Garage insulation: process and rules

In winter, low temperatures and snow adversely affect the appearance and technical properties of the car. And, of course, this does not have a positive effect on his life. Therefore, every self-respecting car owner who values ​​his car should have a garage. But it is not enough to have a metal structure where the temperature will not be higher than on the street. You need to get a warm place to save cars.

How is the insulation of a metal garage done by hand? Firstly, it is necessary to observe several important points: it is not necessary to insulate the garage so that the temperature in it exceeds +10 degrees, otherwise a sharp temperature difference will contribute to the early appearance of rust. Ventilation is also of great importance: without adequate ventilation, gases will stagnate in the garage and humidity will increase.

Garage insulation usually begins with a selection of materials. There are many options that vary among themselves in price and quality. For example, Astratek insulation, which is applied to the garage walls with a brush or roller, replaces 1 mm of its coating with a layer of mineral wool up to 5 cm thick. However, it is inferior to it in price comparison. Mineral wool itself is also considered not the cheapest material for warming the garage, but it has one important property - it does not burn.

More recently, another type of insulation appeared on the Russian market - penoizol. It is sheet and liquid, the latter after hardening forms a waterproof heat-insulating layer. This technology allows you to make the process of insulation of the garage even less costly. However, there is a small nuance: not everyone trusts this material, so it is not so popular, which means that not every store will exhibit it on its “counters”.

The insulation of the garage takes place in stages and includes several separate stages: insulation of the walls, roof and gate (floor, if required). We'll have to finish everything with one heater, or, perhaps, combine several of its types.

In this case, the insulation of the garage with polystyrene wins for two reasons: firstly, it is quite light and it can be easily installed on the walls and on the roof, and secondly, its low cost will allow you to purchase higher quality material for finishes (lining, plywood or metal sheets), saving on insulation. How to cover polystyrene foam is already a personal matter for everyone, the decorative part of the work is individual.

Consider the entire process of installing foam in the garage. First of all, it will be necessary to visually break the walls into pieces due to wooden bars, so that the dimensions of the foam sheets just enter between the wooden guides. For further fastening, wood screws are required. You can attach the foam to the glue, but this option is best used for the roof, where the insulation of the garage does not require special attention. Plus, the installation of bars to the metal roof is not easy and requires skill.

The gates are insulated in approximately the same way - by creating crates on them. As a “covering part” you can use a galvanized sheet, also lightweight and easy to install.

Garage insulation is the responsibility of the business. You should always remember about the possibility of ignition and do not forget to choose materials that contribute to the prevention of fire. Therefore, when choosing a foam, its composition must be taken into account: it must be with a flame retardant. The addition of this component will make the foam flame resistant.

Also, all materials used in the form of crates, decorative elements, facing panels should be covered with non-combustible means. This is a very important precaution. And then the garage will not only be warm, but will last a long time!


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