Water deferrization filter for water purification from iron and impurities

A water deferrization filter having a special filler is one of the most efficient aggregates of this kind. This design has gained distribution both among ordinary consumers and in production. Due to it, it is possible to obtain the desired result under the condition of overall high productivity and relatively low cost.

water deferrization filter


There are many reasons justifying the prevalence of such a device. Even inexpensive options can clean a large volume of fluid. Moreover, a set of units based on membrane technology with similar performance is notable for its high cost and complexity of installation. Equipment using replaceable cartridges during operation requires significant investments.

The water deferrization filter is a fully automated device that performs regeneration and purification, controls the level of the solution and other nuances.

The basis of this equipment is ion-exchange technology, that is, specialized resins - the bulk of the backfill is subject to repeated regeneration. The average period of operation is 7-9 years, it can be increased with full compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

The filter is capable of simultaneously performing several functions and purifying water from mechanical impurities and hardness salts.

filter for iron removal from well


For the manufacture of the case, various materials are used, most often you can find composite and plastic options. Stainless steel is used much less often, due to the rather large mass and cost. Thanks to the materials used, water deferrization filter gains strength and resistance to external and temperature influences, corrosion processes and oxidation.

The lower part of the central pipe is led to the distribution unit, and the upper - to the control unit. The task of this component of the filter system is to divert the fluid in the direction that is required to comply with the technology. Similar elements of modern devices are made of high-quality plastic, which is resistant to mechanical damage and corrosion processes.

Distributor name has distribution bottom part. The liquid passes through this part when it is fed or withdrawn, regardless of direction and quantity. There are many holes on the device’s body to ensure full use of the filter’s working volume, in particular its lower part. It is possible to obtain such properties only if there are no contaminants that can interfere with the movement of the liquid.

water deferrization softening filters

DIY water deferrization filter

Home-made construction is sometimes used in country houses, in which the well is the main source of water for various needs. Such a system, in addition to its basic functions, is able to eliminate pathogens. The duralumin tank, containing 100 liters of liquid, acts as the main part of the structure. Two nozzles provide control of the water in the tank, these elements communicate with each other using a silicone hose. Water that has already been cleaned is pumped from the tank.

Water deferrization filter: features

A characteristic feature of the devices is a hemispherical shape on both sides of the housing, providing ease of use and established characteristics. Thanks to a specialized overlay, stability is formed when standing upright, it is fixed on the outer plane of the bottom. Standard devices most often have one neck for supplying and collecting liquid, as well as for backfilling of composite components. It has a threaded connection to simplify the fixing of external elements.

In the case of round-the-clock use, difficulties may arise due to the systematic washing of the backfill. At this time, it is not recommended to use water until the characteristics of granular substances are restored. This problem can be solved if parallel to install complementary filters for iron removal from the well. The reviews of people who purchased such devices are mostly positive. They noted a significant improvement in water quality.

high iron content iron removal filters

Filler Value

The distributor is surrounded by an additional backfill, which is intended to cleanse the liquid from mechanical foreign particles and its uniform distribution. As this mixture can be used a combination of gravel, sand and other materials with a granular structure. The backfill is systematically cleaned using special flushing modes, and it does not need to be removed. Also, due to them, the required density is formed for the high-quality performance of all functions.

The filter for iron removal from the well performs its tasks depending on the parameters of the main filling. A competent choice of composition determines the duration of operation, purification from certain types of impurities, and overall productivity. That is, without the availability of relevant knowledge and experience, it is difficult to correctly compose the mixture.

For calculation, the levels of minimum and maximum pressure, purification technology, tank dimensions, the degree of purification required, and the composition of water are of particular importance. It is possible to use various backfill, they can be either multicomponent or consist of one material. Some situations require location in separate layers of backfill with different composition. During calculations, changes in water composition during melting snow and floods should be taken into account.

do-it-yourself water deferrization filter

Control unit

With the help of this device, softening filters, water deferrization filters carry out automatic work. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine any modern option without such equipment, since it allows you to save the user from many labor-intensive operations.

In BKU there is always a valve system with equipment in the form of a mechanical, electronic or hydraulic actuator, or with a combination thereof. It ensures that water is directed into the installed working circuit when removing foreign particles and flushing.

The electronic unit, which has specialized software, receives signals from external sensors. After setting the unit to the desired algorithm, it starts sending control signals to the nodes of the valve system.

There are also external connections for bringing the tank with the solution, connecting the outlet and inlet of the liquid.

The simplest iron deferrization filters with a high iron content are distinguished by the placement of LCD screens and other monitors in the housing of the BCU itself. More modern systems have remote units that provide location in a place convenient for users. They display executable programs and device operation in real time. They also allow you to make changes to the system and quickly reconfigure settings.

water deferrization filter calculation

The principle of operation of BKU

The implementation of the main tasks is based on the following algorithms:

  • Accounting for user-defined water volume flow. A special device that automatically calculates the spent water is used to read the corresponding readings.
  • Set time intervals. Such systems are based on a timer that starts the regeneration or flushing process at specific time intervals.

The choice

Reagent-free water deferrization filters are selected depending on the specific reservoir or well used as a source of water. Iron in lakes and rivers is presented in the form of colloidal compositions containing mineral elements. The presence of sulfides in places rich in acidic components is noted. Also, if there is a large level of oxygen in the surface type sources, a large amount of it is provided in water. Iron takes on a trivalent form due to intense oxidative processes.

A high-quality and reliable device purifies water from those particles that must be removed. The fluid may contain iron in various forms. Therefore, a competent selection of a cleaning system with preliminary bacteriological analyzes is required. Calculation of the water deferrization filter is carried out depending on the results obtained. They also determine the quality of equipment and optimal operating conditions for maximum efficiency.

reagent-free water deferrization filters

Water composition

The presence of hydroxide is characteristic of artesian wells due to the absence of free oxygen penetration in the depths. This chemical compound is highly stable when the set acidity threshold is exceeded. The content of calcium salts is also often noted. Such substances contribute to the oxidation of iron in contact with oxygen and turn water into a cloudy liquid with a specific taste and shade. Hydroxide after coagulation changes and falls out in the form of a dark precipitate.

In water from wells, the presence of “organic iron” is also possible. It is presented in the form of slippery deposits formed in the bends of pipes and the entire water supply system.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16535/

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