Tattoo Ideas: Zodiac Signs

Since ancient times, people believed in the protective functions of various patterns applied to the body. The modern manifestation of this superstition is tattoo. Zodiac signs are pricked as a talisman by those who believe in the power of astrology. From birth, a constellation protects a person. It affects the character, ability and fate as a whole. Maybe that is why they are given so much attention.

tattoo zodiac signs
For several thousand years, humanity has been making tattoos. Zodiac signs endow with magical properties, magnetism and true romance. Not surprisingly, sketches of such drawings are very common. Almost every culture has its own version of the horoscope and images of its representatives.

So, for example, in Ancient Egypt, the patrons of the people were the gods: Hapi, Nut, Geb, Amon-Ra, Isis, Thoth, Osiris, Horus, Seth, Anubis, Sekhmet and Bastet. Within one year, they succeeded each other several times. The Egyptians believed that each of them endows a person with traits of his character and reveals the secrets of controlling the processes of the universe. If you like the culture of this country, you can imprint on your body the image of one of the supreme deities who patronized your period of birth.

The Gallic or Celtic horoscope is based on the belief that people were created from trees. Therefore, they were considered patron spirits. Druids identified 22 characters: linden, hazel, mountain ash, figs, willow, pine, apple tree, walnut, cypress, fir, maple, oak, chestnut, elm, birch and others. The period of influence of each of them is determined by the peak of the plant's activity — flowering and fruiting — and the time of winter sleep. If you were born in early May or November, then you can well decorate your body with jasmine. And those born on September 23 - a sprig of olive.

tattoo zodiac signs
Images of a tattoo (zodiac signs in particular) can be supplemented with a flower or an animal corresponding to your constellation. Or include in the sketch an element of the element that protects you. Ask to make Leo's mane in the form of a flame, as this is a fiery sign. Fishes can, for example, be placed in an aquarium, because they belong to the water element.

To add symbolism will help the corresponding color of the future tattoo. The zodiac signs Gemini and Aries, for example, correspond with orange and blue colors. And Libra - with blue, green, purple tones. Choose your favorite hue and make it dominant in the image.

tattoo zodiac signs gemini
Of great importance is where the tattoo will be located. Zodiac signs are often pricked on the shoulder blade, shoulder or neck. Take the application site very seriously. It is worth noting that on some parts of the body, the skin has a greater tendency to age-related changes. Therefore, the pattern may deform over time. Consult with the master before stuffing.

If you do not want a banal tattoo, the zodiac signs can be replaced by an inscription. And so that its meaning is clear only to you, choose some exotic or ancient language: Latin, Tibetan, Sanskrit. Using a beautiful font will help to achieve a greater effect. In general, approach the choice of drawing consciously so that it will please you throughout your life.


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