Palm Yucca: cultivation and care. Features of palm tree care Yucca

Yucca is an evergreen tree plant. His homeland is North and Central America. Here yucca is widely used. The flowers are rich in sugar, and the fibers are highly durable and are used for the manufacture of clothing, ropes and paper. Currently, the geography of the spread of yucca is vast: Mexico, the United States of America, South America, Europe. Some species grow in the Caucasus. At home, with appropriate care, it can be grown everywhere.

Decorative palm tree photo

The decorative palm tree, the photo of which you see, grows up to four meters in height. Therefore, it is often used to decorate halls, offices and large rooms. The combination of these plants of different heights in one flowerpot is very appropriate and looks amazingly beautiful. At home, the palm tree does not bloom so soon, you need to wait until the plant becomes an adult.

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The yucca palm tree belongs to the lily family. Its tree-like stem is highly branched and crowned with large leaves of green or bluish color gathered in a bun. Their edges are different: smooth, serrated, with threads or sharp spikes at the ends. It depends on the species.

There are usually many flowers on a tree. They have the shape of a bell or bowl, painted white with cream or yellow shades. Flowers do not grow alone, but are collected in a large panicle. Yucca fruits are a dry box. Some types of palm trees give a juicy edible fruit. At home, this plant blooms very rarely.

The yucca is room elephant

The yucca palm tree, whose photo you see, is growing in a bush. But with age, the lower leaves die off, resulting in the formation of a thick trunk, similar to an ivory leg. Hence the name. Since the arid yucca of this species is the arid desert region of Central America, it grows indoors and prefers warmth.

Palm Yucca photo

If you ensure proper and regular care, pests can not be afraid. The tree will grow healthy and delight with its original shape. Indoor palm (yucca elephant) has become a popular indoor plant. It is used to decorate small rooms and large halls. The composition of several plants, but different in height, looks spectacular.

Yucca indoor aloe

Home plants, whose names can be listed indefinitely, cheer up, bring joy to the house. They are loved for their beauty and diversity, which will never bother. One of these indoor plants is aloe elite yucca. Its hard, xiphoid-shaped leaves form a bush that looks like a ball. When the plant matures, the old leaves dry out, fall off, a trunk forms, and it becomes like a palm tree. However, this palm tree is smaller than the elephant and the short-leaved.

Where better to place a palm tree

Yucca is considered an unpretentious plant that adapts perfectly to home conditions. She calmly reacts to dry air in the room, which is not typical for all indoor flowers. In summer, it can be placed on the balcony or taken out to the garden. First put in the shade, and when you get used to it, pick up a sunny spot for the plant.

Palm yucca

Palm Yucca loves the sun and is not afraid of direct rays. In winter, it is better to set aside a corner for her on the south side so that the palm tree receives more light. And in the summer - from the east or west, to avoid getting the refracted rays of the sun, from which there may be a burn on the leaves.

How to water a yucca?

Caring for domestic plants involves watering them. This must be done, observing a sense of proportion: the top layer of the earth should always dry out a few centimeters in depth. In excessively moist soil, the roots and the base of the trunk will begin to rot, which can lead to the death of the plant. In summer and spring, it is enough to water the flower once a week.

How to care for yucca

Spray the palm tree in extreme heat with warm water, every other day. In winter, you do not need to spray the plant, just wipe it after washing in a warm soapy solution. In a room where a palm tree grows, a moderate temperature should be maintained.

Winter care

How to care for yucca in the cold season? During this period, it is usually cooler in the apartment, so you need to water the palm tree less often, after a week. She does not like drafts, especially in winter, they can ruin her. The temperature in the room should not be more than 10 degrees. At high air temperature and poor illumination, the palm tree will lose its decorative effect: the leaves will brighten and become thin, pests may appear on the plant.

Top dressing

When the indoor yucca comes out of hibernation in the spring and begins to grow actively, it needs to be fed twice a month with fertilizer for flowers, decayed leaves or peat. In summer, top dressing is carried out once every ten days, and in winter - twenty: in a bucket of warm water is added 1 tbsp. a spoon of granular and liquid fertilizers for flowers. They are available in the store in a large assortment. As soon as autumn comes, feeding will not be required, since the palm tree stops growing actively and goes into a dormant state.

Palm transplant

How to care for a yucca during a transplant? The plant does not require special care at this time. A palm tree is rarely transplanted, after two or three years, with the onset of spring. To do this, use a deep pot with a heavy nutrient mixture. The leaves of the plant are half cut off. The roots are soaked for an hour in boiled, cooled water, into which crushed coal is added. After planting, the yucca is well watered. During the transplant, you do not need to feed the plant. Do not forget, for each subsequent transplant you need to take a larger pot. The size of the sprouted roots should be considered.

How to grow indoor palm?

In the home, reproduction occurs by offspring, the removal of which will bring the tree only benefits. If you regularly and regularly take care of the yucca, it will give new plants in the first year. For the normal development of palm trees on the trunk leave up to five processes. If you put the remote offspring in the wet sand, they form the roots after a couple of months. In this case, there should be increased humidity and a temperature of at least 20 degrees.

Palm tree yucca

Very often, the yucca palm, the photo of which you see, has one trunk. To achieve its branching, in spring or summer you need to cut off the top so that leaves remain on it. The length of the handle should be 5-10 cm. The place of cut is immediately sprinkled with crushed coal. This prevents the spread of bacteria. After some time, shoots will grow on the trunk. Over time, they will grow stronger and turn into trunks.

Cut stalk root. For this, its slice is dried, leaving it in the air for two hours. Then planted in wet sand or cooled boiled water. When the roots appear, the yucca can be planted in a pot of earth.

Yucca room

A yucca palm can grow from a small piece of the trunk. To do this, put it in a pot of wet sand horizontally. After some time, the sleeping buds on the trunk will wake up, new shoots with roots will grow from them. They are planted in separate pots.

Palm diseases

Improper cultivation of a yucca leads to its disease.

  • If the leaves on the tips have dried and changed color to brown, this indicates dry air in the apartment, insufficient watering or draft.
  • If the indoor yucca grows in a room with a low air temperature, its leaves will curl, their edges will turn brown and dry, and the leaf plates will be soft. The plant needs to be moved to another, warmer room.
  • Dry light spots on the leaves indicate burns. The rays of the sun refracted through glass hit them. You need to take another place for yucca. She loves the sun, but not the refracted rays. This must be taken into account.

Home Care

  • The decay of the roots and trunk occurs due to abundant and frequent watering. It is necessary to remove the palm from the pot, remove all rotted roots, clean the trunk well, dry it and process it with crushed coal. Only after this plant a plant, but in another pot and new earth. Most importantly, do not water the transplanted palm for several days. Then resume watering and make sure that the trunk does not get wet. And in the future, strictly follow the watering regime if you want to see the plant healthy.
  • Leaves and sockets can begin to rot if the yucca is placed in a cold place. It is enough to put a palm tree in a warm room with normal humidity. And no watering until the top layer of the earth is completely dry!

Yucca Pests

Yucca palm is damaged by pests. To save the plant, they must be fought.

  • Scaffold - it eats cellular juice. It can be found by brown plaques on the leaves and stems. Leaves change color, dry and fly around. To combat this pest, each leaf should be wiped with a soap swab. Then the whole plant is to be sprayed with an actellik at the rate of 1-2 ml per 100 ml of water.
  • Spider mites can appear if the room is very dry air. The stems are covered with cobwebs, the leaves lose their juiciness and fall off. The plant is wiped with a soap swab and placed under a warm shower. If there are a lot of pests, the palm is sprayed with the same actress.
  • Powdery worms - leaves, shoots and even flowers suffer from them. Control measures for this pest are the same as for spider mites.

Yucca Care Tips

If you notice rotting roots and dark spots on the trunk, take your time to say goodbye to the tree, you can save it. They make rooting, plant a stalk and get a new plant.

  • The intact part of the stem is selected, the bark is removed from it with a strip of five centimeters in width. Wet moss is applied to this place, and it is tied with a film on top. After three weeks, roots will appear. Moss does not need to be removed for another half a month. When the roots grow and become strong enough, you need to cut the plant below the place of removal of the bark. The slice is processed with crushed coal, dried slightly, and then the rooted plant is planted in a separate pot.
  • The healthy part of the stem is separated from the patient. The slice is processed with coal, it is dried and the stalk is planted in wet sand. Top landing is covered with a jar. When the roots appear, you should plant the rooted cuttings in a pot.


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