"Don Agate" (grapes): description, reviews

In general, there are more than 20 thousand types of grapes in the world, but this is not the limit. The number of varieties is constantly growing.

What to consider when choosing the right grape variety? First of all, the quantity of the crop, its quality and how long it can bear fruit.

Agate, Don Grapes
The species in question was obtained in 1986 at the Research Institute named after ME AND. Potapenko (Novocherkassk). It is winter hardy.

Grapes "Don Agate": variety description

Grapes of European-Amur origin is a table variety of Russian selection. It had the original name "hero".

Leaves of medium size, three-lobed or almost whole with the edges bending upward, slightly dissected, hard and dark green. At the bottom of the leaf there is a cobwebly pubescence.

Don agate grapes, description of the variety

The clusters are large, cone-shaped, with medium density. Their mass reaches 400 g. The berry itself is round, black or dark blue, rather large, weighing up to 6.5 grams. The flesh under the thick torn skin is juicy and fleshy. "Don Agate" - grapes with the usual taste.

Each berry has an average of 2 seeds. Productivity is very high, as is fruitfulness.

Flowering begins in early June, and its duration until complete ripening is about 120 days.

Productivity, properties, advantages

The grape variety "Don Agate" has a tendency to overload the crop, contributing to the deterioration of its taste. It has almost always stable and high productivity, reaching up to 14 kg of berries from the bush.

Reduced sugar accumulation is characteristic of this variety. At maturity, 13-14 grams of sugars per 100 ml of berries, 6-7 grams of acids per 1 liter and about 17.0 mg per 100 g of vitamin C are present in the fruits. High marketability of the crop corresponds to a figure of at least 90%.

The variety is well resistant to diseases: mildew (powdery mildew) and gray rot. It tolerates 26-degree frosts. "Don Agate" is a grape that also has a high ability to recover after significant damage as a result of severe frosts. However, wilting of berries is also possible in the most arid conditions during the ripening period.

Medium-sized grape bushes with excellent ripening of vines. For them, the standard formation is recommended (short pruning of vines for 1-2 eyes and the load of the bush up to 20 shoots).

The main advantages of this variety can be considered high winter hardiness and productivity, excellent resistance to disease, as well as rather large clusters.

Grapes "Don Agate": description. Varieties suitable for cultivation in the middle lane

The diverse climate of central Russia is a minor hindrance to this variety. It is already in the second or third years after planting that it gives a good harvest.

First you need to determine the landing site and varieties.

Don agate grape variety

Practice shows that "Don Agate" is a grape that grows almost everywhere (but not in a solid shadow), and if properly taken care of, it will be nice to bear fruit. It must be remembered that planting seedlings of grapes of low-quality varieties can lead to complete disappointment.

If there is a veranda or a gazebo in the garden or on the adjacent plot, this will be the best place to receive guests under an elegant fruit-bearing vineyard.
The place for the future grape bush should be well lit by the sun and protected from the wind.

Grapes agate don, reviews

If the plot has any bias, grapes should be planted on the most gentle southern slope or southwest. With a flat area, you need to artificially create a place in the form of a solid fence about 2 m high, oriented along the east-west line, or use existing buildings (verandas, arbors). Dense hedges or screens can also be used for this purpose, for example from reeds and improvised materials.

In the middle lane, it is advisable to plant early and super early varieties, which include "Don agate." Grapes of several other varieties also take root well in these areas: "Victoria", "handsome", "delight", "denal", "hymen", "black" and others.

Little Beginner Landing Tips

Planting methods are very diverse, they depend on the type of soil. There are various options, but usually it is recommended to plant grapes in small trenches on the most sandy, well-warmed soils.

Landing on ridges is recommended on cooler clayed soils and clays (in the old days β€œworked”), since groundwater lies in such places.

For watering and top dressing, it is convenient to place plastic bottles with the neck down with the cut bottom between seedlings. In the process of growing bushes it is necessary to change the bottle to pipe trimming (asbestos cement). Adult grapes themselves are able to get water from the soil. The longer and deeper the roots of the vine bush, the better the quality of the wine from its ripened berries.


Remarkable aesthetically and in taste is the grape "Don Agate". Reviews about him are mostly positive. Many gardeners growing grapes speak well of this variety. Especially numerous are responses about good maturation and yield. And in terms of external parameters, bushes and vines look great on garden plots, especially in combination with various buildings. However, there is an opinion that in the market this type is not very in demand among buyers.

In any case, every gardener (vine-grower) must, according to his taste, decide on the choice of a variety that will fully give the owners not only beautiful juicy and sweet berries, but also bring their zest to the garden design.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16543/

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