Is it possible to laminate a marriage certificate: legal norms, advice and recommendations

Is it possible to laminate a marriage certificate? This question is often asked by many citizens who want to keep this document intact and intact. So, under current law, lamination of a marriage certificate is now prohibited. Learn more about all this in this article.

Small introduction

A marriage certificate is the main and most significant document of any family. After all, it is he who confirms the official registration of relations in the registry office between spouses. It is for this reason that the husband and wife are trying to maintain its original appearance for many years.

document lamination

Therefore, many people are wondering if it is possible to laminate a marriage certificate. Currently, the law prohibits carrying out this procedure with documents issued by the registry office. Thus, the answer to this question will only be negative. Nevertheless, before, the marriage certificate was laminated, and there were no complaints from state authorities on this issue.

Now, for the safety of this document, you need to use a special frame, folder or simple file.

Legal regulation

To answer the question of whether it is possible to laminate a marriage certificate, it is necessary to refer to the norms of the current legislation.

In February 2013, the Federal Law No. 183 dated November 12, 2012 was amended accordingly. Article 2 of this normative act now states that in the case of lamination of acts of civil status, the civil registry office must issue a second certificate.

Thus, carrying out this procedure with a marriage certificate is prohibited. Otherwise, it will need to be changed, and a state fee will be paid for it.


In order to preserve the appearance of documents, a careful attitude to official papers will be enough. To store them, it is advisable to purchase a folder. To keep documents in their original form, put them in a specific place, for example, in a desk drawer.

files for documents

Nevertheless, many people, wanting to preserve the appearance of documents, think about their lamination. But whether it is necessary to do this, everyone decides for himself.

As mentioned earlier, the laminated documents issued by the registry office are subject to replacement. Instead, a duplicate is issued. A laminated marriage certificate will be deemed invalid.

All other documents, for example, a medical policy (paper, not plastic), as well as an insurance policy and even a tax identification number, can be laminated. But is it necessary to do this? According to some lawyers, it is best to refrain from laminating any documents. Moreover, various changes are constantly taking place in the legislation.


Is it possible to laminate a marriage certificate? From the point of view of the law, this is not necessary, because then you have to go to the registry office, pay the state fee and re-receive a new copy of this document. Therefore, there is simply no point in laminating this certificate. This should be remembered by all citizens who are legally married.

whether lamination is allowed

What documents can be laminated? In general, lawyers recommend not resorting to this procedure for the preservation of official papers. Because in the process of lamination, the necessary information indicated on the document itself may be distorted. This must be taken into account.

Nevertheless, according to the requirements of GOST, it is allowed to laminate even those documents on which there is a stamp. We have many such important papers. For example, you can laminate a TIN, the number of which is assigned to a citizen once and for a lifetime, as well as various official certificates from state institutions: on disability, lack of a criminal record, registration at the place of residence, and release from the colony. From carrying out this procedure, these documents will not lose their legal force.

a brief description of

Is it possible to laminate a marriage certificate in Russia? As noted earlier, after making certain amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation, this is prohibited. Moreover, laminated certificates are no longer accepted in any state authorities. It is invalid, or, more precisely, damaged.

In addition, it should be noted that even earlier, the laminated marriage certificate in the registry offices, the courts and other government agencies, including notaries, was very doubtful. Indeed, when carrying out this procedure, the basic information indicated on the official document may be distorted. In addition, with a divorce between spouses, it was impossible to put the necessary seal on such a certificate. Also, notaries in dealing with inheritance, when one of the spouses died, asked the second spouse to bring a duplicate of this document from the registry office. That was the order.

For information

Most citizens of our country are interested in the question of whether it is possible to remove a copy from a laminated document? The answer to this question will be positive. However, some scanners and copiers still will not be able to qualitatively reflect the image from the laminated document. This must be taken into account.

copying documents

Therefore, before laminating a document, it is necessary to ask a specialist to drop a scanned copy on a USB flash drive, so that in which case it can be printed. Do not forget about it.

Is it possible to laminate documents in Russia? The answer to this question will be positive, but with a slight caveat. You can laminate documents, even with a stamp, but acts of civil status (certificates issued at the registry office) should not be subjected to such a procedure, otherwise they will have to be changed. This rule must be remembered, otherwise you will have another paperwork.


What documents cannot be laminated? Are there any restrictions in this case?

In accordance with the current legislation, it is impossible to laminate documents issued by the registry office. These include the following evidence:

  • about marriage;
  • on termination of the official union between spouses;
  • about the birth of a new person;
  • about death;
  • on the establishment of paternity;
  • about the change of name.

So, from February 2013, laminated acts of civil status should be replaced in the registry office. Because such evidence is equated by law with corrupted documents.

Do I need to laminate

There is a need for this

Many people prefer to laminate official papers to preserve their appearance for many years. This is especially true for documents such as an insurance policy (if it is paper, not plastic), as well as TIN. Some even laminate letters received at school and other educational institutions.

But is there a need for such a procedure? Many citizens believe that laminated documents will always be like new. Nevertheless, there is a danger that some organizations may not accept such official papers, doubting their authenticity.

Therefore, if a person is determined to laminate all documents, except for the certificates issued by the registry office, he must be able to defend his rights if any of the civil servants or employees of private organizations refuse to accept these documents to solve a particular issue. This must be taken into account.

Useful advice

Once again, I would like to answer the question of whether it is possible to laminate a certificate of marriage. The answer here is no. Despite the fact that this certificate is the main document confirming the official creation of a family, it does not need to be laminated in order to preserve its appearance.

lamination of official papers

Otherwise, if the marriage has to be dissolved, then you will need to take a duplicate in the registry office. The same goes for birth registration. If one of the spouses brings a laminated marriage certificate to the registry office and asks to issue a document on the birth of a joint child, then he will be refused. So, this must be taken into account.

In addition, for storing important, official documents, there are various folders, frames and special beautiful crusts. Therefore, at present, there is no need for lamination of any documents. A marriage certificate can be put in a file and put in a secluded place for safekeeping.

Are there any penalties?

Earlier it was written that there are documents that are not subject to lamination. But is there any punishment for violating these standards? No, the law does not stipulate any sanctions for this. Simply laminated certificates issued by the registry office will need to be obtained again. For this you will need to pay a state fee. Laminated certificate will not be accepted in any state institution, since according to the law after such a procedure it is invalid. You will need to spend time to get a duplicate in the registry office.

Marriage certificate


Is it possible to laminate a marriage registration certificate? No, this cannot be done. Because the law equates the laminated certificate of civil status with corrupted documents, and for the implementation of certain legal actions it will need to be replaced in the registry office with another certificate. And it will take more than one day.

In addition, if the marriage certificate is damaged, then the registry office can get another. For this, you also have to pay a state fee. But laminating such an official document is prohibited. To preserve the marriage certificate, you can purchase a special frame.


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