Grass lumbago: description, medicinal properties, use in traditional medicine

Lumbago is well known to residents of Russia and Ukraine. It grows in pine forests and on their outskirts, on sandstones, hills. Popularly, a flower is known as a dream herb, a dream book.

Backache: meadow: description

meadow backache

The plant is perennial, grassy. The rhizome is upright and sturdy. The flowering period lasts until the leaves bloom. It falls at the end or middle of spring.

Leaves are located near the roots. They are divided by triple segmentation, and they are divided into two parts, each of which has sharp ends. Leaves are down. When the flowering period begins, on the peduncles you can notice a dense hairline. The flower petals themselves are wide, in the shape of bells. Usually no more than six leaves are located on a flower. They have an oval shape with sharp ends and a blue-violet hue. Width - no more than 4 centimeters, stamen color - yellow. The fruit is covered with a thick layer of hairs.

Due to these characteristics, the lumbago meadow, the photo of which is presented below, is difficult to confuse with other herbs.

Medicinal properties and application

The grass lumbago meadow was considered magical. Even in ancient times it was used from the evil eye - they made charms or simply kept in the house. It was believed that the flower brings good luck and prosperity. And those who had bad intentions used sleep grass in the form of poison. With its help, they could scare or eliminate an opponent. A drugged state from the roots of a meadow lumbago has long been discovered.

As you can understand, this herb has certain characteristics. Each part of it is useful in solving a specific problem, but only the leaves of the plant have healing properties. They are harvested when the dream grass blooms. Leaves are a very old and proven medicine in traditional medicine. Most often, the plant is used as a sleeping pill and sedative.

Grass lumbago has an antibacterial effect, and is also able to remove various inflammatory processes. The prepared infusion will help in the fight against arthritis. In the people, such a tool is also used in the treatment of whooping cough and bronchitis - tincture provokes coughing.

lumbago meadow photo

Part of the meadow lumbago, which is located above the ground, is used in the treatment of diseases of a gynecological and neurological nature, the digestive system, and kidneys. It is recommended during the menstrual period in women. It also helps with fungal infections, infectious rashes, and in the treatment of wounds.

Collection and storage tips

In the application of meadow lumbago, do not forget about its toxicity and toxic substances. To do this, you must follow all the rules and recommendations for use. The most important thing is that only the ground part of the grass is used for medicinal purposes. Moreover, it can be stored for no longer than six months. Lumbago should be collected only in mid-spring. In the summer, nothing useful in the grass, but rather the opposite. If you do not take into account such information, then you can not cure the disease, and further worsen the condition of the body.

lumbago meadow description


Recipes for preparing a safe medicine with meadow lumbago:

  1. Tincture. About 50 grams of dry grass is poured with a standard glass of boiling water. The grass should be infused for about an hour, after which it should be filtered with a gauze or bandage. The recommended dosage is one tablespoon. It should be consumed one hour before a meal no more than four times a day. Treatment with this tincture can last from several weeks to months.
  2. Baths with a decoction of sleep-grass. For cooking, you need about 200 grams of dry meadow lumbago and a half liter of boiling water. The longer he insists, the better. You can prepare the solution in advance. For example, for an evening bath, it is better to cook a broth in the morning. Such baths help with various dermatological diseases, fungi, thrush in women.
  3. Alcohol tincture. It is prepared very quickly and easily. It will take 20 grams of herb and 200 ml of vodka. He should stand in a dark place for about a week. Use the resulting tincture only externally. It helps with arthritis and rheumatism.

The effectiveness of this herb in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus (one of the most dangerous and severe bacteria for the human body) has been proven. In traditional medicine, it is treated only with the help of a long course of antibiotics. Naturally, herbal treatment can be safer and not have a bad effect on other organs.


lumbago meadow red book

Lumbago meadow healing properties are diverse. But do not forget about the opposite poisonous side. As with any remedy, there are contraindications in the use of sleep grass.

It is strictly not recommended to use tincture for pregnant women, as well as people with diseases of the digestive system, especially in the presence of ulcers or other inflammatory processes. This also applies to children under the age of three and people who are allergic to this plant. Those suffering from hypertension and arrhythmia should also be excluded from sleep-grass treatment.

Herb Composed Of Pills

Now traditional medicines are made in the form of tablets, which include meadow lumbago. Often they are prescribed to people with psychological disorders, neurological diseases. This tool helps to get a person out of depression and stress.

Threat of extinction

Unfortunately, at present, the future of this plant is at stake. Rare and special is lumbago meadow. The Red Book is that document in which all endangered plants and animals are collected. On its pages you can see the grass we are considering. In the near future, this type of perennial plant may disappear, because people, despite contraindications, very often use its roots. After the extermination of the roots, the lumbago no longer grows, but people do not think about it.

If meadow lumbago disappears in nature, humanity will lose a rare kind of medicinal plant.

lumbago meadow healing properties

Those who are poorly versed in herbal treatment should contact a specialist. In addition to the healing properties, if used improperly, grass can harm health, especially meadow lumbago, which includes a huge list of toxic substances.

Grass is known in China, Bulgaria and many other countries. From meadow lumbago make a powder that can heal wounds and burns. Also, the plant is an excellent tool in the fight against acne and other skin diseases (boils, acne, black spots). The main thing is to use it according to the recommendations. It is advised to use the plant for people with gout and often suffering from a rash of purulent acne.

grass lumbago meadow


Now you know that such a lumbago meadow. The photos presented in the article will help to become more familiar with its appearance. This plant has a lot of healing properties, but do not forget about contraindications.


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