Setting up graphics in World of Tanks: overview, features and recommendations

The most popular game, "Belarusian miracle", a game of all time. Once they called the online game World of Tanks. And there were reasons for that. How could it happen that the game from the little-known Wargaming studio, located in a little-known country, gained wildly popularity over the year? No one has the answer to this question.

By the way, “Tanks” is still the champion of the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful game, which has gained popularity in the shortest period of time. The success of “Tanks” has not yet been able to repeat a single game, even from the most eminent studios.

graphics setup in world of tanks

However, with each update, "roll into tanks" is becoming increasingly difficult, as the game's system requirements are growing. Now, without proper graphics settings, it’s not possible to play and bend normally. Therefore, we will try to figure out which graphics settings in the game World of Tanks are optimal for successful battles.

What you need to know about system requirements

System requirements in the "Tanks" are not distinguished by moderation. In order for the game to function at maximum settings, a very powerful computer is required. And the more powerful - the better. For a comfortable game requires an impressive number of frames per second. Without this, effective battles will not work.

The video card requirements are even higher. Ideally, the user should have NVidia 1080. Then it will be possible to talk about high-quality and productive graphics. Setting graphics in World of Tanks can load even the most powerful machine.

graphics settings in the game world of tanks

No less requirements are placed on the processor and RAM. A comfortable game requires at least the latest generation Intel Core i3 and 8 gigabytes of RAM. Without this, the game will be terribly slow. And in "Tanks" fractions of a second decide everything. But the optimal graphics settings in World of Tanks can slightly reduce the load on the processor and RAM. Therefore, it is important to be able to properly set the schedule.

General settings

Let's move on to the “Tanks” graphics settings. And the first section is called "General Settings". They also affect the graphic component of the game. Therefore, you need to be able to configure them correctly.

So, the graphics setup in World of Tanks begins. First of all, we turn on the dynamic camera and horizontal stabilization in sniper mode. This is absolutely necessary for a comfortable game. But the effect of optics is better to turn off, because the sense of it is zero, and the iron loads.

optimal graphics settings in world of tanks

Next, turn off the camera’s directional beam on the minimap, the SPG shelling sector, and additional minimap features. There is no sense from them, but when disconnected, the overall performance of the game will increase.

It is also recommended to disable the recording of all fights. We don’t need video repetitions. Unless, of course, you are not a video blogger. Ideal graphics settings for World of Tanks do not suffer any frills.

Screen settings

They depend on the type of monitor used. They include screen resolution, refresh rate, aspect ratio and other parameters. For a comfortable game, you need to enable dynamic change, set the 3D rendering resolution to 100 percent and turn off vertical synchronization. We also disable anti-aliasing. In this way we increase the productivity of World of Tanks. Maximum graphics settings are not always good for a particular equipment.

maximum graphics settings

The screen settings should be taken carefully, since incorrect ones can affect vision. Especially if you are still using an ancient CRT monitor.

Remember that the optimal frequency for such monitors is 75-85 hertz. If you have a modern LCD screen, then leave the standard 60 hertz and do not bother. Proper adjustment of the screen will help you to enjoy the game and not put your eyes on.

Graphics Settings

So we come to the very essence. It is these settings that determine the image quality and performance of the game as a whole. Immediately go to the "Advanced" tab and turn on the standard graphics mode. Set the texture quality to High. This is quite enough.

We turn off unnecessary effects: grass in sniper mode, effects from under the tracks, transparency of the leaves, dynamic change in the quality of effects and tracks of tracks. Normally, you can play without these "beauties." Setting up graphics in World of Tanks is a delicate matter, enduring no frills.

perfect graphics settings for world of tanks

All other sliders are set to "High". In addition to water quality, landscape, details and additional effects. They can be turned off altogether. This will help to increase the game performance several times. This is the basic graphics setting for the World Tanks laptop. All sorts of "prettiness" and effects for laptops are disastrous.

Why not use improved graphics?

The fact is that such improvements are only possible for computers with top-end configurations of iron. Most users can only dream of such a quality of settings. Not to mention laptop owners. If you do not have a top-end PC, then it is better not to even look at the settings for improved graphics.

The same goes for the type of client being downloaded. There are versions of SD - with the usual resolution of textures and HD - with high-resolution textures. What type of client to choose for a more comfortable game is probably not worth explaining. And so it is clear. Graphics settings in World of Tanks will be much better in the absence of high-resolution textures.

What else do you need to know?

The following recommendations should be highlighted as the main recommendations: use the SD client, do not enable improved graphics, always configure advanced settings.

In any case, average settings are enough for a comfortable game. And some effects and "prettiness" can be turned off altogether. Don't be fooled by graphics improvements like Track Tracks. They only load the computer. Do not install all sorts of mods to improve graphics. It is proved that with them the performance of the game only drops. Do not use all kinds of “boosters” for video cards. This is a direct way to get a burnt out video card.

laptop graphics settings world tanks

It would also be nice to clarify the capabilities of your video card on the official website of the manufacturer. Knowing its characteristics, you can experiment with the settings and customize the game "for yourself." But the main thing here is not to overdo it.

In any case, it’s worth knowing the characteristics of your computer in general. For without this knowledge it will be impossible to tune the game to maximum performance. And this is precisely what we are achieving. Tanks is a very moody game. It requires an appropriate level of iron and fine tuning.


All the above settings will help to achieve the maximum frame rate during the game. Effectiveness will also immediately increase, as the response will increase. This or that action will take less time.

As a result, you can "bend" more efficiently. Especially if you have a "pumped" gaming mouse with a good response. Without this, successfully roll into the "Tanks" will not work.


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