How to make a children's doctor costume for girls and boys?

When in childhood we are asked: “What do you want to become when you grow up?”, Every second child answers: “A doctor!” Therefore, it is very important that the baby try to try on this image. In this article, we will consider in detail the children's costume of the doctor and how it can be done independently at home.

What are the costumes

As you know, in medicine there are several types of uniforms. These are white robes and suits with pants. Therefore, decide which of these species you want to see on your child. If you choose a doctor’s suit for a girl, then we recommend giving preference to a bathrobe, this image gives more femininity. But there are main parts of the costume that are desirable to use:

  • suit or bathrobe;
  • headdress;
  • footwear;
  • additional attributes.

Further in the article we will dwell on each item in detail.


We want to warn you right away that it’s impossible to alter the doctor ’s children's suit from existing clothes . Therefore, to get started, go for the fabric, we recommend choosing cotton or synthetics. Next, you will need sewing skills on a typewriter. We take measurements of the child and proceed to sewing.

If you have chosen a bathrobe, then it should not be below the knees. The dressing gown can be on buttons or on a snake. If necessary, an additional belt is sewn. It can also be supplemented with medical symbols, for example, a red cross. You can see one of the dressing gown options for the girl in the following photo.

children's costume doctor

If you opted for a suit, you can combine it with ready-made clothes. The color scheme of medical suits is diverse, it is blue, white, pink shades. Therefore, if in the wardrobe of the child there are wide pants of one of the listed shades, you can safely put them on. But the top of the suit must be sewn. You should get a jacket of wide cut, on which you can depict medical symbols. In the next photo you can see one of the options for what the doctor’s costume looks like.

Christmas costumes


All medical workers wear hats, so we will sew a hat. For this, the same material is suitable as for a suit. The cap should not be too high, but fit snugly on the baby’s head. The headpiece consists of two parts, top and side. In order for the hat to “stand”, cardboard is placed between the parts of the fabric when sewing. Even on this detail you can depict the red cross emblem, which will make the doctor’s children's costume more interesting.


In order for the doctor's costume to be harmonious, choose the right shoes. It must be white. It can be sneakers, slippers and even Czechs. Do not forget that the shoes should be comfortable and comfortable.


You can choose a costume known from the tales of Dr. Aibolit. You don’t need to invent anything special. Such a suit should consist of a white coat, bag. Just for such a costume, the mask of Dr. Aibolit was invented, which looks like this.

mask of Dr. Aybolit

You can buy ready-made, but you can do it yourself using cardboard and paint.

Image Addition

How can a doctor be portrayed without his medicine chest and other attributes? But first things first.

If you have chosen a trouser suit, then it can be supplemented with rubber gloves and a mask. Gloves are purchased at any pharmacy, like a mask. But you can sew it yourself, from the same material as the entire costume. A child can always be in a mask, or can wear it periodically, for example, in order to take a picture.

But this is not all the available options for detailing the image. If you look at the next photo, you can understand what is at stake.

doctor costume for girls

The doctor’s chest will certainly complement the image, and if we look at New Year’s costumes, you can pay attention to the scenery with tinsel. If you have a small bag at home, you can decorate it by applying a red cross, paint, or as a patch. Such a bag should not be too bulky, so that the baby would not be hard. If you wish, you can sew the bag yourself. It is better to choose a fabric of dark and plain color, with a dense structure.

But this is not all possible options for creating a full-fledged image of a doctor. Next, we will focus on special medical equipment. It can be a real phonendoscope, which is hung on the neck of a child. Unfortunately, creating it yourself is impossible. Therefore, if you have familiar physicians, maybe they will find an old or broken device.

New Year’s costumes will look very impressive, in which the ENT doctor’s head-mounted mirror is used as an addition. Of course, if you can use the present, this will be a definite plus. But if not, then you can try to make it yourself at home. We need a fixing bandage and the mirror itself, instead of which you can use foil or other shiny material. We combine our details and we get a harmonious children's costume for a doctor.


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