State galleries in Moscow. Photos and reviews of tourists

The gallery is a place where a person can relax with his soul, while enjoying the works of art masters. Since Moscow is the capital, such places are rare for her. Here at every step there are exhibitions that will attract any audience. Moscow galleries are undoubtedly diverse, and everyone can choose what is closer to him.

Dedication to I. Glazunov

On August 31, 2004, an art gallery was opened, which was named in honor of the artist Ilya Sergeyevich Glazunov. In this place more than 700 works of the famous master are presented. Their subjects are very diverse: from historical events to contemporary politicians from different countries, from architectural sketches to sets to Russian operas. These works are saturated with sincerity and deep understanding of the history of Russia. They immediately evoke high emotions and amaze with a photographic similarity with the depicted people (A.S. Pushkin, N.A. Nekrasov, A.A. Blok, M.Yu. Lermontov and others). All these images make up the vast world that the artist has been creating for many years. Even the interior itself was designed by I. Glazunov.

The highlight of this exhibition are ancient icons, wooden sculptures, furniture, which the artist saved from destruction during the war. If a person wants to enjoy real art, this gallery will be the best option for him. Moscow is a big city, but it takes time to become a part of something beautiful.

Galleries in Moscow

People's Artist of the USSR

Another wonderful place for a cultural pastime is the gallery of A. Shilov. She is young enough and combines the heritage of the past and the brightness of modernity. It is named after Alexander Maksimovich Shilov, who in 1985 received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. He successfully exhibited his work not only in Russia but also abroad (France, Canada, Portugal, Germany, Japan and others). An interesting fact is that a small planet in the solar system is named after this painter. In addition, he is a member of the Russian Academy of Arts, received the Order of Merit for the Motherland, 4 and 3 degrees.

In 1997, it was decided to open a gallery to accommodate paintings that the master himself transferred to the city, which is over 300 works. In 2003, another building was completed, which merged with the old one. To date, over 800 works in the genre of graphics and painting are exhibited in this place. A. Shilov considered portraits to be the main theme in his work, so the gallery is filled with such works. He transmitted images of the common people in the years after the war. But besides this, you can look at the most beautiful still lifes and landscapes. Shilov Gallery in Moscow is also known for having concerts of romances and classical music on Saturdays.

Gallery Moscow

Dolls A. Chizhova

In the very center of the capital is the gallery of A. Chizhova. It is located in an old mansion, so many galleries in Moscow can envy her. There are three showrooms. The most interesting is the one where antique dolls are exhibited. Every detail in it creates the atmosphere of past years. Many exhibits here are more than 100 years old. In other halls, dolls are exhibited, which are made by the world-famous master Olina Ventzel. In the main exposition there are more than 150 exhibits that are collected in the project "The history of mankind in dolls." These are porcelain miniatures of various historical characters. They are dressed in costumes that were appropriate in their era. Also there are a variety of characters from famous literary works, fairy-tale heroes and living figures of art and culture. Museums, galleries in Moscow can be proud of such a neighbor, because it is very popular with both locals and guests of the capital.

Museums Gallery Moscow

Tretyakov Gallery

It is believed that this place was founded in 1853, since it was from this time that Pavel Tretyakov first acquired a work of art and decided to collect them. The first visitors to it appeared in 1881. Moscow received this collection as a gift in 1892. Since then, it has only expanded and replenished with new exhibits through gifts and purchases. In 1985, the USSR Art Gallery was attached to the Tretyakov Gallery, due to which the collection was replenished with interesting copies of Soviet art. In addition to the Tretyakov Gallery nearby, there is another unusual place that will attract guests of the capital. This is the Voyage Gallery Hotel. Moscow is full of such unusual places and buildings. Workers at the Tretyakov Cultural Center are constantly working on something new, and in recent times they have been exhibits of the 20th century. There are also halls in which contemporary art is exhibited. This is perhaps the most famous metropolitan gallery (Moscow), whose address is widely known.

State Galleries in Moscow

Technological art

In 2012, a unique place appeared in the capital, which quickly captivated art lovers. This is the Gallery of Computer Evolution. Everyone can now plunge into technological progress and understand its history. This is a very popular place among schoolchildren, as they can see what technique was in the past and compare with modern times. The gallery exposition is very large. Here you can find any version of computer equipment, such as the first calculating machine or modern laptops and tablets. Also presented here are all stages of the evolution of counting devices of people (Chinese counting sticks, first counts, abacus). The tour, which can be ordered in advance, will completely satisfy your interest in this area, provide information on the first computers, and provide an opportunity to consider the first line and Leibniz calculator. After the tour, you can enjoy a film about the development of civilization and technological progress. Quite interesting is the option of night excursions. No state galleries in Moscow except this one can boast of just such exhibits and collections, so this place is very unusual.

Gallery Moscow address


This is a gallery whose activities are aimed at organizing master classes by young and famous painters. Here poetic evenings, readings and performances of cultural figures are arranged. The Nagornaya complex includes an art salon. In it, anyone can purchase a variety of paintings and products by famous masters for their home or office. In a cozy room, concerts of classical and pop music are often arranged. The festival "Opera on Nagornaya" takes place here, which makes it possible to perform music by Tchaikovsky, Verdi and Leokavallo. A high level of exhibitions is ensured thanks to special lighting equipment, which confirms the European level that this gallery has. Moscow and its inhabitants love this place.

Shilov Gallery in Moscow

Stella art foundation

This is a private gallery whose activities are aimed at popularizing contemporary art. Its founder, Stella Kesaeva, directed all her efforts to the development of the exchange of cultural experience with foreign authors and the support of domestic artists-newcomers. This fund was opened in 2003, it is planned to open the Museum of Modern Creativity on its basis. Relations with all structures, both private and state, and public, are being actively established. She, like all galleries in Moscow, conducts active exhibition work and at the same time selects the best of them for the future museum, which they plan to open in the next 10 years.


This unusual word translates as heritage. The intricate name was chosen for a reason, because the main part of the work of this place is to search for and return to the homeland that part of the works of art of Russian masters, which, for various reasons, ended up abroad. Their exhibitions also include works by artists of Russian origin who lived and worked in other countries. For example, the work of Andrei Lansky was the hallmark of the work of Russian painters in France. But practically no one knows about them in their homeland, β€œHeritage” is trying to correct this mistake. For some work to be taken to the exhibition in this gallery, she needs to go through a rigorous selection process. Since the workers want all the exhibits to exhibit real artistic value.

Gallery Voyage Moscow


In 1990, a new gallery appeared, which was one of the first private museums in the capital. The concept of her work has not changed over the years - it is a search for young and talented artists both in Russia and abroad. Its founders were Vladimir and Regina Ovcharenko. The first curator of this place was Oleg Kulik, who organized several bright projects, but eventually he decided to leave. After that, the scale of the gallery has only grown and has already embraced foreign artists. And to this day this place is a haven for talented youth.

Thus, the galleries of Moscow are very diverse. Everyone can choose what he likes the most and go for cultural rest in these places.


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