KOPE layout - a few steps to meet the aspirations of residents

KOPE (this abbreviation includes the following purely construction concept - layout space-planning elements) is a block element used for the construction of high-rise buildings in new microdistricts. They provided for a completely new design of apartments, called the "layout of KOPE."

A whole new approach

floor plan
The construction of residential multi-apartment buildings of this popular series began in 1982, and at that time it was something completely new in the country's housing construction. In the project, each block element was conceived as an original section of individual apartments, different from the others, of which there were several options. In reality, the KOPE layout has become standard. Nevertheless, it was a breakthrough in the construction of typical residential multi-storey buildings, the main advantage of which was the panel, consisting of three layers and having significantly improved thermal insulation.

Advantages and disadvantages of new apartments

The undoubted advantages include the number of elevators - three in each entrance, of which one passenger - copper wiring and individual heating appliances with the ability to set the required temperature. The layout of the KOPE included an automatic smoke removal system. The disadvantages of this project include a small number of options for various layouts of apartments and poor sound insulation. This was taken into account in subsequent modifications, of which there are only five. The buildings of this series have a common name - KOPE. Projects (the first three) differed only by year - the 1980th, 1985th, 1987th. The last two, dated 2000, bore the names - KOPE-M "Sail" and (final version) KOPE "Tower". The last project differs from its neighbors even visually, while the previous 4 differ only in years of development. At its core, the layout of the KOPE remained the same, despite some changes. The construction of these series as not meeting the requirements of the time was discontinued, but they are not subject to demolition.

The emergence of new ideas

Kope m sail layout
In 2003, these residential complexes were replaced by houses belonging to the KOPE-M Parus series, the layout of which has been structurally improved. Other shortcomings are taken into account. Apartments in these houses are willingly bought, which is the most important indicator of demand. They differ from each other in appearance, number of floors (from 12 to 25), porches (from 2 to 6), number of apartments on floors: usually 4, but there are sections of one-room residential premises reaching 12 on the floor. The height of the living rooms is 2.66 m, panel buildings with insulation, the thickness of which is 30 cm. For a long time, high-rise buildings on 23 and 25 floors are in greatest demand. The layout of the apartments differs from each other depending on the quadrature, the number of rooms and the location of the house. Along with the large number of small-sized premises offered, 6-room apartments are offered, the quadrature of which reaches 133 square meters. m. The loggias in these houses are glazed (due to their semicircular shape resembling a sail, the project received the same name), there are bay windows and half-windows, common balconies that access staircases face.

Clear benefits

Of course, adjoining rooms do not exist at all, they are all separate. Separate words deserve the uniqueness of this series, which meets all modern requirements for fire safety. Now they are starting to erect monolithic houses of this series. The first floor is provided as non-residential, underground parking will take place. All apartments have options for the location of residential and utility rooms (due, as noted above, by a number of individual reasons, up to the location of the house) and several standard sizes (except for 6-room ones). Layouts of KOPE apartments with the following dimensions:

floor plans for apartments with dimensions
ยท One-room, with a total and living area of 38-39 and 17-20 square meters, respectively, have three standard sizes;

ยท Apartments, consisting of two rooms - 55-62 and 32-38 square meters - 6 sizes;

ยท Apartments, consisting of three rooms - 75-82 and 43-54 square meters - 6 sizes;

ยท Four-room apartments - 100-102 and 65-70 square meters - have 4 standard sizes.

Planning for houses in this series provided for all possible options for remodeling apartments made by residents earlier. All typical wishes and comments were taken into account, so most types of redevelopment in these apartments are strictly prohibited.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16684/

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