutique, but with some nuances. Concept stores demonstrate a certain “lifestyle”, the product line is expanded in them, and in addition to clothes, shoes and accessories, you can buy bedding, perfumes, and home decor in such a store. Moreover, all of the listed products will correspond to a certain style, belong to the same collection. Ideally, collections are updated several times a month. Showrooms are offices with a showroom, they are intended for a narrow circle of customers, exclusive customers.


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