How to grow avocado at home

There are about four hundred species of wonderful exotic fruit - an alligator pear. Avocado of South American origin, belongs to the laurel family. It has gained wide popularity, so many countries with tropical and subtropical climates successfully cultivate it. Its taste resembles a pine nut, the pulp contains proteins and oils. This fruit is completely free of sugars and fruit acids.

If you are an inveterate lover of exotic plants, you can easily grow avocados at home, and the tree will take its rightful place in your greenhouse. Unfortunately, in indoor conditions the avocado does not bear fruit, but if you have a greenhouse or a greenhouse, then there is the opportunity to observe its flowering. The tree itself is very beautiful, so just for the sake of it is worth an experiment.

There is a little trick to growing avocados at home. Get ripe avocados at your local supermarket. You can make an amazing salad from its pulp, and carefully remove the bone. It will need to be dried. Build a frame from lightweight wire material. Put it on a glass. Pour in the tank of the settled water, insert the avocado stone and make sure that its blunt end is placed in the water. The bone should not be completely immersed in water. This is a prerequisite. In this form, it should be with you before the appearance of full-fledged roots, no less than five cm. The water level must constantly correspond to the initial position.

We came to the second stage of our venture - how to grow avocados at home. Now we have to prepare the ground correctly. Our soil should be from several components. All the components we have to mix in equal proportions. You will need: humus, garden soil, coarse sand (add a little lime) and peat. Peat must be raw. Now we know how to plant avocados. We select the pot of the right size, fill the soil and immerse the bone, half digging it. We make sure that the roots are not damaged. Timely watering is necessary, but do not allow excessive soil moisture. The sprout will not keep you waiting long.

Growing an avocado at home is not a problem. Follow the tips and tricks, and your tree will be strong, healthy and beautiful. Remember that this is a thermophilic southern plant. He needs frequent watering and a lot of light. Therefore, how to plant an avocado is only half the battle, it is important to properly care for it. So that young shoots and leaves receive a sufficient amount of moisture, be sure to spray them with water. You can use an aerator to humidify the air. You can get such devices without difficulty in a flower shop. Loosening the soil also has a beneficial effect on the growth of this plant. And in the spring-summer period, fertilize it with special liquid fertilizers for tropical crops. In this case, you will significantly increase the chances of admiring a tropical plant.

If you followed the recommendations exactly and know how to grow an avocado at home, the result will certainly please you. At home, you have to transplant a tree every year. As it grows, increase the volume of the pot.

If you are lucky and you live in the Sochi area, then you can try to plant your mature seedling in open ground. Lowering the temperature below 5 ° C will simply kill the thermophilic plant. If you still decide to take a chance, specify the variety of plants that will live in alien climatic conditions. Remember that there are varieties for which 10-15 degrees of heat is extremely small.

How to grow avocados at home, by sprouting seeds, we told. You can plant a bone directly in the ground. Another method suitable for growing is cuttings. To get a certain grade, you need a vaccination. It is unlikely that there will be a large number of people who will engage in such activities without professional interest, but growing avocados from seed is likely to interest many.


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