Shatalov Victor Fedorovich: biography, photo, methodology

Today we’ll talk about Victor Shatalov, a well-known Russian and Ukrainian teacher who proposed his own teaching methodology. We learn about the biography of a talented person, and also consider in detail his innovation. Despite the fact that the biography of the teacher is rather scarce, some information was found out.

Biographical Information

The hero of our article was born in 1927, on April 30 in the city of Stalin (now Donetsk). Almost nothing is known about Viktor Fedorovich’s childhood and childhood. The boy grew calm and focused, loved to read, often indulged in his thoughts. There is evidence that since 1951 he taught mathematics at the school, and later took the post of director of the school. It is known that he began experimental activity with students in 1956. It was she who served in the future creation of his unique technique.

Shatalov Viktor Fedorovich - participant of the Great Patriotic War, has military awards.

shatalov Victor Fedorovich


In 1987, Viktor Fedorovich took a new position - he became the head of the laboratory on the problems of intensification of educational and educational processes in research institutes. At the same time, he became a member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR in Donetsk.

Shatalov Victor Fedorovich, whose biography we are studying, became the author of a unique pedagogical methodology, the purpose of which is effective teaching. The method is based on the pedagogy of cooperation; it took 13 years to create the final version.

In 1992, Shatalov became an assistant professor at the Institute of Postgraduate Education.

During his fruitful life, the teacher wrote more than 60 books that were published and were successful. The most famous of them: “Where and how did the triples disappear”, “fulcrum”, “pedagogical prose”.

Currently, Viktor Fedorovich lives in Donetsk and is a professor at the Donetsk Institute of Social Education.

Shatalov Victor Fedorovich biography

Start of work on a new technique

Teacher Shatalov Viktor Fedorovich in 1956 created several experimental classes in his hometown. From this moment began a complex process of work on improving the methodology. To begin with, he decided to use it in practice only a couple of times a week.

The first class, in which the teacher tested the experimental program, consisted of 33 people. It is interesting that the students completed the study of the full course of the school 2 years earlier, while showing great success. Absolutely all students entered higher education institutions, more than half of them received increased scholarships during their studies.

All the following years, a talented teacher devoted to deepening his knowledge. He wrote books, conducted seminars and shared his ideas. During the perestroika period, an active teacher who wanted to reform the teaching system was noticed. He received the Order of the Badge of Honor, Honored Teacher and People's Teacher awards.

Over time, students were forgotten in experimental classes, but Shatalov continued his teaching. He regularly arranged weekly annual courses in mathematics and physics in Moscow. At the moment, Viktor Fedorovich does not come to Moscow with copyright courses because of his state of health.

Shatalov teacher Viktor Fedorovich

How it all began

In 1971, a small article by S. Soloveichik appeared in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda entitled The Shatalov Method. This article has become a driving force that has drawn the attention of the entire pedagogical community to the pedagogy of cooperation. A little later, the author of the technique publicly presented the didactic system, following which every teacher could teach any child all the subjects of the school course. At the same time, the level of preparation of the child and the material capabilities of the parents did not play a role.

Shatalov Victor Fedorovich photo

Basic postulates

The system of Shatalov Victor Fedorovich, designed for intensive training, consisted of many postulates that offered to take a fresh look at the learning process. Consider the most basic of them.

He suggested moving on to author's textbooks that would present material in verbal-graphic forms. It is proved that this way information is perceived and remembered much easier. Shatalov also proposed using the principle of open perspectives, which stimulates creative independent thinking in students. The essence of this principle is that the child himself should look for ways to solve the problem, and not act according to a certain algorithm or as expected from him. Victor Fedorovich introduced the principle of systematic feedback: with the help of various forms of control and accounting, each student is separately checked for the level of knowledge. This allows you to get rid of ordinary school diaries and magazines.

shatalov Victor Fedorovich biography short

Shatalov Viktor Fedorovich suggested the following technique: to give children non-traditional homework, the so-called proposals of completely different levels of complexity. In this case, the individual characteristics of each student should be taken into account, that is, a differentiated approach was used here. As you approach the end of the course, the complexity of the tasks reaches the olympiad level, and children easily cope with it.

In order to develop children’s productive thinking and reduce the time to complete tasks of particular complexity, the teacher suggested introducing a system of mutual verification of students.


Shatalov Viktor Fedorovich, whose photo we see in the article, proposed one serious idea regarding the reform of the very concept of “exam”. Instead of the traditional test of knowledge, he proposed the use of group control sheets. They would allow students to independently assess their level of knowledge and monitor progress at each stage of training.

Emotional atmosphere

The teacher paid much attention to the issue of the emotional atmosphere in the team. In order for training to be productive, class and calmness should reign in the classroom. Controversial situations can arise, but they must be resolved with the head, and not with emotions. To consolidate this principle, Shatalov introduced game forms of training.

The basic principles of Shatalov’s methodology are used not only by school teachers, but also university teachers who want to convey the complex in a simple language.

system of shatalov Victor Fedorovich

School of Shatalov

In 2000, an institution of additional education was opened in Moscow, which later became known as the "Shatalov School-Studio." It is interesting that former students and followers of Viktor Fedorovich work here. The head of the school is Sergey Vinogradov.

Training is provided during the holidays and on weekends. The average duration of the course is 7 days. Education is completely open - parents can remotely monitor the process. The courses are designed taking into account all age groups, that is, both preschoolers and eleventh graders can study here.

In all subjects of the comprehensive school, copyright materials are released in the form of videos with the participation of S. Lysenkova, Sh. Amonashvili and V. Shatalov. The school publishes its literature and teaching aids.


Shatalov Viktor Fedorovich has many awards. He lived a busy life, so listing all of his titles and awards would have taken the whole article. We will mention only the most significant of them. In Ukraine, Shatalov was awarded the Order for Courage III degree, the jubilee medal "60 years of the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi invaders", the medal "Defender of the Fatherland". In Russia, Viktor received the Zhukov medal, the Order of Friendship, three anniversary medals in honor of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Viktor Fedorovich has the Order of the Patriotic War II degree and many medals of the USSR (Veteran of Labor, For Victory over Japan, Anniversary medals of the USSR Armed Forces, the Soviet Army and Navy, Makarenko medal, N. Krupskaya medal).

shatalov victor fedorovich technique

So, we found out who is Shatalov Victor Fedorovich. Biography (short, but rich) has proved to us that he is a responsible and talented person. The methodology of his training makes you look at the learning process from a different angle, and the amazing results are impressive. Despite the fact that the method is very unusual, it was received with great interest. To this day, many follow his advice - and not only teachers, but also students who wish to more effectively receive and use knowledge.

Summing up the article, I want to say that Viktor Fedorovich earned respect and honor. He created a unique technique, which, unfortunately, did not become as widespread as we would like. At the same time, the teacher made a contribution, which, perhaps, will initiate serious reforms in the field of education. The more people learn about his training system, the greater the response will be, many teachers and students will be interested in the system and will use it.


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