Walkthrough Heavy Metal Fakk 2

Heavy Metal FAKK 2 is a game that every old-school gamer knows about. Modern computer game lovers are unlikely to remember its existence, since dozens of projects with incredibly realistic graphics are coming out. However, back in 2000, every well-known publication related to computer games recognized this action as the best project of the year. And there was a reason, because it was in Heavy Metal FAKK 2 that gamers were able to enjoy an incredible schedule for those times, an abundance of opportunities, as well as amazing cruelty, rivers of blood and an uninterrupted battle with a wide variety of opponents. In total, the game had 25 levels, and each one of them will be discussed later.

Levels 1-3

heavy metal fakk 2

The first level of the game Heavy Metal FAKK 2 introduces the gamer to both the plot of the game and the basic game mechanics. So, your heroine Julia lives on a small planet that was liked by aliens who want to capture her. However, they are not able to do this remotely, since the planet is protected by the energy field from bombardments and laser shots. Naturally, they land on the planet by landing, but they do not suspect that Julia is the second secret weapon of the planet, and during all 25 levels you have to deal with the crowds of alien monsters, protecting your home planet. In the meantime, you need to follow the directions to understand how to move, use objects and so on.

The second level is also educational, but only this time you will train to fight. First try hand-to-hand combat, then long-range combat, and when you get comfortable - get a sword and sling and go on a journey.

At the third level, fortunately, until you have to fight. This is just an acquaintance with the outside world. Walk along the streets, watch how locals behave, and gradually move towards your goal. You need to go to a bar called Landers Roost, since that is where the main fun of the game Heavy Metal FAKK 2 begins.

Levels 4-6

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When you hear the explosions, do not immediately grab the sword or sling, as this is just an extension of the basement of the bar in full swing. After talking with the owner, you must climb the roof, as you will hear that some monsters have attacked your world. When you find yourself on the roof, you need to prepare for the first fight in the game Heavy Metal FAKK 2. The codes at this moment can be very useful if you are still not comfortable (for example, you can enter the god code to get invulnerability). However, for greater satisfaction, it is recommended to complete the game without cheats. So, get your sword and repulse the attack of bee-like creatures, then move to another roof, repel another attack and jump into the breach.

The fifth level will push you face to face with the first boss, but first you will need to break through several crowds of monsters with whom you have already fought, protecting local residents from them. When it seems to you that you are safe, the floor under you will fail, and you will fight the boss. You can defeat him by blowing up four meteorites around him. Attack is only after he finishes his series of attacks and turns away.

At the sixth level, you will receive a shield, learn how to heal, and also find your first bullets. In addition, you will find out that everywhere there are green meteorites (the ones that you blew up), and when you contact them, ordinary animals turn into monsters, so you have to kill them, and meteorites explode in exactly the same way as in a battle with the boss. When you find a man who cannot collect his cattle in the corral, you should help him, because in return you will receive a pistol and another clip of cartridges for him. In the game Heavy Metal FAKK 2 for Windows 7, firearms will play a very important role in the further passage.

Levels 7-9

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Passage of the game Heavy Metal FAKK 2 begins to gain momentum, because at the seventh level the generator will give a malfunction, which creates an energy protective field around the planet. You will need to fix it, but before that you should get a fire sword and deal with a large number of monsters. Then you will receive an energy crossbow and you will be able to go to the generator, enlisting the support of two volunteers.

The eighth level will lead you through the sewer, which is literally teeming with monsters. And the first of them will rob you of both partners. Having dealt with it, you should move on, but first get acquainted with a new kind of enemy - a plant that spits acid.

However, the sewage system will not be limited to only one level, on the ninth level you will have to continue your journey underground. But this level is more focused not on battles, but on your dexterity, so you have to jump a lot on various platforms, demonstrating the wonders of working with your fingers on the keyboard (or gamepad). The reward will be not only access to the generator, but also the halberd - a very powerful melee weapon. Do not forget that you have to do all this with killer music, in the game Heavy Metal FAKK 2 OST consists of the best songs of the heavy metal genre of that time.

Levels 10-12

passing game heavy metal fakk 2

At the tenth level, you can finally get to the generator to activate it again, before battling with opponents and solving a couple of puzzles. When you turn it on, you can immediately think, what will happen next in Heavy Metal FAKK 2? Will the passage be so short? It turns out that no, because you are late and the opponents have already managed to infiltrate the planet, so now the most serious fight begins.

Return to the city, which is already burning, and the alien invaders kill innocent citizens. It’s time to step in and start putting things in order, so choose your favorite and most powerful weapon and attack. Naturally, this is only the first half of the game, so you should avoid some fights until you have very powerful cannons, even if you have to pay for it with people's lives. Your goal is Otto's shop, which gave you the energy crossbow.

Inside the shop you will have to solve several puzzles, deal with several waves of opponents, after which you will find an old man who will explain to you how to get to the cave leading to the city center.

Levels 13-15

heavy metal fakk 2 ost

Once in the main square, you have to fight in a serious battle, after which head towards the temple, where opponents are also waiting for you. But the reward will be impressive: for example, you will receive a flamethrower, as well as other bonuses. However, at the exit from the temple, a teleporting monster will wait for you, which you will not be able to kill. At the very last moment, he will run away, and you will need to leave the city.

Then you will need to get through the forest, defeating opponents, to the very cave in the mountain. There you will find a rocket launcher, and the entrance to the cave will collapse after you. Have to deal with the monsters inside and move on.

At level fifteen, you will again have to fight the boss who has slipped away from you next to the temple. This time you will be able to defeat him, and as a result you will get exotic weapons, which will be very useful to you in the future.

Levels 16-18

heavy metal fakk 2 continued

Then you have to make your way through the swamps, meeting with a variety of monsters, each of which you naturally need to destroy. At this level you will get a very effective weapon - a chainsaw.

The next level will not bring you changes in the situation, since you only go deep into the swamps. However, there will be much more monsters, puzzles will become more difficult, and you will also get a second submachine gun, so now you can shoot at once from two.

The eighteenth level will delight you with the fact that the swamps come to an end, but in order to get to new territory, you will need to deal with the next boss. But do not rush to him, first collect three red skulls scattered in the swamps to get a new weapon, a horn with insects.

Levels 19-21

heavy metal fakk 2 will there be a passage

Now you need to move along the river, still defeating opponents in large numbers. However, as a result, you will plunge into the abyss and find yourself unconscious. Naturally, monsters will want to eat you, but you will be saved by a stranger who will give you a machine gun, a new suit, and also open a portal for you.

Once in a new place, you should not be scared, since nothing unexpected will happen to you. You need to deal with fiery birds, pick up a sword, letting out lightning, and then the shoulders that complement your costume. Well, it's time to go on your last trip, and for this you enter the frightening door.

You will find yourself inside the tomb, where real chaos reigns, there are full of monsters that you have to destroy. Moreover, you are waiting for puzzles, difficult tasks and much more. Go forward to reach the finish line.

Levels 22-24

So the end of the game is approaching, and at this level you will practically not have to fight with large numbers of small opponents. Each enemy will be a small version of the boss, so you will have a hard time.

At the next level, you will need to blindly climb over collapsing platforms, but if you saved fireflies from captivity on the last level, they will show you the way. Your goal is the central platform, after which you will again have a serious battle.

The twenty-fourth level is the last warm-up before the end of the game, and it is here that you can replenish the ammunition. When you collect all the ammunition, and also defeat two pairs of half-bosses, you can go to the last level.

Final level

Well, you just have to defeat the main villain, who will be fueled by battery power for a long time. Just dodge his attacks, guess the moments for retaliatory attacks, and when the enemy has almost no health, chop off his head. That's all, you went through Heavy Metal FAKK 2. Unfortunately, there was no continuation, although the fans were really looking forward to it. What to do? You can try similar projects that are close to Heavy Metal FAKK 2. There are quite a few similar games, but the best choice would be the Tomb Raider series about Lara Croft.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16587/

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