How much does a 12 mm meter of reinforcement needed for a foundation weigh?

The construction of houses provides for the construction of the foundation of the building, therefore, various designs of foundations are being erected. Depending on the material from which the house is built, one or another type of foundation is suitable. One of the main elements of the base is a reinforcement harness, which gives strength and flexibility to the concrete structure. The most common of the metal rods for the foundation is 12 mm reinforcement . It is impossible to underestimate the sizes, because this indicator is already minimal. Before you deal with the device formwork and pouring the foundation, it is necessary to calculate the number of metal products that need to be delivered to the object. In this regard, the question arises: how much does a meter of a 12-mm section weigh?

Types of metal rods for the foundation

How much does a meter fittings 12?

Reinforcing metal products are manufactured in accordance with GOST, which is a regulatory act of the Russian Federation and obliges manufacturers and developers to adhere to the required parameters that are indicated in the document. To determine how much a meter of reinforcement-12 weighs, you need to know what types of products are manufactured. There is hot-rolled steel with 6 strength classes, hardened steel thermomechanical, steel welded and composite polymer reinforcement. The latter is the lightest of all the others, if we take the same diameter for comparison, because it is made of special lightweight material.

Armature 12 mm

How to calculate weight

To determine how many reinforcement-12 are in a ton, three methods are used. Firstly, you can weigh one or more rods of the same diameter and a certain length. After that, divide a ton by the result of the weight and calculate the quantity. The second option is designed for use in the calculations of the nominal diameter of the product, which is equal to the size of the cross section of a smooth rod. The third way to solve the simple problem of how much a meter of reinforcement-12 weighs is to use tables with standard technical indicators to determine the weight according to the diameter of the metal product. Such data are determined by GOST, thanks to which you can quickly find out the quantity per ton, based on the type, type of product, and also taking into account the material used for manufacturing.

The use of GOST in the calculations

How many tons of reinforcement 12

Metal rods can be smooth or grooved. The first is easier because the diameter is uniform throughout the entire length of the product. Corrugated, in contrast to them, have a heterogeneous surface, which complicates the process of calculating their weight. In the regulatory document, different tables are given with the determination of the diameter of the rod, its weight depending on the strength class, metal used, hardening process, rolling, etc. As a result, in order to find out how much a meter of reinforcement-12 weighs, it is necessary to take into account, in addition to the diameter some indicators. GOST indicates that a product with a diameter of 12 mm has a minimum diameter between the ribs of 11 mm, and the maximum diameter on the rib is 13.5 mm. Based on these indicators, the estimated area of ​​this product, which is 1.13 cm2, has already been worked out. Further summarized, it turns out that the running meter 12 of the reinforcement has a weight of 0.89 kg. It turns out that in 1 ton of rolled metal to create a strong, reliable foundation, 1123.60 pieces of rods of a meter length can fit. If the reinforcement of 12 mm is not used, and the diameter is taken larger, then the number of rods, respectively, becomes smaller.

Why do we need such calculations

Line meter 12 fittings

Design, construction are serious steps to create a safe home and the people living there. Calculations become necessary so that every step on the construction site is accurate, correct. The amount of necessary reinforcement is needed to calculate the strength of the foundation and will allow delivery to the construction site by specialized vehicles in the required quantity. And this will at least reduce the cost of transportation, loading, reduce labor costs. Therefore, any, even small construction should involve the advance design and calculation of the required material. It's not just about fixtures, this rule applies to any type of building material, whether it is a brick, block, wood or even linoleum, laminate, wallpaper. Everything has an account, because today for every centimeter, a kilogram you have to pay.


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