Moscow public transport: varieties, cost

Moscow is the largest transport hub in the country. The city is located in the center of numerous roads and railways. Moscow public transport consists of buses, trams, trolleybuses, taxis and fixed-route taxis, subways, monorails, trains and river vehicles.

The cost of travel

Recently, travel tickets have been brought to uniformity. That is, it is enough to buy a ticket with which you can ride a bus, trolleybus, metro, monorail, tram.

But the ticket price is not uniform. It depends on the place of purchase and on the number of trips. The average cost of a trip is 35 rubles. The more trips purchased, the cheaper the fare. In Moscow, the distance does not affect the cost of the ticket.

In fixed-route taxis, the ticket price varies and ranges from 35 to 60 rubles. The fare in them is paid to the driver.

Consider the commonly used options for public transport in Moscow.

Moscow public transport

Underground and rail facilities

The Moscow Metro is the main means of transportation in the capital. Metro covers almost the entire city. The interval between trains is no more than two minutes.

Recently opened the MCC - the Moscow Central Ring. This is a city train in the center of the capital, with which you can take the metro without buying a ticket. In fact, this is the second ring line.

Light metro is a subway line laid above the ground. It is located in the southern part of the capital.

Monorail - a vehicle built for the purpose of experiment. This is a ground overpass, on which trains pass. It was originally planned that they will be high-speed, but in reality they differ little from ordinary trams. The advantage of this type of transport is that it can take you to Ostankino, which is far from the metro station.

How to get there by public transport in Moscow

Ground moving methods

If we talk about the most common public transport in Moscow, this, of course, will be a bus. One significant drawback in this option of moving around the capital is traffic jams. Therefore, how fast the trip will be, it is impossible to predict in advance. Of course, this applies to all road transport. The mayor of the city allocated special lanes for buses to solve the problem, but in practice they do not always help.

Moscow public transport routes are designed in such a way that they cover some neighboring areas. If you need to go a longer distance, you should prefer the subway.

There are hundreds of buses in the capital, and even true Muscovites do not always know how to get there by public transport in Moscow, remembering only a few familiar options.

In addition to buses, there are trolleybuses and trams. Trolleybus routes are built in a similar way to buses. Trams of the capital are constantly updated in terms of routes, and in terms of rolling stock. The tram is considered a symbol of the capital and is a favorite option for moving many residents.

Moscow public transport routes

If you want to use public transport in Moscow, paving the route will not be difficult. The variety of possible options contributes to this.

Minibuses often duplicate bus numbers and routes. There are a lot of them on the outskirts of the city. You can get on minibuses to any place. The mayor promises to remove all minibuses from the city’s roads and replace them with comfortable buses. They help out residents of the Moscow region, who live far from the train stations.

To get to the desired point in the capital at night is not a problem. Buses and trolleybuses working at night will come to the rescue. One of the buses delivers passengers to Sheremetyevo Airport.

Entrance to land transport types is through a door near the driver's cab. The purchased ticket is applied to the scanning device through which the fare is paid.

Moscow public transport pave

River options

The ships passing along the Moscow River are mostly pleasure boats. Of course, they can be reached from one part of the city to another, but the cost of river transportation is by no means low. Riding on the boat, you can see many beautiful buildings of the capital, visit interesting excursions. For this reason, this type of transport is most often used by tourists.

Small vessels are called "river trams" or "river buses."

Moscow public transport is quite diverse and well developed. Difficulties in its use among residents and visitors do not arise.


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