The world's largest cemetery of Wadi al-Salaam, which means "Death Valley"

The tradition of the bodies of the dead is a tradition of most religions of the world. Over the years of the existence of civilization, the planet has become covered by a network of “cities of the dead,” where billions of the deceased have found refuge. And where is the world's largest cemetery? This article is dedicated to the answer to this question.

The sacred place of the three religions

The Old Testament calls the place of the Last Judgment the Josaphat Valley, revered by both Christians and Jews and Muslims. The burial place of King Jehoshaphat is located in the east of Jerusalem, which crosses the Kedronskaya (Iosafatova) valley with a length of 35 kilometers from north to south. At its bottom flows the Kedronsky stream, whose purest waters flow into the Dead Sea. Here for representatives of three religions there is more than one cemetery. The Kedron Valley is famous for Hebrew, where in the rock are carved:

  • Tomb of Absalom (1st – 2nd centuries BC).
  • Tombs of Jehoshaphat and Zechariah, sons of Hazir.
  • Family burial Bnei Khazir.

Christians in the valley have their own holy places - the tomb of the Apostle James and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Cemetery "Cedron Valley"

About a million people found their refuge here. It is believed that the deceased in the Kidron Valley will be the first to meet with the Almighty, so burial places are extremely expensive - from $ 1 million. The Hebrew cemetery is multi-layered: on each site, the graves of representatives of different eras are installed one above the other. The nobility was buried in crypts, preserved to the present time. Despite the fact that places in the cemetery were bought up for many years to come, it is not the largest in the world.

Western Hemisphere: Calvary Cemetery

Three million people are buried in New York. The cemetery bears the name of Mount Calvary and is divided into four sectors, remote from each other. It was founded by Catholics in 1848. On the eve, after a terrible cholera epidemic, authorities were forced to allow burials outside the city, at that time consisting of Brooklyn and Manhattan. Non-profit organizations were allowed to own private cemeteries, which led to their commercialization. After the growth of the city, Golgotha ​​was in the area called Queens. On its lands today there are 29 “cities of the dead” with a population of five million, which is twice the number of inhabitants of the region.

Calvary Cemetery

But this is not the largest cemetery in the world. It is the largest in the Western Hemisphere and is known for the fact that it is here that the most famous people of New York rest: from mayors to gangsters. Here Don Corleone (The Godfather of F. Coppola) was also “buried”.

War cemetery

The graves of John F. Kennedy and his widow, John Dulles, dead astronauts and other prominent figures of the United States are on a military graveyard in a suburb of Washington. Founded in 1865, Arlington Cemetery was intended for soldiers who died during the Civil War. Over time, the rules of burial began to be regulated by the US authorities, which turned the necropolis into one of the most honorable places. Arlington Cemetery is intended for military personnel and their families, as well as those with services to the country.

Arlington Cemetery

Today it has about 320 thousand graves, but its territory is one of the most significant in the world (two and a half square kilometers). An example shows that prolonged hostilities are the reason for the growth of the "city of the dead."

The most warring state

The Middle East is the most complex ethno-religious region, where the Kurds do not have their own state, and the Sunnis and Shiites interpret Islam differently. Sunnism is the prerogative of the Arabs, and Shiism is the Persian, although there are many exceptions. ISIS militants profess Sunnism, which was favored by the regime of S. Hussein. 13 years have passed since the beginning of the American operation in Iraq, but today it is already obvious to everyone that the occupation of the country was illegal. This is an act of direct aggression, which did not end with the withdrawal of troops in 2010. By supporting the Shiites, the Americans provoked a serious civil war, a series of terrorist attacks and a surge of violence.

The largest cemetery in the world

It is easy to guess that the world's largest cemetery is located in Iraq, drawn into a bloody massacre. The southern city of Najaf, sacred to the Shiites, annually receives millions of pilgrims, second only to Mecca and Medina in their number. It is here that the "city of the dead" is located, the first burial of which dates back to the 7th century AD.

Wadi al-Salaam in Najaf

The name of the cemetery is known to any Muslim. The first imam, Ali, is buried here, worship of which is one of the differences between the Sunnis and Shiites. The son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad is included in the shahada of every Shiite. That is why any representative of this religion wants to rest next to a friend of Allah. Believers talk about miracles happening in the cemetery. The chosen one is the spirit of the imam, in whose return and fair rule everyone believes in the future. Hundreds of soldiers and civilians are buried daily in a gigantic territory of more than six square kilometers.

Before dying, Shiites bequeathed to relatives in any corner of the country to transport their bodies to Najaf. The literal translation of the name of the cemetery sounds like "Death Valley", where there is a burial place on every square meter. It is believed that more than 6 million people have found the last refuge here.

Years of war

Since 2003, when the Americans invaded Iraq, the rebels have been hiding among the tombs, hoping for the help of Allah. In 2004, real battles took place on its territory, leaving destruction and craters from explosions. These days, up to 250-300 people were buried. All rites were observed even under the threat of shelling. The bodies were washed and wrapped in a white shroud. Funeral prayers were read in the tomb of Ali, after which the deceased were surrounded three times around the mausoleum of Imam Mahdi. Gravestones were sprinkled with holy water, the line for which is constantly built at the entrance to the mausoleum.

Death valley

The cemetery has never been bombarded, the order on it is provided by federal services. Military men are also buried here, but their graves are under the protection of religion. Relatives who come from all over Iraq read the Koran at the stone slabs. In the mausoleum of Imam Mahdi every Thursday a compulsory prayer is performed - prayer.

Interesting Facts

  • It is curious that in Najaf itself the population is less than a million people, while the "Death Valley" exceeds it in number by 6-7 times. The exact number of the dead can not be called by anyone.
  • The density of burials is contrary to sanitary standards, but this does not prevent the cemetery from remaining active.
  • UNESCO proposed the inclusion of burials in the list of objects of vital global significance. The American command opposed this, demanding that the decision be postponed. It has not been adopted so far.
  • The graves are made of gypsum and burnt brick. The local rich build family crypts, including underground ones, where long staircases lead.
  • If a Muslim is interred in another place, this is not a contraindication for reburial in Najab.
  • The graves of the 30–40s stand out among others due to the three-meter height of rounded spiers.
    Wadi al-salaam


The world's largest cemetery has grown by 40% as a result of hostilities in recent years. This confirms the hypothesis that such a size of the "city of the dead" is impossible in a peaceful, calm region. War is the main evil that turns the territory of the countries of the Middle East into a place where there are more dead than living.


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