How to lay down the tile. Mounting Methods

Summer is coming soon, which means it's time for vacations and, of course, repairs. Renewing the wall decoration, whitening or tinting the ceilings, laying tiles and so on is the time. Whitewashing and sticker wallpaper are fairly simple technologically advanced types of repairs. The situation is somewhat different with tiles. There are some secrets and nuances. How to lay down the tile, and consider later in this article.

how to lay tiles
For those who have been repairing their own apartments for a long time, the technology of laying tiles does not cause any questions. However, many people can be called new to this area. And the question of how to lay the tiles correctly is quite relevant for them.

First, the tile lies on the floor, and then on the walls. If for some reason you have to do the opposite, the lower row of wall tiles need to be glued higher so that you can then bring the floor tile under it.

In the matter of how to lay down the tiles, pre-treatment of the surface of the wall or floor itself is of paramount importance. The walls are leveled with plaster. As for the floor, the tile is most often mounted on a concrete screed.

So, we begin laying the tiles on the floor. There are several ways to sticker.

  • Laying a seam in a seam.
  • Diagonal masonry.
  • Masonry with offset (tile can be offset by half or a third).

how to lay tile
There are more complex installation methods, for example, curly masonry. But for beginners it is better, of course, to use some simpler technology. In order to understand how to lay the tiles on the entire surface of the floor, the first β€œlighthouse” tile is laid first. If you put it wrong, the entire masonry will then be curved. Therefore, do it carefully, without rushing. Glue is applied to the back of the tile. Then it is pressed to the floor surface and gently tapped with a hammer handle, so that the glue is evenly distributed over the entire surface.

Next, you will need special plastic crosses. They are installed on the edges of the glued tiles. This is done so that the seams between the tiles are the same thickness, and the masonry, respectively, is even. After all the rows are laid, proceed to grout the seams. The mixture is diluted according to the instructions on the packaging and is applied with a rubber spatula to all seams. After drying, the remnants of the mixture on the tiles themselves are washed off with a damp sponge.

laying tiles in the bathroom
Next, consider how to lay the tiles on the walls. In principle, the installation process on walls is similar to the installation process on the floor. The only thing you need to do beforehand is to install a level rail, which will serve as a support for the first row of tiles. If a tile is already laid on the floor, this is not necessary. Each row of laid tiles is checked for horizontal level.

Now we will consider how to properly lay tiles in the bathroom . The room is visually divided into zones - areas of easy installation and those where installation can be difficult. In addition, those places are determined where it will then be necessary to insert decorative elements (mirrors on the walls, sinks, hangers, shelves). Next, the tile is glued according to the above technology.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated in the installation of tiles. If you perform the work carefully and accurately, the surface will turn out smooth and will look great.


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