She takes knitting needles for a girl with a description. How to knit knitting needles for a girl

Hats are worn to protect from the cold or the sun and for beauty. Universal hat - beret. In different designs, it can be worn at any time of the year, and it fits both large and small, men and women. And to sew or knit or crochet such a piece of clothing is easy. For example, a knit can be knitted for a girl with knitting needles, even a needlewoman who only learns to work in the knitting technique can be used with a description and a drawing scheme.

And it takes

How to knit a beret for a girl with knitting needles, with a description of the work process? In three main stages, because if you look at the design of the beret, you can see that everyone takes, no matter what model he is, will consist of three main parts:

  • a rim that should clasp your head, not allowing the beret to slide into your eyes and not squeezing it with a tight hoop;
  • the main part of the beret (tulle) - creates the volume of the headgear;
  • bottom.

You can knit each part separately, but most often the berets are knitted together. The question of how to knit a beret for a girl with knitting needles will not be difficult if you take into account the stages of work, knitting it out gradually, piece by piece, in accordance with the required sizes.

takes for a girl with knitting needles with a description

From the very beginning

In order to knit a beautiful beret for a girl with knitting needles, it will be useful for beginner craftswomen to find out that no matter what yarn is chosen for work, the knitting needles are chosen to her according to the 2: 1 principle - a thread in two additions is equal to the thickness of the knitting needle. Such selection of materials for knitting will allow to obtain high-quality knitting - moderately dense fabric, easy-to-use yarn with the right-sized knitting needles. Yarn for beret is chosen depending on the season when this garment is supposed to be worn. Cotton or linen yarn is the best choice for summer berets; autumn options involve the use of natural wool and semi-synthetic yarn. For winter berets, textured yarn of the grass type, mohair, and yarn in addition of angora are suitable. In this case, the headgear will be warm, cozy.

how to knit knitting for girls

To beret sitting

In any type of clothing, the main thing is to be comfortable in it. And hats are no exception, because if the cap is pressed or slides constantly over your eyes, this is very inconvenient. So the beret should sit perfectly. And for this, the beret rim must fit the size. Head circumference is measured with a standard centimeter tape. Then the sample is knitted and the number of loops is calculated for the required number of centimeters of the head circumference. Even easier to do if you knit the rim separately, in the form of a ribbon. For example, double viscous. It is done like this.

For example, you need a bezel 3 centimeters wide, and it will take 8 stitches. So, you need to dial 8 + 8 = 16 stitches on the knitting needles. The first row is knitted as follows: 1 knit the front loop, 2 loops to leave the thread before knitting, 3 knit loops, 4 again to remove the working thread before knitting - so to the end with 16 loops - the odd ones are knit with the front loops, and the even ones are removed when left before knitting with a working thread. By this principle, all rows are knitted - it turns out double knitting. Thus, even a beginner needlewoman can knit knitting for a girl with knitting needles, with a description of the knitting of a tulle and a bottom. After all, knitting a tape to the length of the head girth, and then dialing loops along the edge of the rim to work with the pattern is quite simple.

takes for a girl with knitting needles with a description for spring

All the beauty in the little box and on the bottom

If you have an idea to knit a girl with knitting needles, you can handle the description of any model by setting a specific task for choosing a suitable picture. After all, beret can be knitted with lace, a jacquard pattern, embossed, using braids. All beauty is on the bottom and bottom. It is they who will give the beret the necessary volume and conceived charm. A knitted beret for a girl with knitting needles with a description for spring involves a phased implementation of all the work. So, for example, by tying the ribbon for the rim of the required size, you can perform an openwork pattern of rapports according to the scheme proposed below.

takes for girls knitting for beginners

In order not to suffer with the addition of loops along the toe, it is easiest to add them in the first row after the rim. The desired number of loops is typed by twisted broaches between the loops of the previous row. Using motifs, even openwork, even patterned jacquard, you can fill the entire beret field. When the headgear gets the required height, itโ€™s easy to knit the bottom, if you evenly make six decreases in each second row. Moreover, these decreases fit well into the space between the motives, when the rapports are not connected with each other, but are read separately, each on its own.

takes for a girl with knitting 3 years

Takes for the girl for all seasons

How to knit a beret for a girl with knitting needles using a simple scheme? First you need to measure the childโ€™s head - head circumference. Knit a sample of your favorite yarn with your chosen knitting needles. Then, after calculating how many knitting loops you need per centimeter, calculate the number of loops in the work. Put them on the knitting needles and tie the bezel, for example, with an elastic band 1 x 1 or 2 x 2. The elastic band looks beautiful, in which the row consists of 1 wrong loop and 2 facial loops, and in each front row the facial loops are swapped and the wrong rows are knitted loops in the picture. Then, for a beautiful beret, you need to add the required number of loops in the last row of the rim. For a more magnificent beret, loops need more, for the modest, in the form of a hat, less. Tulia beret fits in the pattern you like. Then, at a height equal to the height of the model, you need to draw a bottom. If the loops are evenly reduced, making 6 identical decreases in each row, the bottom will turn out flat, uneven decreases will give the bottom an irregular shape, which can give the beret its charm.

takes for a girl with knitting needles 1 year

Beretik for one-year crumbs

Around the age of one year, children begin to walk. Parents dress their one-year-old crumbs like dolls, despite weekdays and holidays. A beautifully knitted beret for a girl with knitting needles (1 year old is a great age to give her such beauty), will allow to dress the baby every day. The only thing that takes for such a crumb is a convenient hat for the summer. The coolness of autumn and winter frosts require a more serious headgear - at the outset.

Summer beret is best knitted from natural threads - linen or cotton. Knitting needles for such a yarn are thinner - 1, 5 or 2. For a baby, a beret will be more convenient if the bezel is knitted with a double ribbon - you can insert a regular linen elastic into it, then the beret will not slip and fall off. The cloth of a beret for a one-year-old child can be made not difficult - for example, to make a simple openwork - through 5 loops of the front surface, make a crochet and two loops together front. Such holes can be scattered on the canvas in the form of tracks or randomly. Even a novice craftswoman will cope with such work.

knitting for girls

Fashion for 3 years

Kids love to dress up, and a beautiful knitted girl takes knitting needles, 3 years of which she celebrated not so long ago or are just about to celebrate, will become a real decoration for a little fashionista.

Itโ€™s very easy to tie a beret according to a simple description. For knitting needles No. 3, dial 88 stitches. Having knitted 4 centimeters with an elastic band 1 x 1, knit one row with the front ones, and knit the second row with purl, then again 4 centimeters with an elastic band. In the last row, evenly add 44 loops = 132 loops twisted from broaches 44. On these 132 loops, knit 40 rows of facial stitch. Then, to get the bottom, you need to reduce 11 loops in each front row, knitting two loops together with the front. Wrong rows to knit without changes. All reductions are best done on the same loops, then you will get beautiful tracks that form a symmetrical pattern. When there are 12 loops left on the knitting needles, the thread must be cut and pulled through the remaining loops. Then tighten them, and sew the seam, at the same time hemming the rim, twisting it twice.

knitting for girls

This is a rather simple, so to speak, fundamental model of a beret for a girl. But such a headdress can be decorated at will - flowers, beads, brooches - everything that a little fashionista may like.


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