What are the portals in Minecraft and how to make them?

You begin your journey to Minecraft at a random point in a randomly generated world that resembles ordinary Earth. Naturally, there are mobs here that actually do not exist, plants that you are unlikely to find, but in general the essence is about the same. And a fairly large number of players spend all their time there, not suspecting that Minecraft is more than one virtual world. In fact, there are several of them, between them you can travel using portals. Some of them are provided by developers, some are added using special modifications, so you definitely won’t get bored while you explore them. But, as mentioned earlier, you will need portals to travel to any of the additional worlds. Through them you will pass to new locations, and through them you will return. Therefore, everyone should know what are the portals in Minecraft, how to make them and where they lead.

Portals in Minecraft

what are the portals in minecraft

Today the portal is just a sci-fi concept that has not yet been implemented in life. This is a kind of gate that instantly transfers a person from one world to another and vice versa. They are represented very different - someone sees them as blurred gaps in space, someone, on the contrary, believes that they should have a clear framework. If you are interested in what kind of portals there are in Minecraft, then you should know that they relate more to the second option. In the game, this is a frame of certain blocks, the passage in which is activated in one way or another. Naturally, for each species there are both their own materials and objects of activation. Therefore, you need to know what are the portals to Minecraft and what you need to do with them to get into any of the worlds.

Journey to the Underworld

Minecraft portal to the city

One of the first worlds that a player learns about is Lower. This is a kind of analogue of Hell, stylized in the same theme. And if you want to know what are the portals to Minecraft, then you should start with it. At the same time, it cannot be said that it is very simple to make - you will need material that is not so easy to find, and even more difficult to do on your own. This is obsidian. This material is not generated on the map when creating the world; it cannot be crafted or knocked out of mobs. How then to get it? Pretty tricky way: you need lava and water. It doesn’t matter if this happens in nature either from your promise - only order is important here. Lava should flow into standing water, and then at the junction they will get a block of obsidian. If the lava is static and the water is dynamic - you will get a stone, in any other case, different from the first, you will only be left with cobblestone blocks, so be extremely careful. Having made a frame from obsidian, set fire to the space inside it with a lighter - and your gate to the Lower World is ready. Do not neglect them, because, in addition to a huge amount of fun and pleasure, you will find materials for the construction of other teleporters there. In Minecraft, the portal to the city and to the Lower World does not require complex materials, in other cases you will have to try.

Portal to paradise

portals in minecraft without mods

Having been to Hell, you can go to Paradise. Many portals in Minecraft cannot be made without mods, and this is the first of them. Therefore, take care in advance to download the necessary modification and install it on your computer, and then start your journey. As already mentioned, materials for the construction of the framework of other portals, including this one, must be sought in the Lower World. The framework of the gates to Paradise should consist of a glostone, which can only be found in the Minecraft Hell. After collecting the required amount, get down to construction, and then fill in a bucket of water and fill in the space that you set fire to in the case of creating a portal to the Lower World. That's all, you can embark on a journey that will bring you even more pleasure than before. It is worth considering that most of the instructions are based on Minecraft 1.5.2. How to make a portal in other versions? You have nothing to worry about here. Since in this case there is no difference which version of the game you have installed.

End of the game

Minecraft how to make a portal city

Everyone knows that Minecraft is a sandbox game. In such projects, you can build anything, do everything that comes to your mind, explore, interact with the game world, but you have no specific tasks, no final goal. So it was in the case of Minecraft, until the developers decided to make a splash - they introduced a new world, which was called the Edge (or End, which is more convenient for anyone). It is final, the main boss lives there, so if you are tired of your adventures, you better not go there. If you are already ready for the last battle, then you will need to acquire twelve eyes of the Land, and then go in search of fortresses in which you will find the necessary portal. You can’t create it, so you don’t even have to try - it’s better to start searching immediately. When you find it, place the Edge's eyes in the cells of the frame, and when the last eye falls into place, the portal is activated.

A space flight

minecraft 1 5 2 how to make a portal

Another mod adds a new world to the game, which is outer space. Making a portal for traveling there is quite simple - you will need to change the obsidian to iron in the recipe for the gates to Hell, but at the same time you need to be properly prepared to go to a new world. The mod adds craft spacesuit and other space items that you should get.

Portal between cities

A teleport that connects two locations in the same Minecraft world is also useful. How to make a portal "city"? You need to install one teleport unit in one settlement, the other in the location you need, connect them together with red dust, and the short route between the two points is ready.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1666/

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