Canals and rivers of the Irkutsk region

Irkutsk region is one of the most endowed regions of Russia with water resources. Within its borders, there are about 67 thousand natural watercourses. In this article we will talk about the main rivers of the Irkutsk region: the Lena, Angara, Oka, Belaya, Lower Tunguska and some others.

Irkutsk region: geographical features and water resources

Irkutsk region is one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which is located in the southern part of Siberia. It covers an area of ​​775 thousand square kilometers, which is more than any of the European states. But the population of the region is small - only 2.4 million people. In terms of population density, the region is comparable to Mongolia.

rivers of the Irkutsk region

The distance from Irkutsk to Moscow is 5200 km, but to Beijing - only 1500 km. The region stretched from north to south for almost one and a half thousand kilometers. The extreme southern point of the Irkutsk region is located at 51 degrees north latitude, and the extreme north is at 65 meters. The climate of the region is sharply continental. It is characterized by hot summers and very cold winters. But even in May-June, frosts are possible here, the temperature is up to 1-3 degrees with a minus sign.

Irkutsk region is extremely rich in water resources. Within its limits, there are 229 large lakes, the total area of ​​the water mirror of which is 1% of the total territory of the region. In addition, a significant part of Lake Baikal is located in the region.

The total number of rivers in the Irkutsk region exceeds 67 thousand. Their total length is over 300 thousand kilometers. This length would be enough to round the globe eight times along the equator line. All rivers of the Irkutsk region are quite full-flowing. Many of them are used for water supply to cities and villages, as well as for irrigation of agricultural land.

rivers of the Irkutsk region list

The main rivers of the Irkutsk region

The density of the hydrographic network in the region is very high - 400 m / sq. km The largest rivers of the region include the Lena and Angara with their numerous tributaries, as well as the Lower Tunguska.

The longest rivers of the Irkutsk region (list):

  1. Lena.
  2. Angara
  3. Lower Tunguska.
  4. Vitim.
  5. Kirenga.
  6. Irkut
  7. Kuta.
  8. Oka.
  9. Yeah
  10. Where to.

The largest river flowing through the region is the Lena. It is within the Irkutsk region that it originates. The source of Lena is located just 20 kilometers from Lake Baikal. This is a tiny nameless lake, lost on the slopes of the Baikal mountain range.

White River Irkutsk Region

Lena in the Irkutsk region flows in a deep picturesque valley, taking in a huge number of full-flowing tributaries. Here, it looks like a typical mountain river - with an abundance of rocky rapids, rifts and streams.

Oka River

In the Irkutsk region, most of the large watercourses are tributaries of the Angara. And the Eye is one of them. The source of the river is in the mountains of the East Sayan Mountains at an altitude of 1944 meters. The Oka flows into the Bratsk reservoir.

The Oka River is one of the deepest tributaries of the Angara. The water flow at its mouth is 274 cubic meters. m / s Within the region, the river flows in a northeast direction, and after a city with an exotic name Winter, it turns strictly north. Oka has a well-developed hydrographic network, which is not typical for the Sayan rivers. In its basin, there are about 6,000 rivers and streams.

In the nutrition of the Oka, atmospheric precipitation and groundwater play the largest role. The maximum water level in the channel is observed in summer. The river freezes in November, is freed from ice - in mid-April. Since ancient times, the Oku and a number of its tributaries have been used for wood alloying. In the lower reaches, the river is suitable for navigation, but in the upper reaches it is used by lovers of boating.

Oka River Irkutsk Region

Belaya River

Another large left tributary of the Angara is the Belaya River. In the Irkutsk region, most of it flows.

Almost the entire drainage basin of this river is occupied by dense coniferous forests. The banks of Belaya are extremely picturesque, in places they abruptly break off to the channel by many-meter-high rocky cliffs. In the upper reaches there are many rapids and small waterfalls.

The main sources of food for the Belaya River are rains, melted glacial, as well as groundwater. In summer and spring, sharp increases in water level in the channel up to 5-8 meters are possible. Low water on the river is observed in February-March. Like the Oka, the Belaya River is actively used to alloy wood harvested in its basin.

Rivers of Uda and Kuda

Two large rivers with odd names Uda and Kuda also belong to the Angara basin. But the first is several times larger, both in length and in the catchment area.

In the ranges of the East Sayan Mountains, at an altitude of 1700 meters, the Uda River is emerging. In the Irkutsk region, most of it flows. Already outside the region, it flows into the Taseeva River, which soon flows into the Angara. Uda (or Chuna) - the river is very rapids and moody. On its long journey (1203 km), it repeatedly changes direction. The shores of Uda in many areas are decorated with high cliffs.

Unlike Uda, the river Kuda of the Irkutsk region belongs entirely. By the way, the emphasis in its name should be placed precisely on the last syllable. According to one version, it came from the distorted Buryat word “huda”, which translates as “cool” or “steep”. These characteristics, by the way, are fully consistent with the appearance of the banks of the river. Where it flows into the Angara from the right side near the northern outskirts of Irkutsk. The total length of the watercourse is 226 km.

Lower Tunguska River

Lower Tunguska is one of the largest tributaries of the Yenisei. Its total length is 2989 km. A third of the length of the river is in the Irkutsk region. It is curious that in its upper reaches the Lower Tunguska flows parallel to the Lena. Moreover, in the area of ​​the city of Kirensk, the distance between the two great rivers is no more than 20 kilometers. However, soon the Lower Tunguska makes a sharp turn and carries its waters strictly north, permanently moving away from its neighbor, Lena.

Uda river Irkutsk region

Lower Tunguska occupies an honorable 11th place among Russian rivers in terms of full flow. The average annual water flow at its mouth is huge - 3680 cubic meters. m / s Within the Irkutsk region, the river flows through a sparsely populated area, taking in a large number of tributaries.

Irkutsk region: canals and reservoirs

There are few artificial water bodies in the region. So, there are no channels in the region, as well as in its main city. Therefore, it is rather curious to read the description of Irkutsk in the novel by Jules Verne "Mikhail Strogov: the courier of the king." In the book, the famous French writer describes the city as follows: "... paved streets with wide sidewalks, artificial canals lined with giant birches along the banks, stone and wooden houses."

The largest reservoirs of the Irkutsk region: Bratsk, Ust-Ilim and Irkutsk.

The Bratsk Reservoir is the largest in the region and the second in the world in total water volume. Its area exceeds 5,000 sq. Km. The maximum depth is 101 meters. A pond formed on the Angara River after the construction of the dam of the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station in the early 60s. The reservoir is actively used for shipping and water supply of settlements. It is famous for its huge fish resources.

Kuda River Irkutsk Region

Ust-Ilimsk reservoir covers an area of ​​1800 square meters. km It is also located on the Angara, is characterized by great tortuosity and a deeply dissected coastline. The reservoir was formed as a result of the construction of the eponymous hydroelectric power station. The process of formation of the Ust-Ilimsk reservoir entailed a lot of environmental problems: in particular, the flooding of forests, the destruction of coasts and the mass death of certain fish species.

The Irkutsk “sea” is formed on the same Angara River (in its lower reaches) and directly communicates with Lake Baikal. This is one of the deepest reservoirs not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The area of ​​the reservoir is relatively small - about 150 square meters. km The shores of the Irkutsk Sea today are one of the most important recreational areas in the region.


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