Dramaturgy is ... Dramaturgy in literature. Contemporary Drama

Revealing the theory of drama for ourselves, we seem to find ourselves in a universe that operates according to laws that amaze with its beauty and mathematical precision. Dramaturgy is based on the main law, the essence of which is harmonious unity. Drama, like any creation of art, must be a holistic artistic way.

dramaturgy is

Drama is the theory and art of constructing dramatic works.

What other meanings are used for this word? What are its basics? What is dramaturgy in literature?

Definition of a concept

There are several meanings of this concept.

  • Firstly, dramaturgy is a plot-compositional basis (plot-shaped concept) of an independent cinematic or theatrical work. Their basic principles are historically variable. Known phrases such as the drama of a film or a play.

modern dramaturgy

  • Secondly, it is a theory of drama. It was interpreted not as an already occurred action, but as being completed.
  • And thirdly, dramaturgy is a collection of works of a particular era, of some people or writer.

An action is a known change in a specific time period. A change in drama corresponds to a change in fate. She is joyful in comedy, sad in tragedy. The time period may vary. It can be several hours (as in the French classical drama), and span many years (like William Shakespeare).

Stage of Drama

  • The exposition brings the reader, listener or viewer into action. Here is the first meeting with the characters. This section reveals the nationality of people, this or that era, and other moments. The action can begin rapidly and actively. Or maybe, on the contrary, gradually.
  • The plot. The name speaks for itself. A key element of drama. The appearance of conflict or the acquaintance of the heroes with each other.
  • The development of actions and images. Gradual tension.
  • The climax can be vibrant and impressive. The highest point of the work. Here there is an emotional outburst, passions, the dynamics of the plot or the relationship of the heroes.
  • Denouement. Finishes the action. It can be gradual or, conversely, instant. It can abruptly cut off the action or become the ending. This is the result of the essay.

Secrets of excellence

To comprehend the secrets of literary or stage mastery, one should know the basics of dramaturgy. First of all, it is a form as a means to express content. Also, in any kind of art there is always an image. Often this is an imaginary version of reality, depicted through notes, canvas, word, plastic, etc. When creating an image, the author must take into account that the viewer, reader or listener will be the main accomplice (depending on the type of art). The next major element in the drama is action. It implies the presence of a contradiction, and it is imperative that there is conflict and drama.

dramatic works

The drama is based on the suppression of free will, the highest point is violent death. Old age and the inevitability of death are also dramatic. Natural disasters become dramatic when people die at the same time.

The author’s work on a work begins when a topic arises. The idea solves the issue of the chosen topic. It is not static or open. If it stops developing, then it perishes. Conflict represents the highest level of manifestation of dramatic contradictions. Its implementation requires a plot. The chain of events is organized into a plot, which details the conflict through the specification of the plot. An event chain such as intrigue is also found.

Dramaturgy of the second half of the 20th century

Modern dramaturgy is not just a certain period of historical time, but a whole burning process. The playwrights of entire generations and various creative directions are involved in it. Representatives such as Arbuzov, Vampilov, Rozov and Schwartz are innovators in the genre of socio-psychological drama. Modern drama does not stand still, it is constantly updated, developed and moved. Among the huge number of styles and genres that engulfed the theater from the late 50s of the 20th century and up to our time, a socio-psychological play clearly prevails. Many of them had deep philosophical implications.

the basics of dramaturgy

In a sense, the authors became followers of the "Chekhov" traditions, when the "eternal" problems and questions of humanity were displayed in a simple and ordinary plot. The most effective means were off-stage voices.

For several decades, modern drama has been trying to overcome established cliches, to be closer to the real life of the hero in solving his problems.

What is dramaturgy in literature?

Drama is a special kind of literature that has a dialogical form and is intended to be embodied on stage. In essence, this is the life of the characters on stage. In the play, they come to life and reproduce real life with all the ensuing conflicts and contradictions.

dramaturgy is in literature

The necessary moments for the written work to come to life on the stage and evoke certain emotions from the audience:

  • The art of drama and directing must be inextricably linked with inspiration.
  • The director must be able to read dramatic works correctly, check their composition, and take into account the form.
  • Understanding the logic of a holistic process. Each subsequent action should flow smoothly from the previous one.
  • The director has a method of artistic technique.
  • Work on the result of the whole creative team. The performance should be carefully thought out, be ideologically rich and clearly organized.

Dramatic works

a large number of dramatic works

There are a huge number of them. Some of them should be listed as a sample:

  • Othello, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
  • "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky.
  • "Examiner" Gogol.

Thus, dramaturgy is the theory and art of constructing dramatic works. It is also a plot-compositional basis, a collection of works and the theory of drama. There are stages of drama. This is an exposition, a plot, development, a climax and a denouement. To understand the secrets of drama, you need to know its basics.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16637/

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