Evgeny Bazarov: the image of the protagonist, the attitude of Bazarov to others

The novel "Fathers and Sons" was the result of I.S. Turgenev about the search for the hero of the time. At this crucial moment for the country, each of the writers wanted to create an image that would represent a person of the future. Turgenev could not find a person in modern society that would embody all his expectations.

Bazarov's attitude to others

The image of the protagonist and his views

Bazarov, whose outlook on life is still an interesting object of study, is the central character of the novel. He is a nihilist, that is, a person who does not recognize any authority. He questions and ridicules everything that has established itself in society as worthy of respect and reverence. Nihilism determines the behavior and attitude of Bazarov to others. You can understand what the hero of Turgenev is only when the main storylines in the novel are considered. The main thing to pay attention to is the conflict between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, as well as the relationship of Bazarov with Anna Odintsova, Arkady Kirsanov and his parents.

Bazarov views

Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

In the clash of these two characters, an external conflict appears in the novel. Pavel Petrovich - a representative of the older generation. Everything in his behavior annoys Eugene. From the very moment of their meeting, they experience antipathy for each other, the heroes conduct dialogue-disputes in which Bazarov expresses himself most vividly. The quotes that he makes regarding nature, art, family, can be used as separate means of his characterization. If Pavel Petrovich with trepidation refers to art, then Bazarov denies its value. For representatives of the older generation, nature is a place where you can relax with your body and soul, feel harmony and peace within yourself, you need to appreciate it, it is worthy of paintings by artists. For nihilists, nature is "not a temple, but a workshop." Most of all, such as Bazarov, value science, in particular, the achievements of the German materialists.

Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov

Bazarov’s attitude towards others characterizes him as a whole as a good-natured person. Of course, he does not spare those people to whom he experiences antipathy. Therefore, it may even seem that he is too arrogant and arrogant. But he always treated Arkady with warmth. Bazarov saw that he would never become a nihilist. After all, he and Arkady are too different. Kirsanov Jr. wants to have a family, calm, home comfort ... He is delighted with Bazarov’s mind, his strength of character, but he himself will never be like that. Bazarov does not behave very nobly when Arkady visits his parents' house. He insults Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich, calling them pompous aristocrats. Such behavior reduces the image of the protagonist.

Bazarov's life

Bazarov and Anna Odintsova

Anna Odintsova is the heroine who becomes the cause of internal conflict in the soul of the protagonist. This is a very beautiful and intelligent woman, she conquers everyone with a certain coldness and grandeur. And here Eugene, confident that mutual affection between people is impossible, falls in love. Some “woman” was able to conquer him, as Bazarov himself first called Odintsov. His eyes are scattered to smithereens. However, the heroes are not destined to be together. Bazarov is unable to recognize Odintsova’s power over herself. He is in love, suffering, his declaration of love is more like an accusation: "You have achieved your goal." In turn, Anna, too, is not ready to give up her calmness, she is ready to give up love, just to not worry. Bazarov’s life cannot be called happy, because at first he was convinced that there was no love, and then, when he truly fell in love, the relationship did not work out.

Bazarov quotes

Relationship with parents

Parents of Bazarov are very kind and sincere people. They don’t dwell on their talented son. Bazarov, whose views do not allow tenderness, is too cold towards them. The father tries to be unobtrusive, hesitates to pour out his feelings with his son, he reassures his wife in every way, telling her that she is annoying her son with excessive guardianship and care. Fearing that Eugene will leave their house again, they are doing their best to please him.

Attitude to the Pseudo-Nihilists

There are two characters in the novel, the attitude of Bazarov to which is contemptuous. These are the pseudo-nihilists of Kukshin and Sitnikov. Bazarov, whose looks supposedly impress these heroes, is an idol for them. They themselves do not represent anything. They flaunt their nihilistic principles, but in reality do not adhere to them. These heroes shout out slogans without understanding their meanings. Eugene despises them, in every possible way demonstrates his neglect. In dialogs with Sitnikov, he is clearly much higher. Bazarov’s attitude to the pseudo-nihilists surrounding him elevates the image of the protagonist, but reduces the status of the nihilistic movement itself.

So, the way Bazarov treats people makes it possible to better understand his image. He is cold in communication, sometimes arrogant, but still he is a kind young man. This is not to say that Bazarov’s attitude towards others is bad. Defining in them are the hero’s views on the life and interaction of people. Of course, his most important advantage is honesty and intelligence.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16609/

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