The Iliad, a summary of the epic

The summary of the Iliad is recommended as part of the school curriculum and for the purpose of general self-development, due to the complexity of the original. This story originates in ancient Greece, during the time of heroes and legends. Written by a blind poet, the "Iliad" of Homer will for a long time excite the minds of historians and philosophers with its ambiguity and scale.

Introduction. Tie

yiada summary
First of all, it is necessary to understand that the work is tied around the city of Troy, or otherwise, "Ilios", whence it takes its name "Iliad". The summary of the first parts is easy to convey in a nutshell: Tsarevich Troy Paris and his brother Hector visit Tsar Sparta Menelaus on a friendly visit. Paris, struck by the beauty of the wife of Menelaus Elena, seduces and takes her to Troy, which cannot go unpunished. From this moment, a gap occurs: dozens of heroes, such as Odysseus, Ajax, Achilles, and others, with the support of many allied states, gathered with armies to besiege the impregnable city. In the very first days of the siege, the invulnerable Achilles destroys the temple of the patron god of Troy, which, according to legend, dooms himself to death. In the following days, the battle of the hero of Troy, Hector, takes place with Patroclus, dressed in the armor of Achilles, with the subsequent death of Patroclus and revenge on the part of Achilles himself.

Main part. Siege

The Iliad, a brief summary of which should at least cover the main events of that time, could not ignore the description of the conflict itself: a long, useless siege and a sense of hopelessness of the warriors of all Greece before the greatness of the inviolable walls. The following is a description of the battle and many victims from both warring parties, as well as the battle of Menelaus and Paris, in which Paris, disgraced, was saved by Hector, which only embittered the soldiers. The Trojans returned outside the city walls and the siege continued. But the cunning Odysseus, who was not the first to find a way out of difficult situations, came up with a plan to penetrate the city.

Trojan horse. Exodus

summary of the iiad
Although few people know the name of this poem, it is precisely thanks to the episode with the Trojan Horse that the name “Iliad”, the summary of which is presented here, went down in history as a feat. A huge horse was assembled from the woods of the ships by the besieging troops, which was left as a gift from the victorious Three. The catch was that several dozen warriors were hidden inside the horse, ready at night, after the celebration of victory, to open the gates of the main army, which hid behind the rocks on the coast. With the onset of night, Troy fell under the onslaught of the Greeks breaking into the city and only a few Trojans managed to escape by sea. According to legend, it was they who founded Rome. In the same battle, the great Achilles fell, struck by the arrow of Paris in the only weak spot - the heel.


Homer Iliad
So what does the Iliad teach us and what can it tell? The summary, of course, cannot convey the full meaning of the author’s poem, but even these passages of history are enough to understand that power does not always triumph over less power, and cunning can sometimes bring victory to someone, and to someone great sorrow. The main idea of ​​history is that let this battle take place a very, very long time, the memory of the great feats of the heroes will live for centuries, and they, like the gods of their time, will be alive as long as they are remembered.


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