Why can't children mushrooms? When to give mushrooms to a child?

From the nutrition of the child depends on its development and health. That is why parents should definitely know what products can be given to babies, and which is best avoided. The purpose of this article is to figure out whether children can be given mushrooms.

why children should not be mushrooms

A few words about mushrooms

Initially, it should be noted that since ancient times, our grandfathers-great-grandfathers also collected mushrooms. This is the product that has been known to our body since time immemorial. That is why many people think that they can be given to children without fear. After all, everything that has grown in their native land is useful as food. However, this, unfortunately, is not the case.

So, can mushrooms be given to children? What do specialists who are far from pediatrics think about this? Mycologists say that all mushrooms feed from the soil with the help of multiple branches - mycelium. They are able to draw from the soil not only useful trace elements, but also harmful substances such as pesticides, radionuclides. They accumulate heavy metals such as lead, zinc, mercury, copper and cadmium. And all this is transmitted to man. It is worth noting that these elements do not completely leave the fungus even after its thorough heat treatment. So mycologists definitely do not recommend giving this food to children. To include mushrooms in the diet, in their opinion, should be as late as possible.

is it possible to give mushrooms to children

The first is "impossible." Hard to digest

So, we begin to understand why children should not be mushrooms. So, this plant is an excellent source of not only proteins, but also coarse fiber (fungin). Mushrooms also have many B vitamins, which are essential for the cells of our body. However, there is also a certain โ€œbutโ€. These components are very difficult to digest even by an adult body. Especially childish. In addition, the kids are not yet able to absorb even a fraction of the protein that is in the mushrooms. After all, children do not yet have the necessary enzymes for this. And they are produced by about 10 years of age.

The second is "no." Accumulators of harmful

Why are children not allowed to mushrooms? So, scientists say that these plants are able to accumulate a huge amount of harmful substances from their environment. So that the mushroom is completely safe, it must grow in an ecologically clean area. It is important that the place of its cultivation is far from roads and industrial enterprises, so that the waters nearby are clean and unpolluted. There are very, very few such places left on our planet. It is also important to note that mushrooms are able to accumulate radiation in themselves. So before taking them you need to think carefully about whether it is worth consuming them not only for babies, but also for adults themselves.

Is it possible for children to mushrooms

The third is "impossible." Virulence

The next reason why children should not be mushrooms is the uncertainty in their nature. Even the most experienced mushroom picker can make a mistake and confuse a normal mushroom with a poisonous one. Especially dangerous in this case are products bought from the hands on the market. After all, not everyone can understand whether normal or dangerous mushrooms are in the basket. The exception is champignons. It is very difficult to confuse them with a grebe.

The fourth is "impossible." Inability to process correctly

Why are children not allowed to mushrooms? So, it is worth noting that they need to be able to cook properly. And not all people know how to do this. Most mushrooms need to be boiled three times, collect foam from them. They must first be cleaned. For example, slippery crust should be removed from the oil. This is very important to do, because it gives bitterness and accumulates harmful substances. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about this.

what mushrooms can children eat

A few words about champignons

From the foregoing, a simple conclusion can be made: mushrooms are not allowed for children. They need to be introduced into the childโ€™s diet as late as possible. But parents often ask themselves: "And what about mushrooms?" After all, they are no longer being collected in the natural environment, but grown on special farms. So, this has its pros and cons. The main positive: they can not be confused with a bad mushroom. Those. normal champignons can not poison your body. However, not everyone knows that there are several varieties of this plant. So, if the fungus is overexposed a little on the farm, it outgrows and has already not so beneficial effect on the human body. Pure white champignons are the most safe. Slightly blackened ones are already second- or third-rate plants. The next point: champignons are lighter in the process of digestion and do not give such a huge load on the body, as, for example, honey agarics. But still they are able to accumulate harmful substances in themselves. And on farms, they are necessarily sprayed with special chemicals for a good appearance and as a protection against diseases. So before making a choice in the direction of champignons, you need to think carefully beforehand whether it is worth giving them to the baby at all.


When can you still give mushrooms to children? At what age will they not have a negative effect on the growing body? So, the opinions of experts in this matter differ (however, as with the reception of chocolate). The age of the children in this case is in the range from one and a half to ten years. Why is that? It's about different mushrooms. If we talk about oyster mushrooms or champignons, a three-year-old child can already make soups or gravy on this ingredient. If the mushrooms are โ€œheavyโ€, itโ€™s better not to give them to children under the age of ten.

when children can mushrooms


We examine further whether it is possible to give mushrooms to children. So, their use should be abandoned in such cases:

  1. Children should not be given pickled mushrooms. Not only are they already difficult to digest, but in this case they contain a huge amount of salt and vinegar.
  2. Until adolescence, it is better not to give children mushrooms as an ingredient in pies or together with stewed cabbage. This combination is very difficult to digest.
  3. Mushrooms can cause allergies and various food reactions. This is worth remembering. So for the first time you need to give your child a small dose of this food product. Then we need to trace the reaction. And only on the basis of this draw certain conclusions.

Simple conclusions

The time has come to summarize. So, what kind of mushrooms can children eat? Which of them are the safest? These are champignons, as well as oyster mushrooms grown artificially.

From what age, i.e. when can children mushrooms? It is necessary to introduce them into the diet as late as possible. "Light" mushrooms can be given from the age of three, but initially it is better as sauces or gravy. Children should try โ€œheavyโ€ mushrooms no earlier than 10 years of age. Or even later.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16636/

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