Warface Dangerous experiment "Warface", awards and passing

The special operation "Dangerous Experiment" in "Warface" appeared relatively long ago. However, it was removed from the project indefinitely. The mission returned to Halloween 2017 again. This will be discussed in the article.

warface dangerous experiment

About the game

The plot of the special operation is based on the fact that a group of soldiers in Warface need to drive a truck through the danger zone, which is inhabited by zombies.

The machine is very complicated: it periodically gives out an electromagnetic pulse, which destroys or burns up computer chips located in the head of a zombie. Opponents are the product of Blackwood’s superman experimentation. According to the plot, this corporation is a direct opponent of Warface.

Small guide

During the special operation "Dangerous Experiment" in "Warface" you have to protect the car from the crowd of zombies, who at every step are torn to the equipment in order to tear it apart and prevent it from reaching the end. At the finish line, in fact, the machine produces a very powerful impulse, which completely burns all the electronics and stops the production of zombies in the specified area. But after that, the truck is carried by airstrike, and there is a battle with the boss, which the discharge did not work on.

Passing the “Dangerous Experiment” at Warface is not particularly difficult. It is enough to follow the prompts and react in time when the enemies change the direction of the attack and try to go from the rear, now from the side, then climb from all sides. Of particular difficulty are Chimeras, better known as "robots." They are very difficult to kill, because there is every chance that the truck will be damaged. It is recommended that the whole group focus on one target and shoot in the head in order to quickly and systematically get rid of such complex opponents.

rewards for dangerous experiment warfare

Game Awards for the Dangerous Experiment

At Warface, the special operation was first introduced in October 2015. It was very popular among players. As a reward, you could get an XM8 LMG machine gun for a specific time. The gun had an interesting feature - additional damage to zombies - therefore it was very often used when completing this mission.

In 2017, the Warface Dangerous Experiment rewards became much more interesting. The “Punisher” weapon kit was introduced into the game, each of the samples of which can be rewarded for a certain time, depending on the complexity of the game.

Particularly popular was the machine gun XM8 LMG "Punisher", which has a plus of 100% damage against zombies, has a large stock of ammunition and high accuracy rates.

In second place in popularity, “Boar” - a carbine from the “Punisher” series is even more interesting here: plus 250% damage to zombies. It should be noted that these weapons are usually used by doctors who suffered from a low supply of ammunition.

This time, the developers decided to correct this mistake and provided the doctors with the opportunity to shoot plenty. Often used the above guns, not only in the "Dangerous Experiment". In Warface, they are also very good at playing on the Black Shark, Eclipse, and, of course, on the special operation Anubis.

All these missions involve collisions with crowds of zombies, so the new weapons series will have to be out of place.

passing a dangerous experiment in warface


In conclusion, I would like to say that the special operation "Dangerous Experiment" in "Warface" is one of the most interesting, dangerous, dynamic and very fast in terms of passing.

There are places in it where it is very convenient to stuff frags on opponents using melee weapons. Perfect katana with damage against zombies. The peculiarity of the blade is that the damage is not targeted, but over the area, and therefore it is convenient to mow opponents in batches. It all depends on skill and sleight of hand.

The “dangerous experiment” Warface is far from the only special operation worthy of attention. Soon, the operation is planned to introduce the operation "Chernobyl", which everyone is looking forward to.

Good luck to everyone, new victories and achievements!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16629/

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