Pavel Sanaev, "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard": a summary of the story

The book “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard” (for a summary of several short stories in the story, see below) produced the effect of an exploding bomb in the readers' world. It is so ambiguous and unusual that it is difficult to convey the emotions that arose during reading. However, the author's language is so catchy that he who reads a couple of lines will not leave the book to the last page. And then she will hold it in her hands for a long time, trying to understand what it was, where such a volcano of emotions and feelings came from.

bury me for the baseboard book summary

about the author

Pavel Sanaev ("Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" - his most famous story) is a Russian writer, publicist and translator, actor. Born in 1969. He is the adopted son of the famous director Rolan Bykov.

He was engaged in translations, including synchronized pirated films. He was the co-author of the scripts of many popular now tapes, including "On the game", "Last weekend", "Zero kilometer".

bury me behind the plinth


The story “Bury me behind the baseboard”, Pavel Sanaev, according to his confession, dedicated to his grandmother, from whom he lived from four to eleven years.

He called the love and custody of his grandmother "tyrannical", "frantic" "crushing."

It is in memory of the grandmother and her tyranny, the heavy character and crazy atmosphere that reigned in the house where the boy spent his childhood, the story “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard” was written (a summary of the book is waiting for you below).

In the story, progressive director Sergei Snezhkin made the film of the same name. The film caused a lot of responses of a different nature. In his conversations with reporters, Pavel Sanaev himself explained many aspects of the book, which were shown in films in a completely different way.

The writer was disappointed with the film, refused to co-author the script, arguing that he had already clearly said everything once, and the second time he simply could not do it with inspiration and spark.

sanaev bury me behind the plinth summary

"Bury Me Behind the Baseboard". Summary of the story. Tie

The story begins with a short introduction, where the narrator appears as a second-grader boy, Sasha Savelyev, who lives with his grandmother because his mother "exchanged him for a dwarf bloodsucker." He calls himself a "heavy peasant" on his grandmother's neck, which immediately sets the reader in a specific way. This is clearly not the boy’s words; immediately the grandmother’s attitude towards him becomes clear. But not everything is so simple. We present a brief retelling of several chapters of the story.


In it we learn how the boy goes swimming. Grandmother barricades the bathroom door with rolls of blankets, brings a heater (reflector), heats the water to 37.7 degrees. She is convinced that the boy can get sick from the slightest draft.

“Bury me behind the baseboard” (a brief summary is in front of you, but it will not convey all the feelings described in the book, we advise you to read the full version) - a work filled with the feelings of my grandmother, her excessive, painful care for the boy.

At the same time, she constantly curses her grandson, calling him "rotting", wants to "rot in prison." Her communication is constantly interrupted by curses. They relate not only to the boy, but also to his grandfather, and acquaintances, and random oncoming.


The book “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard” (a summary of the story is presented in the article) consists of short stories.

Sasha wakes up from his own scream. Rises and goes to the kitchen. He sees that the grandmother is out of sorts.

A porcelain teapot falls out and shatters from her grandmother's hands, she falls exhaustively onto the bed, saying that she is about to die. Grandfather (called grandmother "smelly old man") and the boy are trying to console her, for which they receive a new portion of curses and screams.

Grandfather is a silent witness to grandmother's outbreaks. He tries not to anger her and not reproach her so as not to cause a wave of explosive anger.

The story "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" (a summary is worth reading only in the absence of time, be sure to read the full version of the work) is filled with remarks and explanations of the author. One of them is below.

After this section, a small amendment follows, in which the author says that cursing his grandmother is not his invention and exaggeration. He also reduces them to some extent, avoiding unprintable "combinations."

Pavel Sanaev bury me behind the plinth


Near the boy’s house was a MADI construction site. He loved to go there with a friend. There he felt free and rested from his grandmother. But she forbade him to go there. The boy could only get into the territory of MADI secretly, when he was allowed to walk in the yard. Convinced that the boy was terribly sick, his grandmother delivered him a homeopathic medicine six times a day. Once she did not find him in the yard. The boys, hearing an angry cry, rushed to her. However, this did not save Sasha. She saw that the boy was sweating, and this was a terrible "misfortune", followed by a reprimand with lamentations and dressing.

Once, Sasha and a friend ran away from the older guys and fell into a hole with cement. Grandmother's furious indignation knew no bounds, she cursed and wished her grandson "to drown the next time in cement completely."

Due to her grandmother’s insanity of compassion and her name-calling, the guard in the courtyard was called Sasha’s idiot.

Pavel Sanaev (“Bury Me Behind the Skirting Board,” whose brief content we are considering is his most famous work) shows many funny and sad situations that happened to the boy. Fate seems to be trying to show grandmother herself that she is acting incorrectly.

White ceiling

Sasha recalls that he went to school very rarely, 7-10 days a month. My grandmother took homework and classroom exercises from Svetochka's excellent student, constantly praising and setting the girl as an example for Sasha. She studied with her grandson until he and his strength were lost, scratching mistakes in a notebook with a razor.

Once a boy made a mistake and wrote twice one syllable in a word. This brought her grandmother to hysteria, in which she screamed that she did not know the boy, she did not have a grandson, then she repeated the meaningless “white ceiling”.


The story begins with a description of the apartment. She was a two-room. One room belonged to grandfather, where he slept on a folding, but never folding sofa. There was a huge sideboard, nicknamed the sarcophagus.

There were two refrigerators in the kitchen, in one there were foodstuffs, and in the other there were canned goods and caviar for doctors, according to which the grandmother constantly drove the boy.

In this chapter, from a conversation between grandfather and his friend Lesha, the reader learns about his grandmother's psychiatric illness.

the story bury me behind the baseboard pavel sanaev

Park of Culture

Sasha has long dreamed of riding rides in the park. Once, after a visit to a homeopath, he managed to drag his grandmother there. But she did not allow the boy to ride on any of the attractions, but only bought ice cream, which she promised to give at home. On the way home, the treat has melted. All that remained of him was only a puddle in which documents, money and analyzes were safely drowned.


Grandfather Senya got tickets to Zheleznovodsk. Grandmother and Sasha went there by train.

The boy really liked the toilet on the train, especially the brilliant flush pedal. When the grandmother got out of the compartment, Sasha rushed to the toilet, opening the door with his elbows, because there was an “infection”. But he could not get back without adventure, and in front of his grandmother’s eyes he collapsed right on the floor in the dominance of “germs, dysentery and staphylococcus.”

bury me for the baseboard sanaev n summary

The end of the story

In this story, on behalf of the boy, the reader learns the origins of such an unusual, surreal title of the story.

Its author is Sasha Saveliev. Intimidated by his grandmother's lamentations and wishes for death, the boy was sure that he would soon die. Death seemed to him something terribly inevitable, creepy. He was terribly afraid of her. And once he decided that the best place for his burial would not be a cemetery, but "behind the baseboard" in his mother’s apartment. So that he lay there and watched his mother walk, I saw her every day.

The conflict between the mother and grandmother of little Sasha in the story grows to an end. One day, mom comes and takes Sasha. Together with her husband, they make it clear to their grandmother that they will not give her their son to her. Sasha stays with mom, and grandmother dies ...

sanaev bury me behind the plinth summary

So finished “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" by Sanaev P. (for a summary of several stories, see above). The story is very ambiguous and causes a gamut of feelings. The style and language of the story seem to immerse us in the world of childhood. But childhood is not happy, but terrifying, surreal, completely dug up by the shovels of grandmother's cynicism and crazy, incinerating love, which is difficult to call such. The story, of course, should be read in its entirety, but this is not a book that is customary to enjoy with a cup of tea.


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