Manor Sukhanovo: address, photo, history

Manor Sukhanovo was erected at the end of the seventeenth century. Subsequently, it was donated by Peter the Great to N. Streshnev, the tsar’s ardent supporter. Then the estate passed into the possession of Dmitriev-Mamonov, who later married the niece of the king - Praskovya Ioannovna.

Manor Sukhanovo


Manor Sukhanovo is a classic example of natural gardens that were popular in the eighteenth century. It is noteworthy because it carefully preserves the memory of the great Russian figures who literally changed the course of history. One of the characteristic features of the estate is the presence of the temple-mausoleum, which became the site of the last refuge of its former owners. The main part of the park is separated from the mausoleum by a massive bridge of stone. This building symbolizes the transition from one world to another. Trees hanging over the water evoke memories of past days and make you think about the meaning of life on this earth.

New owners - Volkonsky

In 1804, the estate of Sukhanovo was in the possession of the princes Volkonsky. They were the owners of these lands for more than a century - until 1917. Many of the buildings were repaired and substantially altered thanks to the efforts of Elena Volkonskaya and her nephew. The latter served as chief of the General Staff Building of Alexander I, and during the reign of Nicholas I became minister of the court. P.M. Volkonsky was involved in attracting the most prominent architects of Russia to the design process of the estate.

Manor Sukhanovo how to get there


The final formation of the architectural appearance of Sukhanovo occurred in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. It was during this period that the estate flourished. P.M. Volkonsky, who served as the Minister of the Courtyard and in charge of the construction of public buildings, could involve such high-class masters as Charlemagne, Rossi and others in the construction of the estate. Unfortunately, some of the projects have not been implemented, some of the buildings that were not built preserved or lost the original architectural appearance.

A bit about architectural elements

The 1820s were marked by the appearance of office buildings with pseudo-Gothic features - battlements and turrets, and the 1830s - guest houses in the classical style.

The park facade of the main structure is decorated with a six-column portico. It offers beautiful views of the village, located on a high opposite bank. At the end of one of the shady alleys there is a gazebo under the romantic name “Temple of Venus”, and after that you can go to the arched bridge, which is thrown over a ravine and leads to one of the most interesting places of the estate - the mausoleum. On the way to it there is a bronze sculpture of a girl holding a broken jug. This is a copy of the famous work of P.P. Sokolov. The original is located on the territory of Tsarskoye Selo Park. This sculpture was admired by Pushkin. The poet expressed his enthusiasm in poetic form.

LCD estate Sukhanovo

More about the Mausoleum

This building appeared in 1813. It was built over a crypt in which the wife of E.A. Volkonskaya, Prince D.P. Volkonsky, was buried. He died from injuries sustained in the 1812 war. This is a rounded building. The western part of the mausoleum is decorated with a strict Doric portico. Two empire-style altars in cast iron are mounted on the stairs. Initially, the building was united by a semicircular open colonnade with a bell tower and a small outbuilding. More recently, it was possible to discover the design documents of this building, which made it possible to establish the name of the architect. The author was the architect Stasov, famous for such works as the Arc de Triomphe in the northern capital and Pavlovsky barracks on the Champ de Mars.

Subsequently, the Sukhanovo estate changed its appearance more than once. The history of this place includes the fact of a radical change in the Volkonsky mausoleum - the finest example of the capital's empire. As a result of the 1934 alteration, the masterpiece was simply ruined.

The main house was built at the end of the eighteenth century. Work on its reconstruction was carried out in 1945 (the process was carried out under the guidance of the architect Kokorin). Before this alteration, changes were made many times. So, at the end of the nineteenth century, columns and porticoes were added, as well as galleries on the sides of the building, which ended in wings. In the forties of the same century, it was decided to close the galleries, a residential floor was built over the right. Once the church adjoined this building, but it was destroyed in the 1930s.

Manor Sukhanovo address

Current state of affairs

Manor Sukhanovo is still a valuable monument of domestic landscape art and architecture. Today, a rest house belonging to the Union of Architects is organized on the estate's territory. Unfortunately, a unique object is gradually being destroyed.

Manor Sukhanovo: how to get there by car?

This memorial place is located one and a half kilometers from the city of Vidnoye (Moscow region). Nearby is the Gvozdyanka River. If you have a car at your disposal, you can get to your destination as follows: after the Moscow Ring Road, turn right from the Don (M4) highway towards Vidnoye. In Rastorguevo, you must also turn right (drive under the railway bridge). Then go straight ahead, after a few kilometers you will see Sukhanovo estate.

How to get there by public transport?

At Paveletsky station you can take the train. Get off at the station called “Rastorguevo”. You will be taken to the estate by the 379th or 59th bus.

If you take the train at the Kursk station, you need to go out at the Butovo station. Then we transfer to the 379th bus and go to the final stop. The doors for you hospitably open Manor Sukhanovo. The address of this historical and architectural monument is: Moscow Region, Leninsky District, Vidnoye. Admission is not charged.

Sukhanovo estate photo

Modern project

Residential complex "Manor Sukhanovo" is located in the city with the name Vidnoe. This project is called a masterpiece of modern housing architecture. The complex is located in one of the most famous historical places near Moscow. Residential complex “Manor Sukhanovo” with its five-story buildings naturally fits into the landscape.

The total area of ​​the complex is four hectares. In total, it is planned to build six buildings. The apartments are distinguished by the original layout, their minimum area is 34 m² (one-room), and the maximum is 88 m² (three-room). An individual project has been developed for each building. During the construction, environmentally friendly and energy-efficient materials are used. The cost of apartments starts with two and a half million rubles.

One of the main areas that are adhered to in the process of implementing this residential complex in life, according to developers, is the active development of infrastructure to achieve a high level of comfort in the "Manor Sukhanovo". In addition, it is planned to carry out a serious reconstruction of the former estates of the Volkonsky princes, build a boat station in the adjacent forest park zone and equip several sports grounds.

Manor Sukhanovo story


Sukhanovo is a manor (photo above) with a long and difficult fate. During its existence, it has changed many owners. Numerous reconstructions did not always have a positive effect on the appearance of this place. Nevertheless, tourists who are interested in the history of Russia in its various manifestations continue to come here.


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