What is reinforced concrete: description, types, functions

Reinforced concrete products (reinforced concrete) are high-strength materials that are widely used in both industrial and home construction for the erection of various structures.

Reinforced concrete products are produced by pouring concrete mixture into reusable forms, and their high performance indicators are achieved by using steel reinforcement in the production. Reinforced concrete products are transported to the construction site in a ready-made condition.

Types of concrete products

Not everyone knows what concrete products are. They differ in purpose, functional characteristics and technical properties. They can be made different in density, the amount of mixtures used (lime, Portland cement, etc.) and layers, usually reinforced and with tension, prefabricated, solid and combined.

Concrete goods - what is

The most common and popular in our time are reinforced concrete slabs (road and floor slabs), wall panels, reinforced concrete rings, piles and foundation blocks.

Paving slabs

They have a flat rectangular shape and consist of reinforced concrete. Used in the construction of aerodrome, permanent and temporary roads, as well as as a basis for asphalt.

Each of the varieties of these plates has its own technical and technical characteristics.

Floor slabs

What is reinforced concrete, not everyone knows. This is a structural element dividing buildings and other construction objects into separate floors. They are almost always made of reinforced concrete.

reinforced concrete panels

They are mainly used in the construction of low buildings and facilities. There are several varieties of floor slabs.


They cannot be found on sale, since they are produced at the construction site: formwork is put in, a reinforcing mesh is knitted inside the prepared section and concrete mixture is poured.

The advantages of these floor slabs are increased bearing capacity and the possibility of mounting products of any shape.

Disadvantages: the difficulty of performing at altitude. A lot of time is spent on the preparation and conduct of work; moreover, in the cold season, concrete dries for a long time.


The most popular type of floor slabs, used in all areas of construction and to protect heating mains.

concrete slabs

They have a size of 0.6-2.4 m wide and 2.4-6.6 m long. For long spans, 12-meter-long slabs are made to order, but they are used only with additional supports.


  • In the voids you can arrange communications (sewer pipes, cables, etc.).
  • Saving concrete, and therefore low cost.
  • Increased sound insulation.

Hollow core slabs come in several varieties.

PC - made of tensile reinforcement, metal frame and cement. They have mounting rings to simplify installation during the assembly of reinforced concrete structures. The standard height is 22 cm. They are used in the usual construction of high-rise buildings.

PB (formless) are used in the construction of low-rise buildings and structures. Mounting rings are missing. The standard height of the reinforced concrete board is 22 cm. Such overlappings can be cut at an angle of 45 °, because tensile reinforcement is available only in the longitudinal arrangement of the plate. This is an indisputable plus in the construction of complex non-standard objects.

reinforced concrete products

NGOs are lightweight floor slabs. The standard height of the plate is 16 cm, in addition, they are 6 cm narrower than PC and PB.

Solid floor slab structures

Bezbolechnye have a flat surface, mounted on walls and columns. Recommended for floors in residential construction.

Ribbed floor slabs (U-shaped) are crossed beams filled with concrete. They are used only in areas with low seismic activity, in a climate with a temperature not lower than -40 ⁰ C. They are used for the construction of production facilities and retail space.

Concrete are similar to ribbed floor slabs, but a thinner layer of concrete mix is ​​poured between the beams. Used for the construction of industrial facilities.

Wall panels (SP)

This is a type of reinforced concrete products that is used for the installation of internal and external walls. Their width is 3000-7200 mm, thickness 200-350 mm for external joint ventures and 30-160 mm for internal joint ventures, and the height is equal to one floor.

External wall panels of concrete products are single-layer and layered (concrete layer + thermal insulation). The street side of the panels is covered with decorative weather-resistant solutions or elements. The inner surface is leveled with plaster.

Pros of using a joint venture:

  • simplified installation;
  • construction speed;
  • universality;
  • moisture resistance;
  • lightness of the finished design.

Cons of the joint venture:

  • low noise isolation;
  • the impossibility of early detection and elimination of defects during wear.

Reinforced concrete rings (reinforced concrete)

This is a finished building material made from a mixture of concrete, crushed stone, sand, using metal reinforcement. Rings are used in the installation of viewing water and other wells, installation of gas networks, under sewer and drainage systems, for drinking tanks.

rings of concrete

Dimensions of the reinforced concrete:

  • KTs-10: inner diameter 1000 mm, height 900 mm.
  • KTs-20: inner diameter 2000 mm, height 900 mm.

ZhBK there are 3 types:

  • with a locking ring mechanism;
  • direct (no lock);
  • filtration (with holes over the entire area of ​​the ring);
  • rings with a bottom.

During installation, adjusting rings of various volumes, additional rings of various heights, as well as ceilings, are used.

Reinforced concrete piles

They make it possible to fasten in strong soil during the formation of the foundation, increase the strength of the structure. There are several types of piles:

  1. Piles with a solid square section and a frame made of reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm. The upper part of the piles consists of 5 layers of reinforcement net for strength during the driving process.
  2. Piles of square cross section with a round cavity.
  3. Piles with a circular cross section.

Foundation blocks

Installed in a dug pit to organize the foundation. They are mounted on a cement mortar in one or several rows apart.

Advantages and disadvantages of using

What is reinforced concrete, understandably. Their advantages:

  • increase in structural strength;
  • good resistance;
  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • fire resistance;
  • construction of facilities of any form;
  • price-quality ratio.


  • the use of panel carriers for delivery and other special equipment for the installation of reinforced concrete products;
  • the difficulty of storing reinforced concrete products (on ventilated podiums);
  • the dependence of the work on the temperature regime (especially when pouring monolithic floor slabs);
  • skilled workers are required.

Nowadays, reinforced concrete products are actively and universally involved in construction both in the construction of skyscrapers and in the construction of a country house. Reinforced concrete has become one of the main building materials.

production of reinforced concrete

But it must be remembered that only compliance with the precast concrete production technology can guarantee the quality of both the material itself and the reliability of the building being built. In case of doubt, you can always consult with a specialist. He will be able to explain the technical aspects of the work and what is a concrete product.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16525/

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