Tomato Golden mother-in-law: description, specifications, reviews

Tomatoes are the most popular and popular vegetable crops that are cultivated in the suburban areas of summer residents. To date, there is a huge variety of varieties that are suitable for certain climatic conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the tomato Golden mother-in-law.

A bit of history

Breeder Lyubov Myazina did an amazing job with rare varieties of tomatoes to get a first-generation hybrid (f1) called Golden Mother-in-law. The official registration of this variety occurred in 2008. This vegetable culture can be called the pride of domestic selection.

What is interesting about this variety

Description of tomatoes Golden mother-in-law should start with a ripening period, which is 85-90 days. Adult plants reach a height of up to 80 cm. Shrubs have strong, stable stems, with a large number of crops they are recommended to be tied to supports, so that the heaviness of the fruits does not damage the green spaces.

tomato mother-in-law characteristic

The tomatoes themselves have a rounded shape and a yellow-orange color when ripe. Under the dense and smooth skin hides a red-orange flesh. Inside, the tomato has a division into 4 chambers, in which there is a small amount of seed material. Vegetables have a characteristic taste for this culture with the presence of slight acidity.

The fruits of tomato Golden mother-in-law weigh an average of 100-150 grams. Interestingly, this variety is suitable for growing both in the greenhouse and on the site. Friendly ripening of the crop allows simultaneous harvesting of several beds at once. Fruits are used for adding to vegetable salads, for processing into juices, for canning directly in its entirety.

You can grow this culture in any region of the Russian Federation, taking into account the climatic features. The middle and southern stripes allow planting directly in open land, but the inhabitants of the North are best to use greenhouses to get a good harvest.

Tomato immunity and productivity

Each summer resident is interested in the question, how resistant is this or that variety to various types of diseases? If we talk about the characteristic of the Golden Mother-in-law tomato in this aspect, then it looks like this:

  • alternariosis;
  • bacterial cancer;
  • tobacco mosaic.

Against these ailments that affect garden crops, this variety has high resistance. But with late blight (if any), the gardener will have to fight. You can protect plants with alternative methods or using chemical preparations.

  1. The folk technique involves the treatment of all plants with copper sulfate and soap. The first ingredient is taken in an amount of 2 grams, the second in an amount of 200 grams. All this is divorced in water - 10 liters. Apply the solution to the tomatoes Golden Mother-in-law is necessary as soon as the first signs of the disease appear.
  2. If the moment is missed and late blight begins to develop actively, then you will have to use chemistry, this includes “Quadris”, “Fitosporin”, “Antracol”, drugs successfully suppress pathogens.
tomato golden mother-in-law reviews

As for productivity, in this variety the indicators for greenhouses and for open ground are approximately the same. Although tomatoes grown in a greenhouse always give a little more fruit. In open areas, up to 3 kg of vegetables are collected from one bush, and up to 5 kg in greenhouses (also from one bush).

How to grow

In order for the cultivation to succeed, and the harvest please the owner of the summer cottage, it is recommended that the following conditions be observed.

Before planting seeds, the greenhouse and soil are being prepared. Earth undergoes disinfection. The best way to kill bacteria is Fitosporin. 5 grams of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water and the soil layer is treated. In this case, the disinfection of seed material is optional.

fertilizing tomatoes after planting in the ground

Some gardeners additionally soak the seeds in growth stimulants, which improves germination and seedling resistance to adverse conditions. Seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 1-2 cm, the air humidity should be 60-65%, and the temperature should not be lower than +20 degrees.

Depending on the germination of seeds, the question of picking arises. If the plants do not interfere with each other, then the procedure can be abandoned. With excessive thickening, the seedlings are transplanted in separate pots, at the moment when the sprouts give a couple of real leaves. Planting tomatoes Golden mother-in-law in the open ground can be 55 days after emergence.

Where to plant, how to care

This variety is not much different in terms of care from other tomatoes. The soil is mulched, if possible. Watered once a week, and also loosening the beds to saturate the roots with oxygen and remove weeds.

When growing in a greenhouse, special attention is paid to indicators of humidity and temperature. The presence of a draft is not an obstacle for tomatoes, and therefore you can safely open windows in the room, lift the film, etc. Airing is carried out 2 hours after the plants are watered. The observance of humidity in the flowering phase is very important, wet pollen does not contribute to high-quality pollination.

golden mother-in-law tomato

If you plan to plant tomatoes in an open area, then preference is given to free places, the main thing is that they have protection from the cold wind. Lowland and damp area is not suitable for vegetable production.

An equally important issue remains the feeding of tomatoes after planting in the ground. In the spring, three times fertilizer is recommended:

  • the first top dressing is introduced 14 days after planting seedlings on the site;
  • the second top dressing is organized in the flowering phase, so that fruit ovaries form;
  • the third top dressing occurs at the time of fruit formation.

As for the amount of fertilizer, it all depends on the soil layer. If the soil is black soil, then the use of top dressing is impractical due to the large amount of nutrients in the ground. Tomatoes growing on sandy soil will need regular fertilizer every 14 days. That's probably all you need to know about fertilizing tomatoes after planting in the ground.

Tomato golden mother-in-law

What summer residents say

Many gardeners have already tried this variety for cultivation on their site and were satisfied with the result. Among the positive qualities are the following:

  • high quality of taste;
  • tomatoes ripen early enough;
  • interesting appearance of the fruit;
  • high productivity;
  • immunity to certain types of vegetable diseases.

It is such reviews about the tomato Golden Mother-in-law that can be heard from people who have dealt with the described tomatoes.


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