The most famous Belarusian writers

The subject of this material is Belarusian writers. Many authors write in Belarusian. We will talk about the most famous of them today. Next will be given both the classics and contemporary authors.

Nina Abramchik

Belarusian writers
Speaking about the topic "Belarusian Writers", one cannot ignore this author. She was also a public and political figure. Nina Abramchik studied at the Vilnius Belarusian gymnasium. She graduated from Vilnius University. Participated in the Belarusian Student Union. She has been teaching since 1939. Since 1941, she lived in Berlin.

Akudovich Valentin Vasilievich

modern belarusian writers
If you are interested in modern Belarusian writers, pay attention to this author, who is also a philosopher. This is Akudovich Valentin Vasilievich. He studied at the Literary Institute of A. M. Gorky. He worked as a forwarder at a bakery, engineer and turner. He served in the Soviet Army. He led a tourist group in the House of Pioneers.

Dmitry Emelyanovich Astapenko

Belarusian writers also worked in the genre of fiction. In particular, they include Dmitry Emelyanovich Astapenko, who was also a translator and poet. He comes from a teacherโ€™s family. He entered the Mstislavsky Pedagogical College. He later transferred to Minsk. There he became a student of the Belarusian Pedagogical College.

Various authors

Belarusian writers in Belarusian
There are other Belarusian writers, which should be discussed in more detail. Algerd Ivanovich Bakharevich - author of prose works. Translated the fairy tale "Frozen" by Wilhelm Gauf into his native Belarusian language. Wrote a novel afterword to this work. Separate works of the author were translated into Russian, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Czech and German. In 2008, a collection of selected works by the author was published in Poland.

Belarusian writers are often at the same time poets. In particular, this applies to Igor Mikhailovich Bobkov, who is also a philosopher. He studied at the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of History at Belarusian State University. He graduated from graduate school. He completed an internship at the London School of Economics. He is a candidate of philosophical sciences.

Our next hero is Vital Voronov, a Belarusian writer, publisher, translator. He is the co-founder of the cultural and educational center in Poznan. He created the publishing house "Bela krumkach". In the early years he emigrated to Poland. He received a secondary education. He also won the international diploma of the First Private Lyceum in Poznan.

Our next hero is Adam Globus, a Belarusian prose writer, artist, publisher, poet, essayist. Born in the Minsk region, in the city of Dzerzhinsk. Comes from the family of Vyacheslav Adamchik, also a Belarusian writer. He lives in Minsk. He studied at the pedagogical department of the Minsk Art College A.K. Glebov. He worked as a draftsman.

Our next hero, Alexander Karlovich Yelsky, is a Belarusian publicist, literary critic, local historian, and historian. He was one of the first manuscript collectors. Also known as a historian of Belarusian literature. Used various aliases. It comes from the Catholic family of Elskie. He belonged to the nobility of the Principality of Lithuania. Born in the walls of the estate Dudichi.

Our next hero is Viktor Vyacheslavovich Zhibul, a Belarusian poet, literary critic, and performer. He studied at the Faculty of Philology, and then at the graduate school of Belarusian State University. He defended his thesis. Actively participated in the life of the capital as a performer. This author collaborated with a large literary community called โ€œBum-Bam-Litโ€.


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