Geranium. Home Care and Reproduction

Beautifully blooming geranium, or pelargonium, has been very popular since time immemorial. But time is changing, tastes are changing, and now on the windowsills it began to be replaced by completely different, sometimes exotic, indoor flowers. And probably in vain! Geranium, home care which, incidentally, is much easier, is an excellent antiseptic. It is called the natural β€œkiller of germs,” since it has the ability to reduce their presence in the room several times. It is worth paying attention to the fact that many indoor pests are afraid of geranium like fire. You can, for example, completely forget about the aphid aphid that infects plants by putting pelargonium on the windowsill along with other flowers.

She is a great doctor in many diseases. For example, a runny nose can be easily cured, just put a leaf of geranium on the nose. Simple but effective. And this despite the fact that for such a healing plant as geranium, home care will not bother at all because of its unpretentiousness.

And besides, pelargonium, combining just a lot of advantages, can be not only a houseplant, but also a garden flower. And there are more than enough varieties of geranium for every taste. It can take its rightful place in any design of a flower arrangement and will not look like an accidental or superfluous flower.

If you decide to buy geranium for your home, home care does not require compliance with strict temperature indicators. The best temperature for pelargonium is air temperature - room temperature, and in winter it can be placed in the coolest room, because during this period of the year it feels comfortable at plus 10-15 degrees. Only there should be a maximum of light. With its lack, the leaves of the flower become smaller, and geranium blooms not so abundantly. Home care implies abundant and regular watering, only you need to avoid moisture on the leaves and not excessively moisten the soil.

With the onset of the warm season, you can transplant a geranium flower into the soil on a personal plot for the summer period . Caring for him in the fresh air is the same as indoors. In the fall, together with a lump of earth, geraniums are moved to a room pot, and after the summer holidays they are returned to their original place in the room. If, as a result of this movement, the leaves begin to turn yellow and die, then do not worry - this is a natural process of plant adaptation. It may also mean that the pot is small for it or that the leaves are just dying off in ages.

For a novice grower who wants to grow geraniums, care and propagation of a flower is not difficult. Of course, it is better to propagate by seeds, but this is the prerogative of experienced gardeners. Therefore, you can simply propagate by splitting the rhizomes of the plant, which is convenient when transferring the flower from the open ground to the pot in the fall. Or cut the stalk (in autumn or spring) with a few leaves from the top of the shoot and put in a container of water. After the appearance of the roots, plant in a pot of earth and grow a young geranium plant. Care and reproduction do not require special skills, but they allow you to have this very useful plant with beautiful flowers at home.

What can be said about fertilizers for such a plant as a geranium flower? Caring for it provides a standard approach - feeding twice a month with the most common fertilizers designed for flowering plants. And one more thing: geranium has a positive energy, and its smell is caused by useful essential oils, which relieve depression and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Now we can safely conclude - geranium must be on your windowsill! With such an abundance of useful properties, it is simply an indispensable plant in the house.


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