Is it possible in the subway with a bicycle? Bike in the subway: rules for transportation. Bicycle in public transport

Today, the right way of life is becoming more popular: good food, outdoor walks and sports. Many combine the last two points through the purchase of bicycles. This is a great way to cheer up, chat with friends and family in an informal setting and get a boost of energy.

But the problem that residents of large cities may encounter is the remoteness of good ski areas. And here a number of difficulties arise, the main of which is the delivery of a two-wheeled friend to the right place. Questions arise such as: is it possible in the subway with a bicycle or a bus, how to fix it on a car, what are the rules of transportation in a train or train? Today we learn more about this.

Personal transport

Naturally, with a car, transporting a bicycle becomes much easier. If two go on a trip, then the most convenient way is to use the cabin. Folding the rear seats and removing the front wheels from the bicycles, one to four bikes can be placed at the rear, depending on the type of car.

is it possible in the subway with a bicycle
This method has both advantages, for example, fuel economy, and disadvantages - dirt in the cabin, danger in the event of a traffic accident.

Another way is external fastening. It can be mounted on a roof, tow bar or rear door. The advantages of this type of transportation are obvious - free space and cleanliness in the cabin. However, outside the bike can be damaged, get dirty pretty much, and even get lost with poor attachment.


The situation is more complicated if it becomes necessary to use public transport. Here you need to first clarify: is it possible to transport a bicycle in the subway, bus, trolleybus or tram?

Having glanced at the rules of using land public transport, we often do not find a separate item that would concern bicycles. However, there is a clause regulating the carriage of baggage. Its total dimensions should not exceed 180 cm. Therefore, a bicycle, even in a case, will not work, because one indicator of the length of a bike for adults is 170 cm.

The only way you can use is to arrange with the conductor. If you manage to convince him, then you will be allowed into the salon along with the bike.

When it comes to long-distance buses, the driver is the main person here. All questions regarding baggage should be discussed with him. You may be offered to disassemble the vehicle in the trunk. But there is the likelihood that you will be allowed to go to the salon with the bike, it all depends on the person. And the driver solves the issue of payment.

subway transportation


For some, the urgent issue remains the delivery of a bicycle by train or train. In the first case, there are no special problems, most often the rules allow transportation in assembled form in a place specially designated for baggage. Please note that this still incurs an additional charge.

Another question is if it is necessary to carry out transportation in a long-distance train. Here it is best to use a special case. To do this, it is worth dismantling one, and preferably two wheels. They can be packed in another case or left with a bicycle. Following the advice of experts, you can separately pack the frame and parts in a soft film or rug. This will protect against damage, chips and scratches that may occur along the way.

When traveling, it is best to put the bike on a special third shelf. Do not forget to securely secure the cargo so that it does not accidentally fall on passengers.

For more confidence, carry out a test weighing and get a ticket.

Below we will find out what rules for baggage and subway are available for luggage and bicycles. What do experienced passengers advise and how to avoid conflict situations.

is it possible to transport a bicycle in the subway

Baggage on the subway

For some people, traveling by underground transport is something mundane and quite understandable. Many newcomers from small cities who first encountered the subway system may be puzzled by a number of rules. You must first familiarize yourself with permissions and prohibitions so as not to get into an awkward position. For example, what are the rules for transporting a bicycle in the subway or baggage.

Bags, suitcases, which in total in length, width and height do not exceed 150 cm, long items up to 220 cm - are paid in the amount of the cost of one seat. For each passenger, a maximum of two such baggage is allowed.

It is forbidden to transport wheeled vehicles larger than 150 cm in total length, width and height. That is, ordinary trolleys, suitcases on wheels do not fall into the list of prohibited.

Remember that tickets or other documents that provide the right of way are not a reason for free baggage transportation.

These rules apply to the Russian metro. Going on a trip to European countries, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with their system in advance. For example, is it possible for them to transport a bicycle in the subway. The rules are sometimes quite similar, but there are a number of details that differ.

metro rules

In the subway with a bicycle

It would seem, why do you need to use public transport when you have your own wheels. However, residents of large cities repeatedly face a similar problem and wonder whether it is possible to transport a bicycle in the subway. "Why do you need this?" - you ask. Example: if a person lives in the city center, and a bike ride with friends is planned in the green surroundings, in a park or square, which is located quite far away. If you have enough strength to get there by pedaling, then the road back can cause difficulties.

Under the rules of the subway, only children’s bicycles are allowed for free. It is forbidden to transport adult vehicles only if they do not stack.

The reason is that the length of a regular bike exceeds the size allowed by the baggage rules. This often becomes a problem for fans to drive on the "iron horse".

Further we will consider how it is possible to carry a bicycle in the subway if an emergency arose .

bike in the subway rules

Tips from experienced cyclists

So, as can be seen from the above, it is almost impossible to transport your two-wheeled friend into the subway, unless you are, of course, a child. However, experienced cyclists still find ways to help solve the problem.

First, try to travel in a calm time. When there are not many passengers, avoid rush hour. Secondly, before finding out whether it is possible to take a bicycle with the subway, make sure that there is an urgent need for it.

If you really need to make such a trip, here are a few tricks. For example, a luggage case. Packed transport ceases to be wheeled and fits perfectly into the dimensions of ordinary baggage. One problem: a similar case costs decent money and not everyone can afford it. Plus an extra waste of time on packaging.

What to do if there is no cover? Another idea comes to the rescue - to reduce the size. Don’t worry, you won’t need a magic wand. Modern bikes are designed in such a way that they allow you to quickly and easily remove the front wheel. Thus, they become shorter and fall into the list of allowed sizes.

As you can see, the rules for transporting a bicycle in the subway prohibit such transportation, but with little manipulation and polite communication with employees, everything is possible.

metro rules

Conflicts and solutions

Complicated situations can arise both in public transport and when traveling long distances. If you have fulfilled all the conditions described above, but still doubt whether it is possible to use the bicycle with the subway, just be patient and smile. Polite communication sometimes works wonders. As practice shows, sometimes even with an unassembled and unpacked bicycle you can get to the station. It is enough to simply ask that a person enter your position.

But even if you were able to go down to the station, remember that other passengers may not like transporting a bicycle in the subway. And they have the right to complain about you. Therefore, follow not only your own needs, but also consider the inconvenience that you may cause others.

Bike on the plane

Now you know how to carry luggage in the subway, bus, train. But what if you need to do it by plane. There is no exact answer. It all depends on the rules of a particular airline, especially with regard to bikes.

Before buying a ticket, check them out. Some offer quite loyal conditions, but there are cases when you are asked to pay an extra up to $ 300 for transporting a bicycle. Agree, this is a fairly high price.


Any trip requires careful preparation, even if it is a normal trip around the city. It does not matter, bus, car or metro (Moscow), the rules exist everywhere. And in order to feel confident and comfortable, you need to know them.

metro moscow rules
In case of emergency, you can always use your human charm and politely ask for an explanation of the situation.

Remember that when traveling abroad, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with their rules in advance: what are the acceptable sizes of luggage, whether it is possible to take a bicycle in the subway, and what is the cost of transportation.


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