Baku pigeons (war pigeons): breed description

Pigeon farmers have known Baku pigeons since the 18th century. This breed was registered and first described was in Iran. Vitality, achievements in sports, unique exterior are obvious advantages of this breed of birds.

Baku pigeons


Pigeons of the Baku breed have many varieties, but all of them have common features that make it possible to identify birds belonging to this breed:

  • The average size.
  • Wide back.
  • Oblong skull.
  • Powerful wings.
  • Elongated torso with developed muscles.
  • Curved long neck.

The colors and other exterior details vary depending on the variety. Baku pigeons gained particular popularity in the north of Azerbaijan. This bird fell in love for unpretentiousness, high flying qualities and beauty. The fighting pigeons took root on the Caspian coast perfectly. Even today, the bird’s sporting characteristics are primarily valued here.

Baku People are one of the most picky poultry farmers, well versed in the cultivation of birds. Thanks to them, Baku pigeons became widespread in the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus, in the middle zone of Russia, and later on throughout the country.

war pigeons

Such a widespread bird could not have been obtained if not for its high adaptive properties. It is especially important that when moving even over long distances, they do not lose their flight qualities. The birds of this breed are undemanding to the conditions of detention, quickly adapt to any food and are almost not susceptible to disease.


Baku pigeons have many varieties that can differ from each other only, for example, with longer feathers on their feet. Others may have a smooth skull, others may have thick forelocks.

The most common species are as follows:

  • Baku wide-tailed pigeons. Their main difference is a long flight duration. This is a strong and beautiful breed. They can have a variety of colors, but still most often these birds are light, ash or milky in color.
  • Baku high-flying pigeons. By their nature, these birds tend to fly as high as possible, which is why the species got its name.
  • White Baku pigeons . This is not even a variety, it is a whole group of representatives of the breed of various appearance, which are united by color. These birds may have crests, may be with feathers on their legs, raised breasts - in a word, the main thing is that they are white.

Baku wide-tailed pigeons

It is important to note that Caucasian poultry farmers paid little attention to the appearance of birds. For them, the main qualities have always been flight altitude, flight and battle.

Appearance changes

Since the first description of the breed, Baku pigeons have undergone significant changes in appearance. If before it was mostly unprepossessing birds, today they delight with colors and chic plumage.

A huge contribution to the development of pigeon breeding was made by poultry farmers of the Krasnodar Territory. By 1990, they managed to get an amazing color. The result of many years of work is amazing new color variations and changes in the exterior of pigeons. The hatched birds had an elongated head, a spindle-shaped body, a long beak, a raised chest and completely white eyelids. This made it possible to form from a low rack medium. It is unfortunate, but Krasnodar lost much in the beauty of the battle, inferior to the traditional Baku people and in flying qualities.

Baku high-flying pigeons


Slaughter pigeons stand out for some features

  • summer height;
  • good orientation;
  • the duration of the summer;
  • variety of plumage;
  • virtuoso "game".

Baku pigeons win on each of these indicators.

If the bird has a forelock, its front side will be white and the color feathers at the back. Colored feathers will also be noted in the tail.


Features of the summer of Baku pigeons - placer. Each individual flies completely independently, demonstrating an excellent game. They rise high above the ground, becoming barely noticeable marks in the sky. Often they are completely impossible to distinguish at height. At the same time, even far removed from housing, they are perfectly oriented in space. A thoroughbred, well-trained "Baku" will find a house, even if it is taken away for hundreds of kilometers.

Game types

Slaughter pigeons are not called because they participate in battles, battle is the sounds that a bird makes when flying, with a wave of wings.

Fight distinguish several types:

  • Exit to the pillar - noisy, sharp swings made by the bird in flight. It takes off steeply, turning over its head at the highest point and falling down. At the same time, during the coup, a sharp click is heard emitted by the wings. This sound effect is called a battle. Most of the “Baku People” make a number of somersaults and ascents on their first exit to the pole - up to 10 times, taking off at the same time more than 15 meters. Sometimes a variation of this take-off is distinguished - a “pillar with a screw”, accompanied by spiral rotation in different directions, with simultaneous flips. In this case, coups must be accompanied by clicks
  • Dependent battle is a game in which pigeons fly slowly, hovering along the way. After that, they turn over, gradually flying up. The turns in this type of battle are almost smooth, but clicks are required.

Baku pigeons

There are two more types of combat that are recognized by the Baku people as a drawback. This is a “tape fight” and “clogging”.


There are a lot of variations of coloring for Baku pigeons: from snow-white to bronze. It is worth considering some of them.

  1. Agbash . This is a species with a white plumage of the head. There are birds with feathered or bare legs, with chic forelocks or smooth-headed. In terms of their viability, these birds are not inferior to sports varieties. This breed is widespread, because they can adapt to any climatic conditions.
  2. Chile Variegated birds are black or red. In this case, the motley can be anywhere - on the head, cheeks, tail. These birds prefer an individual long and high flight, during which they go into the rack. After it, sudden somersaults and clicks occur. Birds do not require special conditions. These individuals have a strong physique and medium size. An elongated spiky head crowns the body. The crown is flat and rectangular, the forehead is rounded. The eyes are predominantly light, slight yellowing is appreciated. The eyelids are white, narrow. The beak is white, thin and straight, its tip is slightly bent. The birds, whose head is dark, have a beak of the same color with a smooth, weakly developed wax.
  3. Marble . Outwardly, they look like chili, but their color is more speckled. Overall, it is a very attractive bird. With each subsequent molting, the color acquires saturation, which makes it possible to determine the age: the more intense the color, the more mature the bird. There is a blunt and toothless option.
  4. Bronze This is the most beautiful breed. Their feathers are mostly brass, with erratic black and red spots.

white Baku pigeons

Recently, you can see pigeons with spots on the neck. For this reason, this variety is called the "neck".


Any bird can have both admissible shortcomings, and those which are considered inadmissible for this breed.

Valid are:

  • flesh-colored eyelids;
  • insufficiently rounded crown;
  • lack of a cervical bend.


  • hump on the back;
  • short torso;
  • color iris;
  • high forehead or nape;
  • short neck;
  • large wax;
  • tail feathers cut, insufficient length, tail feathers touching the ground;
  • short wings;
  • a breast with a strong bulge;
  • short beak;
  • stand "candle";
  • friability of the pen;
  • Lapwing;
  • fingers with feathers.


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