How long is maternity leave? How to get maternity leave?

With the news of pregnancy, the expectant mother acquires new concerns and questions. So, in addition to preparing for the long-awaited event, the woman thinks about how everything will affect her work. This article will discuss how long a maternity leave lasts. You will find out the features of the calculation of this time period. It is also worth saying how regular and academic maternity leave is arranged.

how long is the maternity leave

What is a decree?

In our legal legislation there is no such thing as a decree (maternity leave). Each woman preparing to become a mother, the state provides a time period for childbirth. In accounting practice, it is called sick leave. Rest is provided depending on many factors.

Immediately after its completion, a woman has the right to go on parental leave. In this case, it is necessary to submit the necessary documents to the employer. Students at this time, if desired, may be granted academic maternity leave.

Duration of sick leave

How long is maternity leave? There is no single answer to this question. It all depends on the number of expected children and the region in which the woman lives. Also, maternity leave can be extended with complicated birth or premature birth of the baby. All this is taken into account in accounting and recounted if necessary. Consider the basic legal norms that say how long maternity leave lasts.

  • If the pregnancy had no complications, and the woman expects one baby, then she is provided with 70 days to rest before giving birth and the same after them.
  • In a multiple pregnancy (when the number of expected children is two or more), the expectant mother goes to the hospital 84 days before the birth and has the right to rest for 110 days after them.
  • When the baby was born with complications (cesarean section, repeated curettage, and so on), the duration of rest is 156 days. When one child appears, this period is divided into 70 days before childbirth and 86 after.
  • With preterm birth, the sick-list starts from the moment the baby appears and lasts another 156 days.

How long is a maternity leave if a woman lives in an unfavorable area? The legislation in this case establishes a period of 160 days.

maternity leave

Another leave after childbirth

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the woman has the right to use parental leave. Some call it another. However, state documents say that you can’t leave from one vacation to another. That is why, before the birth of the baby and immediately after this event, the woman is recognized as disabled and is on sick leave.

If desired, this leave (for child care) can be used by any family member. Most often this is necessary in cases where the mother does not have the opportunity to take care of the baby on her own. Vacation for up to three years is provided. At the same time, the state pays for the first year and a half with a monthly allowance.

If a woman has unused next vacation, then she can take it immediately before leaving for sick leave. In this case, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate application addressed to your employer.

regular leave after childbirth

How to get maternity leave?

You now know how long maternity leave is in different cases. However, many mothers are wondering how to properly arrange it. To do this, you need to collect certain documents and make an application for maternity leave.

  1. First you need to wait a certain period and get a sick leave. This document is issued to every expectant mother in the institution where she is registered for pregnancy. If a woman has not applied to doctors for the entire term, then they should still be provided with a certificate of incapacity for work in any state hospital.
  2. After receiving the sick leave, you must write a statement. His cap indicates the data of the employer and information about the place where the expectant mother works. After that, the main form is filled out, where the woman asks for maternity leave at a certain time.
  3. Copies of passport and work book are attached to all collected documents. However, some firms do not require the implementation of this paragraph and execute everything on their own.

After collecting all the necessary forms, you need to contact the accounting department and give the documents there. The special book of orders indicates the period for which a woman is recognized as incapable of work and specifies the date of exit from vacation. After that, the expectant mother must check all the data and sign the necessary papers.

maternity leave application

How to arrange a vacation after the birth of a baby?

The calculation of maternity leave is carried out by a medical institution issuing a sick leave. However, after its completion, a woman has the right not to go to work. In this case, she needs to make a statement. The birth certificate of the baby (or kids) must be attached to it .

It is worth recalling that such a vacation is not provided automatically. If a woman has not written the necessary statement, then her absence from the workplace can be regarded as truancy. That is why every expectant mother should know her rights and obligations.

calculation of maternity leave

Summing up, or a small conclusion

You now know how maternity leave is arranged. If you have never dealt with these standards before, then you should contact an accountant. The specialist will tell you all the rules and help you draw up the necessary documents.

Some women go from one parental leave to another. In this case, the segments for rest are shared by the same sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth. With this outcome, it is worth making a separate calculation and listing the statutory days for vacation.


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