Traditional humidifiers: description, prices and customer reviews

If you are interested in traditional air humidifiers, then on sale you can find a variety of models, the main functionality of which is the evaporation of water. Most often in such devices there are replaceable cartridges made of moisture-resistant material. The role of the latter is multilayer paper, which is impregnated with an antibacterial substance. Its impregnation from the reservoir occurs during the operation of the device, and the built-in fan pumps air masses through it, which return to the room moistened.

general description

traditional humidifiers

Traditional humidifiers are generally not equipped with a heating function. That is why they are able to increase the humidity level only to the limit that is possible for room temperature. To increase the efficiency of such a device, you can install it in close proximity to a heat source or in the place of intense air circulation. When consumers choose traditional humidifiers, they most often pay attention to ultrasonic devices, the idea of ​​which is that the water splits into small drops. This is ensured by high-frequency vibrations of the membrane, which receives fluid from the device compartment. Thanks to the presence of a fan, this water fog is carried into the room. Ultrasonic devices are equipped with softening cassettes, which are represented by demineralizing cartridges. An excellent solution for such devices is distilled water. At the same time, the device will last longer, and there will be no white coating on the furniture and the surface of other objects. Such cartridges help soften water, as well as clean it from salts.

additional characteristics

traditional air humidifier reviews

Considering traditional humidifiers, you can come across models in which water is heated to 85 degrees. This additionally disinfects the liquid and reduces the likelihood of white plaque. At the exit of the device, the temperature of the wet fog does not exceed 40 degrees. Among other things, the operation of the device does not contribute to lowering the temperature in the room. You can also purchase a steam humidifier, in which electrodes are immersed in water. The liquid, conducting current, first reaches the boiling point, and then evaporates. If you want to choose a traditional humidifier, the reviews of which you can read in the article, then you can pay special attention to steam devices that are the most efficient and powerful. Such devices quickly raise the humidity level to the required level. Water, which is converted into steam, is freed from bacteria, and hardness salts remain in the device in the form of scale. Most often there is a removable nozzle for this, which is quite easy to clean during operation. If you decide to purchase such a traditional humidifier, you should remember some of its features, among them you can highlight the temperature increase in the room due to hot steam, as well as the need for careful handling of the device. Install it as far as possible from animals and children.

Hydrostat Supplement Reviews

traditional humidifier

As users emphasize, a very necessary and important thing, which is especially true for ultrasonic and steam models, is a hydrostat. With it, you can achieve an increase in air humidity. Given the performance of this supplement, the humidifier "understands" when a certain level of humidity is reached in the room. This allows the device to turn off when necessary, and when the humidity drops, it turns on again. Users claim that this functionality is available in devices that are controlled by an electronic system.

Water Consumption Reviews

traditional type humidifier

When visiting a store in order to purchase a traditional type of humidifier, you should pay particular attention to the volume of the tank. Buyers claim that in the characteristics of the device you can find this indicator; thus, the water flow will be expressed in liters per hour. This parameter indicates performance. It correlates with power. The higher the latter, the greater the performance. For household humidifiers of the latest generation, water consumption can vary from 8 to 15 liters per day. Buyers emphasize that the water tank for such devices is designed for 6 liters. Often this figure is even less, it indicates the need for constant replenishment of the tank.

Description of models with different control systems

humidifier type traditional

Before purchasing, you must pay attention to the type of humidifier, a traditional device has certain characteristics. In particular, it can be controlled by one of the existing systems. If you want to save money, it is best to prefer the electromechanical control, which provides for the presence of rotary controls. Among other things, such devices may have indicator lights. If you are willing to pay for a model more expensive, then you can choose a device with electronic control, this allows you to expand the functionality of the unit. Such humidifiers most often have the ability to set automatic work cycles. If we are talking about a model with electronic control, then it can have a display that visualizes communication with the unit. A traditional or ultrasonic humidifier may be remotely controlled. This is only possible if the system is electronic. Using a special application or bluetooth, the user will be able to control the device from a tablet or smartphone, sitting in the next room. If the device has a WI-FI module, then you can increase the humidity level in the room from anywhere in the city and the world.

Model selection according to the served area of ​​the room

traditional or ultrasonic humidifier

Choosing a traditional humidifier, the reviews of which you had the opportunity to read above, it is important to consider the area served. Most often, this parameter varies from 15 to 90 square meters. In the latter case, we are talking about household models. It must be understood that humidification will be most effective if the device is installed in each room.

Noise level

If you need a traditional humidifier, then you should expect that such devices will be a source of a certain level of noise. Having looked in the passport, you can notice at what level of noise the unit works. The maximum comfortable noise level in a living room in the daytime will be 40 decibels, at night this figure should not be more than 30 decibels.

The cost of appliances

Before visiting the store, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the most popular models, the cost of which will suit you. Among the budget options, POLARIS PUH 3005Di can be distinguished, for which you will have to pay 4000 rubles. A 5 liter tank is installed inside, and it will be possible to use such a unit in a room with an area of ​​30 square meters. Another popular model is the DANTEX D-H40UFO, its cost is 4,000 rubles, a 4-liter water tank is installed inside , and it will be possible to serve with it a room with an area of ​​57 square meters.


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