Sewer polyethylene wells: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, installation, reviews

Any sewage system involves the installation of wells for service. Previously, brick or concrete structures were used as such products. And thanks to the development of technologies and the creation of new materials, these solutions were replaced by polymer analogues. Let's look at what the better polyethylene sewer wells compared to concrete and brick solutions.

Scope of use

In the countries of the former USSR, sewer wells were made of reinforced concrete. For this, rings were used. To increase the tightness, the joints between the rings were treated with cement-sand mortar using natural flax as a sealant.

sewer polyethylene wells

Under the influence of sudden changes in temperature, high humidity and other negative factors, the solution cracked. The rings could move, and the shaft became leaky and collapsed. Polyethylene sewer wells are more reliable and not subject to aggressive effects of humidity, temperature extremes. These products are a monolithic design, which means that you can not worry about leakage. The risk of accidents when using such products is minimized.

Ready-made plastic wells can be used as an independent structure or together with concrete. In the latter case, the plastic shaft will perform the function of a sealed insert, which will reliably protect the soil and groundwater from runoff.

The main task of these structures is to connect the sewer line. But due to the design features, other tasks can be solved. This provides the best conditions for checking the technical condition of the pipeline at the junction. You can also change the direction or diameters of the products used. With the help of wells, branches of pipelines are laid at different levels. It is possible to increase or decrease the speed of movement of wastewater. In addition, access to the required section of the sewer line for maintenance work is guaranteed.

polyethylene sewer wells reviews

In large collector elements may be shut-off and control valves, pumping equipment. Polyethylene sewer wells are also widely used in the installation of domestic sewers, storm water, as well as drainage networks for wastewater.

Design and Features

Regardless of the type of materials, the design of the well is the same in all cases. This is a cylindrical shaft deepened into the soil. At the bottom of it there is a tray for pipes - kinet.

The length of the structure is regulated using extension cords and special retractable shafts. To set the required length, they are connected together. Often used and extendable extensions. The upper part of the structure or the neck must be equipped with a hatch. Reviews say that when installing the system, you need to select hatches from the same materials as the whole structure. This ensures maximum durability.

plastic wells

The neck serves as a transitional part between the hatch and the well shaft. Its main function is to compensate for loads that can damage the shaft and pipes connected to it. Therefore, the product is made in the form of a corrugated telescopic structure. In the walls of the mine there are holes for connecting the inlet and outlet pipes.

Hatches and loads

The sizes of models made of polymer materials are fully consistent with cast iron counterparts. In the process of choosing hatches, you should focus on functional features and characteristics. Hatches are divided into 4 categories according to the load that they can withstand.

Standard or A15 - these hatches are designed for green areas and walkways. The product is able to withstand weight up to 1.5 tons.

  • B125 is mounted on sidewalks and in parking lots, as well as in car parks - this model can withstand up to 12.5 tons.
  • C250 is used in the construction of sewers under city highways - the hatch can withstand up to 25 tons.
  • D400 are considered the most durable and reliable - the product is designed for a weight of up to 40 tons and is also laid on highways.
  • A15 models can be mounted directly on the shaft, and all other more powerful analogues can be mounted on special unloading rings or a telescopic pipe.

Types of functional purpose

By purpose, polyethylene sewer wells are divided into:

  • Lookouts.
  • Absorbing.
  • Water intake.

Let's consider each of them in detail.


It is impossible to do without installation of such wells even in domestic sewer systems. These designs are necessary to monitor the condition of the system and, if necessary, maintain it.

polyethylene rings for wells

These structures must be installed where the branches of the pipeline are connected, in places where the pipeline turns, in areas where the slope of the pipes changes. Also, a viewing plastic well is installed in places where a pipe of one diameter passes into the product of another.

Absorption wells

These products are intended for installation where there is no possibility of drainage. Instead of installing the so-called kinet, the bottom of this well is covered with sand, gravel, gravel, and broken brick. The drain is filtered through a layer of drainage and will enter the soil.

Water intake wells

In them, wastewater is first accumulated, and then discharged into open water bodies or into drainage systems.

wells sewer polyethylene characteristics

Often sewage is discharged into open ditches. Reviews say the cover of such a polyethylene sewer well should be strictly tight. This is necessary to prevent overflow of the system after rains.

Types of wells by size

Depending on the overall dimensions, there are two types of structures. So, they produce models up to 1000 millimeters in diameter. These are compact viewing solutions that are installed at shallow depths. There are also products more than a meter in diameter. These solutions allow maintenance and repair of equipment and facilities without any obstacles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Reviews say that composite and polymeric materials are in no way inferior in characteristics to traditional brick or reinforced concrete. By most parameters, polyethylene significantly exceeds traditional designs. Among the advantages of polyethylene sewer wells, reviews note an affordable price, light weight, high strength, ease of transportation and installation, low thermal conductivity, resistance to low temperatures and corrosion.

The cost depending on the size, type of polymer, as well as the number of nozzles can vary from 5 to 50 thousand rubles. Weight does not exceed 100 kg even for large products. The wall of the well can withstand tremendous pressure both inside and out. Installation of polyethylene wells is carried out without the involvement of equipment and additional labor. Polymer material (namely polyethylene) steadily withstands high temperature influences. The tray has high wear resistance. A well, made by standards, without loss of characteristics can withstand frost up to -60 degrees.

polyethylene wells installation

As you can see, the technical characteristics of polyethylene sewer wells are really higher. And this has a positive effect on the durability of the structure. These systems can perfectly perform their functions for 50 years or more.


The process of installing a polymer well is no different from installing a similar structure from any other materials.

polyethylene sewer wells

The process takes place in several stages:

  • First of all, they dig a pit based on the dimensions of the structure. But its width should be slightly larger - by 10-20 cm. Next is the preparation of the base.
  • In the process of arranging storage wells, a 20-centimeter layer of pebbles is poured onto the bottom of the pit. Then fill it with cement mortar.
  • To build a drainage structure, the bottom should be concreted only around the perimeter. The inner part is covered with gravel - the layer should be at least 40 cm.
  • Next, install the well. Using ropes, cables, as well as using a tripod, the structure is carefully lowered to the bottom of the finished pit. Then the pipes will be connected, and sealing cuffs are used for sealing.
  • After this, backfill is carried out and the hatch is installed. Before mounting the hatch, it is necessary to install a supporting polyethylene ring for a well with a technological hole. Next, put the lid in the rings, aligning it with the grooves.

Useful advice

Before installing the sewer well, it is better to familiarize yourself with the relevant building codes. It describes in detail the installation rules in different conditions, on different types of soils.


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