Basic rights and obligations of a cyclist (SDA)

With the onset of warm days, more and more motorists are switching to an environmentally friendly mode of transport. By bike, you can not only quickly get to your destination, but also get fit. Two-wheeled transport is loved by both adults and children. But you need to handle it correctly so as not to get into an accident. All cyclists have their rights and obligations. Below they will be described in more detail.

Bike condition

First of all, it is the responsibility of the cyclist to keep his vehicle in good condition. Do not drive onto a roadway with a faulty brake system. In addition, the bicycle must have a special sound signal. With this device, the driver must warn pedestrians about the approach of the vehicle.

cyclist duties

Bike must be checked before every long trip. The main responsibilities of the cyclist include checking the wheels, the integrity of the frame, the brake system. If there is a need to ride in conditions of poor visibility (fog, dark), the bike should be equipped with reflective elements. They are needed so that the vehicle is noticeable among the stream of cars on the roadway. It will also be useful to install a device that will illuminate the road. A special flashlight can be purchased at almost any sporting goods store.

Bicycle reflectors must be installed in accordance with the regulations. White in front and red in back. In conditions of poor visibility, it is quite difficult for participants in the movement to determine in which direction the cyclist is moving. If a motorist in front of him sees a red spot, then a two-wheeled vehicle is moving in the same direction, and not towards it.

Where should the cyclist move?

In many cities, there are special bike paths designed to travel on a two-wheeled vehicle. It is very comfortable. The cyclist can be sure that he will not fall under the wheels of the car. At the same time, simple pedestrians are forbidden to walk on special tracks. Unfortunately, special places for riding two-wheeled vehicles are not provided everywhere. In addition, many simply do not know what bicycle paths are. You can often see cars parked in places designated for cyclists. Therefore, everyone should know how to drive on the roadway in two-wheeled vehicles, even if there is no special path.

main responsibilities of the cyclist

In the old rules of the road, it was stated that a person on a bicycle has the right to move at a distance of 1 meter from the curb. Today, a new edition has already been released, in which there are no restrictions. It is the responsibility of the cyclist (SDA 2014) to ride at a safe distance from the sidewalk. On the highway, you should not drive in the middle of the road. Keep in mind that motorists move several times faster.

The rules should be followed when overtaking another road user or bypassing an obstacle. This is especially important if you need to go around a standing car. A driver can exit it at any time. In order not to provoke an emergency, it is necessary to go around an obstacle at a distance of at least 1 meter. If you have to overtake a moving car, you need to do this only on the left. Otherwise, there is a chance of being pinned to the curb.

Reporting Maneuvers

While driving on the carriageway, participants must exchange information about their intentions in order to avoid emergency situations. Motorists and motorcyclists do this with headlights. Cyclists should do warning signs with their hands. Everyone should know how to ride a bike by the rules before entering the roadway. A person in a two-wheeled transport, before turning, changing lanes or braking, makes the corresponding movement with his hand. If you need to turn right, put your right hand, left - respectively, left. Raised up any hand means the cyclist needs to stop.

rights and obligations of a cyclist

Any warning sign must be shown to road users in advance. You must report your maneuver in at least one minute. If this is done a second before braking or turning, motorists simply will not have time to react. Such an error can be deplorable for several road users.

It is worth noting that a hand signal does not give an advantage on the road at all. Therefore, before making this or that maneuver, you need to make sure that road users understand the cyclist and have no intention of overtaking him.

Column traffic rules

Bicycle - a roundabout mode of transport, which has recently been very popular. Whole group trips along a predefined route are arranged. But the movement of a bicycle in a convoy must be carried out according to special rules. Each participant is given a special role. The main ones are leading and closing cyclists. Always attentive should also be on duty and foremen. Ordinary members of the column can only follow the signals of comrades.

list the main responsibilities of the cyclist
It is the responsibility of the lead cyclist to select the required speed. It should be a pace that is perfect for all participants in a bike ride. Keep in mind that different people may not have the same driving skills and physical fitness. Especially attentive to the guide must be on the slopes. To avoid a blockage, the speed is reduced. In addition, the leader makes sure that he is not overtaken by other participants in the column, and also warns of impending obstacles.

The closing member of the column must also know the rights and obligations of the cyclist. He makes sure that no one falls behind. With the help of a mobile phone, a closure can communicate with the guides to adjust the speed of movement. If one participant cannot continue to move, it is the responsibility of the closing cyclist to find out the reason for the stop and make an appropriate decision. The movement of the entire column may be stopped, or one cyclist remains to help the needy.

Dozens and attendants are appointed if the column is too long or goes in two rows. Dozens can be assigned if the group has 10 people. Their responsibilities include monitoring compliance with traffic rules. This is especially important when driving in the city. In addition, the ten's manager must ensure that the structure of the group is not violated.

It is the duty of the on-duty cyclist to monitor the condition of the convoy when driving along uninhabited roads. You need to be sure that the participants keep the right distance and do not overtake each other. Cyclists must follow a strictly defined trajectory, without going on pedestrian paths and lanes for motorists.

What should cyclists not categorically do?

Before you list the main responsibilities of a cyclist, you should learn what you can’t do. First of all, each driver of a two-wheeled vehicle must know how to sit on it correctly. It is necessary to adjust the seat exactly to your height. Moving on the weight on the carriageway is prohibited. Also, you can not go without holding the wheel with at least one hand. Baggage cannot be transported manually. The trunk is designed for this purpose.

It is necessary to go in a specially designated place. Adult cyclists cannot move along sidewalks, roadsides, and motorways. When riding a two-wheeled vehicle, there are also age restrictions. The main responsibilities of a cyclist under 14 years of age include riding on specially equipped tracks. They cannot drive out onto the carriageway unaccompanied by adults.

2014 cyclist duties

When driving on the roadway, each cyclist must report his maneuvers to other participants. It is forbidden to turn on a road that has several lanes in one direction or a tram line. If you need to turn around, you should drive to the nearest pedestrian crossing and go to the other side.

Passenger and cargo transportation

What are the other responsibilities of a cyclist? On the road, you must comply with traffic rules, it is clear as a day. It is forbidden to transport adult passengers. Only one person must be on one vehicle. The exception may be only children. It should be remembered that on a bicycle it is allowed to carry passengers not older than 7 years. At the same time, a special seat with safety belts must be installed on the vehicle . Carrying a heavy passenger on the frame will result in loss of stability of the bicycle. As a result of a violation of the rules, an emergency may occur.

duties of the cyclist
Carriage of goods may be the responsibility of the cyclist. SDA set the maximum protruding beyond the vehicle dimensions. A load that protrudes less than 0.5 meters will not interfere with traffic. Long things (fishing rods, poles, building materials) significantly violate the stable position of the bike and interfere with other vehicles.

Traffic light for cyclists

Every owner of a two-wheeled vehicle must know the concept of a cyclist's responsibilities. Traffic regulations describe which signs a driver must obey. Like motorists, cyclists must pay attention to traffic signals. When driving on the carriageway, the owners of two-wheeled vehicles obey traffic signals for cars. If you need to move along the sidewalk, you should pay attention to signs for pedestrians.

In many cities, there are not only bicycle paths, but also special traffic lights for cyclists. This makes life easier for owners of two-wheeled vehicles. They can move freely around the city without fear of getting into an accident. A little more time will pass, and such devices will be in every city.

cyclist duties on the road

Cyclist uniform

The rights and obligations of a cyclist do not include movement in special clothing. But the protective form can simplify the movement several times and protect against injuries in case of emergency. Special clothes can be purchased at a sports store without any problems. First of all, you need to pick up a helmet. This accessory must be purchased strictly in size. A quality helmet always has a strap with which you can adjust the fit on your head.

Specialty stores offer entire sets that include a helmet, arm ruffles, and knee pads. These products help protect against injury when driving in the city. For sports competitions or long trips such accessories will not be enough. In addition, you will have to purchase a special jumpsuit made of natural fabric, which will allow air to pass through well and absorb moisture.

Unspoken rules and responsibilities of a cyclist

Briefly, the basic rights and obligations of vehicle owners are described in the SDA. But there are also some rules that every participant in the movement must adhere to, despite the lack of description in the manual. Everyone who is driving should turn off the sound of a mobile phone while driving on a roadway. It is not recommended to use radio communications - this is very distracting. The result may be an accident.

The duties of a cyclist (OBZh studies in detail all the rules of behavior on the road) includes riding only in a sober state. Monitoring the well-being of the driver of a two-wheeled vehicle is not carried out. Despite this, everyone should know that driving while intoxicated can end up pitiable not only for the culprit, but also for other road users.

There is a misconception that there are no speed limits for cyclists. It was true until two-wheeled sports vehicles appeared on the road. Some of them can reach speeds significantly higher than those of a car. If there is a sign on the road that indicates low speed traffic, cyclists should also pay attention to it.

how to ride a bike by the rules

Responsibility for violation of traffic rules

Cyclists, like other road users, are responsible for breaking the rules. If the traffic police officer sees that the owner of the vehicle does not move correctly, he has the right to stop him. Keep in mind: in case of violation you will not only list the main obligations of the cyclist, but also pay a fine. Cycling by the rules is a guarantee of safety.


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