Peony "celebrity": description, origin, care

Many in the household plots grow beautiful delicate pink flowers - peonies, which people rightfully admire for their charm. However, few people know that peonies have a lot of varieties - more than thirty-six. One of them is the celebrity peony.

Origin history

Peony is the oldest plant. According to a wonderful legend, this flower used to be a man - a doctor Peon (another option - Pean), who studied with Aesculapius, and also saved people and even gods, healing their battle wounds. Having envied Peon's talent, Aesculapius planned to kill his student, but the god of the underworld saved him: he turned Peon into a flower.

Peony Celebrity
China is considered the birthplace of a peony, but in Russia it began to spread only from the 18th century. There is an opinion that brought plant seeds to our country is none other than Peter the Great. Peony "celebrity" (from the English this word translates as "celebrity") is really a celebrity among his fellow peonies. It compares favorably with others in its extraordinary beauty!

Description of the peony "celebrity"

This species has a rather high spreading bush - it can reach 100 centimeters. The leaves are dark green, slightly openwork, to the onset of frost, their shade becomes purple. "Celebrity" blooms in late May, in June (while in some other varieties this process begins in early May). He has large, lush flowers of all shades of pink and white, in diameter reaching up to 15 centimeters.

peony celebrity photo
In the photo of the “celebrity” peony, it can be seen that the flower is not distinguished by a love of order - its petals stick out in different directions, as necessary. But it has a fragrant aroma that can be felt from afar, and it pleases the eye with its beauty for at least two to three weeks. Well worth the "celebrity" and after cutting - ten days at least (provided that the water is replaced, of course).

Plant care

Peony "celebrity" is loved by summer residents, not only for its beauty, but also for its unpretentiousness: it requires almost no care. He loves the flower for various dressings, especially with organic fertilizers. For these purposes, you can use bird droppings, but you need to remember that one plant needs a whole bucket.

After flowering, peonies must be stepsoned - then the buds become larger and their number increases. However, it is important to pay attention that in this case the plant will fade faster.

Peony Celebrity Description
Peony "celebrity" is quite hardy and is distinguished by longevity. If you properly care for him, then you can not transplant him for the whole twenty years. For the location of the peony, it is best to choose fertile, nutrient-rich soil. The plant will take root on any soil, but it will feel the best on this soil. And doubly fine, if this soil is in a well-lit area of ​​the garden. It is necessary to plant a flower in the fall, not forgetting to water abundantly. Peonies are very fond of water, but stagnation is required to be avoided. For this purpose, the soil near them should be mulched.

Propagated by "celebrity" by dividing the rhizomes. It is recommended to do this in late August or early September. The stalk of a peony must be cut off, leaving no more than ten centimeters above the ground. The bush should be spudded and carefully dug up, carefully watching so as not to damage the kidneys. The pulled bush needs to be carefully divided into several parts, to see if the roots are in order, if there are rotten ones, they must be removed. The main thing here is not to tear the bush sharply, otherwise you can break the entire root system. It is desirable to leave at least five buds on each part of the bush - then the plant will take root well and will not “starve”.

Interesting Facts

  1. The ancient Greeks believed that peony scares away evil spirits.
  2. If the "celebrity" peony has ceased to bloom, this is a signal that division and transplantation need to be done.
  3. The most common diseases of peonies are powdery mildew and gray rot. In general, it is the most non-susceptible to pests and diseases flower.
  4. In no case should you transplant a whole bush - it simply disappears.
  5. When watering, you need to use several buckets of water per bush.
  6. Europeans of the Middle Ages called peony a rival to roses.

Each flower has its own meaning. A peony symbolizes the wish for good and prosperity. Give peonies as often as possible!


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