Everything for mushroom pickers: when picking porcini mushrooms

For lovers of “quiet” hunting, the mushroom season begins in early summer and lasts until late autumn. And rarely when they return home without a "catch". The main thing is that the summer should not be dry and hot, but periodically please them with drizzling rains.

Mushroom picker calendar

white mushroom when to collect
Everything in nature is interconnected. And even picking mushrooms is no exception. Bird cherry blossoms - under the birch trees appear. The first thunderstorms will thunder, rye will rush into the field - aspen boletuses will immediately jump out. When the fragrant linden blooms and the aroma of honey spreads, a second, more diverse wave of mushrooms will appear. But the richest mushroom season is undoubtedly the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. But when is porcini harvested?

Ceps grow from the end of June to October, but if the summer is wet and warm, they can be found earlier. The folk calendar says that the first mushrooms are harvested when the rye rinses. And when the linden bloomed - the time has come for the second gathering of boletus.

Mushroom well done

when picking porcini mushrooms
White mushroom, like most other mushrooms, has many names: boletus, white mushroom, breadbasket, white hare, pechura, and cowshed. The names do not reflect all the beauty of this young mushroom. Dense and strong, with a dry, roundish hat of shades of the most different - from ocher-brown to brown-red - it seems that it is intended only to admire it. Not for nothing that many fans of "quiet" hunting collect these mushrooms at the expense of.

White mushrooms. Where to collect them

In the place of growth, the mushrooms are divided into birch, oak, spruce and pine. For each pore, the white mushroom chooses its favorite place.

The first in early June on well-warmed places appear birch whites, along with boletus and some more mushrooms. At this time, ears of bread are earning in the field, so they are popularly called spikes. In July, in the first decade, the time comes for mushroom hunting in oak forests. White oak mushrooms are friendly: they meet whole families. Later, but also in July, birch whites appear again. They are called "stubs" because the harvest begins in the field. You need to look for such whites in a rare birch forest. In late July and early August, spruce whites emerge from the earth. They are found in young plantings of Christmas trees, and also in a mixed forest, where there are many birches and firs. For spruce come pine white, dark-headed - they already grow before the end of the season, prefer forest edges or clearings with sparse fern, overgrown with bushes and rare pines.

So when is porcini harvested? The dates for collecting various mushrooms are approximate. First of all, they depend on climatic conditions. Of course, warm and moderately rainy weather will allow mushrooms to appear earlier than average, and cold or too dry will delay the time of their collection.

White mushroom. When to collect it

porcini mushrooms where to collect
With the morning dawn. It is good to pick mushrooms in the early morning, before the dew has fallen, and before the sun heats them. Then the mushrooms are stored for a longer time. Heated by the sun, laid in a basket or bucket with a thick layer, they begin to deteriorate quickly - they become wet and slippery, they emit an unpleasant odor. They are not suitable for processing.

It is not recommended to pull the mushroom from the ground along with the mycelium, it is necessary to carefully cut it off with a knife at the very base, leaving part of the leg in the ground so as not to damage the mycelium.

Some more tips on when picking porcini mushrooms. Mushrooms grow best in warm, fresh weather, the most suitable temperature for this is not lower than 16 and not higher than 25 degrees, when the soil is well saturated with moisture. The warm drizzle contributes to the growth of mushrooms. By the way, the first mushrooms, which pop up a couple of days after such a rain, are often wormy, and a real mushroom shoot, strong and pleasing to the eye, will appear a little later. So you need to know when picking porcini mushrooms in order to return from a “quiet” hunt with a full basket of handsome boletus.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16548/

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