Corrosion-resistant primer for car

As you know, the worst enemy for a car is corrosion. Broken cars obviously do not shine with their beauty. Which of the motorists do not want to keep the paintwork for many years? To prevent the machine from rusting, you need to use high-quality soil. This is the base on which enamel and paint are held. And if the body has already begun to corrode, it can be restored by repainting. But how to make the effect last for many years? For this, experts use anti-corrosion primer for cars. What is it - consider in our article today.

Feature Manufacturers

Priming is one of the main stages of body repair.

anti-corrosion primer for car
It is the quality of the application of this material that determines the durability and durability of the paint material as a whole. There are many varieties of primer. The most popular is anti-corrosion primer for cars. Which is better to choose? There are several leading manufacturers:

  • Newton.
  • "Type".
  • Bosnia.
  • HighGir.

These companies are considered leading in the field of automotive enamels and primers. These paints and varnishes are highly resistant to fading and other environmental influences. It is worth remembering that the life of the whole paintwork, which will be applied later, depends on the quality of the soil used.

anticorrosive primer body 992 instructions for use
The material will protect the metal from corrosion, so when choosing a primer you do not need to focus on cheap products.


What are the functions of anti-corrosion primer for cars? This component performs several tasks at once:

  • Adhesion (good adhesion to metal and adhesion of paint).
  • Protection. In case of damage to the top layer (this is varnish and base enamel), the primer will protect the metal from corrosion processes - moisture and sandblasting.

Also note that high-quality soil has good adhesion not only to metal, but also to putty. This must be taken into account in case of repair of a car that was already in an accident.

Instructions for use

Corrosion-resistant primer Body 992 is one of the most popular on the market, so we will consider working with it. According to the manufacturer, the product provides reliable protection of metal from rust for a period of 10 years or more. The primer can interact with nitrocellulose and alkyd paints. Resists exposure to moisture, salts and other chemical factors. It can be applied with a roller or spray gun. In the latter case, the nozzle diameter should be 1.8 mm. Soil before application is diluted with a solvent by 20-30%. It is recommended to use the Body Eco Sinn 767 nitro-solvent.

anti-corrosion primer for cars which is better
Before applying it is important to prepare the surface. It should not have traces of rust and old paint. The material adheres very poorly to the latter. It can be applied only on stripped metal, or on putty.

An important stage is the masking of places where soil is undesirable. These include:

  • Door moldings.
  • Headlights.
  • Turn Signals.
  • Glass.
  • Wheels.
  • Doorknobs.
  • Rubber seals.

Pasting is done with film and masking tape, in extreme cases, old newspapers are used. It is important to work in a dry and warm room. The minimum air temperature is +15 o C.

anticorrosive primer
Please note: the primer must be mixed with a solvent to a homogeneous mass. The material container must be clean and dry. If it is a two-component soil (to which Body 992 does not apply), then a hardener is added to the composition.

What next?

How is Body 992 anti-corrosion primer applied? The instructions for use state that the material should be applied to a clean and degreased surface. To select the desired size of the torch, it is recommended to apply several test layers on a different surface (a piece of wood or a sheet of metal is suitable). After making sure that the paint lays down "as it should," you can begin to work. One-component primary primers are applied in one coat, but remember that it should not be thick. The torch is kept at a distance of at least 35 cm and the spray gun is moved at a speed of 0.5-0.6 meters per second. When the material is completely applied to the surface, you need to wait until it finally dries. Drying is carried out at a temperature of +15 ... + 25 ° C for one hour. One-component anticorrosive primer for car is not subject to polishing.

Secondary anti-corrosion primer

It is applied in two or three layers. The first should be medium in thickness, but the next can already be made thick. But you need to apply it from a long distance to exclude the formation of sagging. Do not get hung up on the same place. More than three layers should not be applied. Otherwise, anti-corrosion soil will shrink. As in the previous case, after application, the material must be dried. It is carried out at a temperature of +60 ° C. This can be done using infrared heaters. But if they are not there - it does not matter, the material can be dried at room temperature. But in this case, the operation time will increase to 12 hours instead of 60 minutes.

anticorrosive primer body 992 instruction
Please note: infrared lamps should be at least 70 cm from the surface. Otherwise, the anti-corrosion primer may boil.

Final stage

After final drying, check the surface for defects. It can be pollen or shagreen leather. How to remove such defects? This can be done by conventional grinding. If the material was applied to deep scratches (which for some reason forgot to putty), it does not matter. This can be removed by applying another layer of putty. But after that the surface needs to be re-primed - the only way maximum adhesion with base enamel is possible. A smooth surface can also be achieved with the help of equalizers, which we will talk about a little later.

anticorrosive primer for cars
Experts recommend grinding primed areas with a dry sandpaper with a grain of P320-400 and finishing with fine-grained sandpaper P500. “Wet” can use paper from P600 to P800.


Today in the enamel market you can find products such as leveling agents. These are special formulations designed to eliminate bumps of any nature. These are micropores on putty, pollen and scratches after grinding. In addition, equalizers perfectly protect the layer from chips. There are compositions with medium and high filling. Which are better to use? The former are easier to grind, but they have greater shrinkage. Otherwise, these compounds are almost identical.


So, we found out what is anti-corrosion primer and how to apply it correctly. Following the technology, it is possible to provide reliable protection of metal from rust for many years. But you need to remember that anticorrosive primer is a complex chemical compound, therefore, when working with it, you should observe safety precautions (have a respirator, gloves and safety glasses). The room where work is carried out must be well ventilated.


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